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A proven warrior not afraid to take on the tough issues. * A plan to build affordable housing for our residents.* An advocate of bringing the Skytrain to the North Vancouver to reduce traffic on the bridges.* Will work to make Council a team that works for you, not developers!

Enjeux divers


To be an inclusive society, we need to expand our efforts to make all our businesses and public facilities barrier free.

Affordable Housing

The pace of development has been crazy in the North Shore! I have a practical plan to create more affordable housing. I’m going to vote against expensive condo developments that most of our residents can’t afford. I will also preserve our stock of affordable rental housing.

Arts and Culture

The Arts and Culture sector in our community have been under funded for ages. Funding for the arts should be considered equal in priority to funding sport activities and recreation facilities.


I have always supported community activities and events that build a sense of community and encourage dialogue within the City. We live in a great community and we must fight to preserve what makes this place special.

Development and Overdevelopment

We have not been building new units for the people who already live here and are being forced out of their community by the affordability crisis and the destruction of our affordable rental housing. I will vote to put the brakes on the redevelopment boom.


Diversity is a fact of life here in North Vancouver. Other cultures bring us interesting new eating and cultural experiences which enriches our community. I see diversity as something that makes North Vancouver stronger.

Drug Use

I chaired the Lower Mainland Substance Abuse Strategy Committee in the early 2000's which supported things like Insite and the 4 Pillars Strategy. I firmly believe if the politicians in the senior levels of government had listened, we would have seen fewer overdose deaths.

Environment & Sustainability

Global Warming is a fact and we need to move strongly towards making our community green house gas neutral. We also need to keep our City operations environmentally friendly by eliminating pollutants and deleterious substance from our lands, waterways and the atmosphere.

Good Governance

During the last four years, we’ve seen a Council that does not listen to community concerns. I will respect and listen to our residents, respect other members of Council and work to make Council a team that works for you. We also need to get costs under control at the City!

Green Space

Since we are a densely populated urban "downtown" community we need to preserve and protect our limited green spaces. These spaces provide habitats for birds, animals, insects and native plants. We need to remove where possible invasive species. Great places to relax too!


We have a homelessness problem in our community and there are many reasons for this. Whether it is because of housing affordability, the loss of a job, mental issues or substance abuse we need to protect our most vulnerable members of society.


I support preserving industrial lands for industrial uses to preserve good jobs. No more conversions to residential development and the resulting loss of jobs. We also need to build more office space, because when businesses run out of room they tend to leave our community.

Public Engagement

Successfully engaging with the public is the heavy lifting part of local politics. Sometime you need to educate and listen to the public about the difficult issues. But most of all sometimes you need to make hard choices for the good of the community and be prepared to explain.

Public Transit

We need to bring Skytrain to the North Shore!


I support maintaining our Recreation facilities and we definitely need to rebuild Harry Jerome. However, I am not happy with the current plans for rebuilding Harry ,Jerome and would support revisiting the current plans which I believe are too simply much for the City!


Seniors are a large and growing part of North Vancouver's population. We need places for seniors to meet each other and socialize. We need places that encourages fitness for our seniors. We also need to encourage activities that mix seniors with other age groups.

Small Business

Creating and preserving jobs is an important part of being a City Councillor. We must support local businesses that keep the money we spend recycling within the local economy. I will vote again shipping our money out of our community, where possible.


We need to be mindful of the balancing needed keeping taxes reasonable while providing the service we all need and want. We should definitely reduce wastefulness in the City budget where ever possible.


I will advocate for better and more diverse transportation solutions, like bringing the Skytrain to the North Shore to reduce traffic on the bridges. We need to identify and remove traffic bottlenecks in our road system.


soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
An experienced voice on City Council!
* 15 yrs City Councillor 1996-2011
* President, Lower Mainland Local Government Association
* Executive, Union of British Columbia Municipalities
* Chair, Lower Mainland Municipal Drug Strategy Committee

bobfearnley.com www.bobfearnley.com