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Mary P. Brooke

Indépendant pour SD62 School Board
SD62 is already a great school district. But there's room for more attentive, creative leadership in dealing with the challenges of rapid community/school population growth. Students need solid lifeskills (finance, civic, food security) aligned with quality academic achievement.


soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
Mary Brooke offers balanced but productive leadership. Caring about youth and families, she aims to bolster student wellness, academic excellence, lifeskills literacy (finance, civic, food security), and the arts. Well-connected and highly informed about the west shore and SD62.

Mary P Brooke has been closely following the news and developments of the SD62 School District at the board and committee level since 2014, attending most of the meetings and writing articles about SD62 as a journalist working in the west shore.

As parent, PAC rep or journalist, over the years Mary Brooke has visited most of the SD62 schools in Langford, Colwood and Sooke, including the new ones under construction. She has come to know SD62 administration and trustees, many principals and teachers, PAC reps and students.

While also running her business, Mary raised her son and three daughters who are now leading successful adult lives. During their K-12 years they attended schools in SD61, SD62 and SD72.

SD62 is guided by their 2021-2025 Strategic Plan goals for Learning, Engagement and Growth but from there trustees make many policy decisions.  School district trustees are expected to lead from within. Most of the challenges in SD62 are related to the many demands that emerge from rapid facility growth (new schools) that are needed in the fast-growing west shore. 

Ms Brooke is an independent thinker who — as an elected trustee — will aim to watch for the rights of parents and well-being of students and families. She would bring insightful level-headed analysis to board-level decision-making, but always being attentive to the whole view... speaking up for parents and student well-being, including impacts of school district decisions on the wider community of the west shore region.

COVID continues, which makes ventilation a priority in schools. Food security needs focused attention -- not just meal programs, but ensuring that every student is exposed to a range of curriculum that develops science knowledge, food growing skills, cooking and shopping skills, and an awareness of economic impacts on the larger food supply chain.

More bio: https://marypbrooke.ca/

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
As a school trustee I would provide balanced, insightful, proactive leadership. SD62 is already a great school district. I hope to bring insight, energy, knowledge and commitment to help produce further positive results, while grappling with challenges creatively and responsibly.

marypbrooke.ca marypbrooke.ca