Ceci est une page de Élection générale de 2023 en Alberta.
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Society & Government plateformes

Voici ce que les candidats Central Peace-Notley, et leurs partis, promettent.



  • Maintain a balanced or surplus budget
  • Decrease the net debt to GDP ratio over the next 4 years


  • Balance the budget.
  • Increase revenues

Community spaces and facilities


  • Create a new programme, increase grant funding, and provide a new $100M annual capital investment funding stream, to build and improve local community facilities

    "Rachel Notley and the Alberta NDP are announcing a new program called “Hometown Alberta” to build and improve local community facilities, like hockey rinks, in every corner of the province." — albertandp.ca, retrieved 2023-05-22

    "Our Hometown Alberta program will create 1,500 jobs over three years and build stronger communities by supporting municipalities and non-profits to build, repair, renovate, upgrade or expand local community facilities, including sports, recreational, religious, cultural and other public-use spaces.

    Hometown Alberta would help build or improve community halls, legion halls, non-profit spaces, seniors centres, recreation centres, museum, art and culture centres, playgrounds, or places of worship.

    Building off the current Community Facility Enhancement Program, we would increase grant funding available and add a new $100-million annual capital investment funding stream, so communities can build new spaces to gather at and enjoy!" — albertandp.ca, retrieved 2023-05-22


  • Create an infrastructure fund with $80M over four years to build mid-sized recreation facilities, especially in rapidly growing communities

"A re-elected UCP government will create the Community Recreation Centre Infrastructure Fund will ensure growing communities have the facilities they need to stay healthy and have strong youth sports opportunities. This $80 million investment over four years would especially help get mid-sized recreation facilities into rapidly growing communities sooner." — unitedconservative.ca, retrieved 2023-05-25

Lire moins

Government ethics

Nous n’avons par de NDP politiques sur Government ethics.
Nous n’avons par de UCP politiques sur Government ethics.


  • Bring back transparency in government
  • Hold public press conferences
  • Recall should be a remedy
  • Prevent activist judges from personal interpretation of the law
  • Restore Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Conscience to Alberta
  • Real consequences for abuse of POWER!
  • Hold the media accountable. If you promote lies and censor the truth, you are guilty of furthering the crimes of the people lying.

Immigrant settlement


  • Improve funding for settlement services, education, and language programmes
Nous n’avons par de UCP politiques sur Immigrant settlement.


  • No open Borders!
  • Legal Immigration is most welcomed.


Nous n’avons par de UCP politiques sur Policing.


  • Have the LEO force review their Oath of Office monthly
  • Police will enforce only lawful orders
  • Equal sentencing guidelines and restitution for heinous crimes
  • Local Police to ensure equal protection and enforcement of law.
  • Elected Chief of Police to prevent wrongful and biased law enforcement.

Public safety


  • Hire 150 more police officers, paired with 150 social workers, mental health workers, addictions counsellors, and community navigators

    "The Alberta NDP will hire 150 more police officers and pair them with 150 social workers, mental health workers, addictions counsellors and community navigators to improve public safety and provide support."

  • Invest $10M in Rural Crime Reduction Units
  • Hire more probation officers, and invest in post-release programmes
  • Create a Hate Crimes Unit
  • Create community liaison programmes
  • Create a long-term agreement with municipalities for predictable police funding and expectations for provincially-provided services such as affordable housing

    "Establish a long-term agreement with municipalities to support: stable and predictable police funding and an increased use of integrated police-community service teams; Indigenous partnerships; and provincial accountability for services such as affordable housing." — albertandp.ca, retrieved 2023-05-20


  • Add 100 more patrol officers on city streets

    "Adding 100 police officers to Edmonton and Calgary to address chronic and worsening crime issues, particularly in the downtown cores and on transit." — unitedconservative.ca, retrieved 2023-05-09

  • Continue deploying sheriffs alongside police in Calgary and Edmonton

    "Extending the downtown sheriff redeployment pilot program until at least the end of 2023, and longer if necessary." — unitedconservative.ca, retrieved 2023-05-09

  • Provide $4M more over four years for Internet and Child Exploitation teams, funding education and door-knocking for low-risk cases

    "Increasing support for the Internet and Child Exploitation (ICE) teams.

       Funding an engagement team that could deliver education, presentations, and in-person door knocks on low-risk files." — unitedconservative.ca, retrieved 2023-05-09

  • Start an electronic monitoring programme of "possible violent reoffenders" out on bail

    "Initiating an ankle bracelet program for violent and/or sexual offenders on bail.

       Establishing a 24/7 electronic monitoring program to help protect Albertans against possible violent reoffenders who are out on bail.

       Providing further options for courts to impose electronic monitoring as a condition of bail." — unitedconservative.ca, retrieved 2023-05-09

  • Increase funding to ALERT regarding gang violence, including expanding a cyber-crime unit, DNA lab, and monitoring of gang connections to catalytic converter theft

    "Increasing funding for ALERT for suppressing gang violence.

       Initiatives we would look to expand under ALERT include:

       •   Provincial Cyber Crime Unit;

       •   Provincial DNA lab; and

       •   Increased monitoring of the gang connections to the skyrocketing rates of catalytic converter theft." — unitedconservative.ca, retrieved 2023-05-09

"As part of the Safe Streets Action Plan, a re-elected UCP government would implement bracelet monitoring of dangerous offenders out on bail and deploy sheriffs to monitor them. They would add 100 more patrol officers on city streets, continue to deploy sheriffs alongside Calgary and Edmonton police officers to address public disorder, create new anti-fentanyl and illegal-gun trafficking teams, as well as increase funding for internet child exploitation and gang suppression units. A re-elected UCP government will make it easier for moms and dads to know the whereabouts of violent and sexual offenders, as well as make investments in women’s shelters and sexual assault counselling." — unitedconservative.ca, retrieved 2023-05-09

Lire moins

Racism and diversity


  • Pass legislation on anti-racism and race-based data collection
  • Establish an anti-racism office to address racial inequalities
  • Add a Minister Responsible for the Status of Women and Gender Equity
Nous n’avons par de UCP politiques sur Racism and diversity.

Social services

Nous n’avons par de UCP politiques sur Social services.

Sovereignty and Independence

Nous n’avons par de UCP politiques sur Sovereignty and Independence.