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Mark Dewdney

Candidat NOTA pour Windsor West
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Hi, guys! I'm a 51-year old former first responder, sports lover (Go Leafs Go) and proud husband to Rita and papa to A.J., Ella and my doggie buddy Cashew!

I moved to Toronto in 1989 and, after fighting my way out of a brief bout of homelessness (thank you, Greg, Leo and Sandra from Covenant House!), I got to work first for the Blue Jays then had a stellar career in private security, finishing off as the Director of Training for a Toronto firm. I then realized a dream by earning my first responder's certification through Toronto Paramedic Services and taught CPR for more than 15 years.

I met Rita 19 years ago when I went with a pal to a Valentine's Day dance, so February 14th is doubly special because we also got married on Valentine's Day. The story is even better than that..ask me when you meet me.

We moved to Windsor a) because we love the place, b) because we just couldn't afford Toronto and c) Toronto got far too big, creating and exacerbating a special set of gigantic issues.

My fantastic wife worked for more than thirty years in human resources before getting unceremoniously laid off, but we're going to get through this together.

Ella is in her last year as Command Sergeant Major of 2715 Cadet Corps here in Windsor. A.J. is in Grade 11 at W.F. Herman Academy and, like me, is a Baseball Ontario umpire (I hope you won't hold that part against us!)

I'm running a non-profit CPR training firm and really looking forward to making some new lifelong friends here in Windsor as Rita and I find ways to help out here.

Thanks to the Votemate team - it's time we rethought the way we vote and how we treat each other.

Raison de la candidature

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If you don't vote because you feel like none of the parties listen, you're right - they only vote the way their rich donors want.
None Of The Above is here to listen to you, care about you and give you a real voice with real and fresh ideas.

I will;

- Limit my salary to my home riding of Windsor's median salary;

- Stop Ontario giving the banks a billion dollars a month in interest (more than $60bn over the last five years)

- Better the economy by loosening the government's iron grip on your wallet; believe it or not, less income tax means more spending, which leads to more tax revenue.

- Drastically increase doctors, nurses, community paramedic teams and pair nurses with cops to reduce inappropriate Emergency Department trips, free up 911 staff and finally get timely help to everyone who needs it (we can't cut our way to a healthy population!)

- Radically increase post-secondary funding in order to create medical, environmental, energy and transportation superinnovation; the Next Great Green Projects need to come from Ontario.

- Knowing that each train takes 500 trucks off the road and that trains run even during times of national emergency like COVID, we'll hyperaccelerate European/Japanese-style high-speed commercial rail followed by passenger rail.

I'm just getting started. Come on forward with me.

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