Proud to be Oakville’s official Green Party candidate for the 2025 Provincial Election! Rooted in our community, I stand for affordable housing, accessible healthcare, and true local planning autonomy. Let’s build a greener future together!
Bruno Sousa has been part of the Oakville community since 1987 when he immigrated from the Azores with his family at the age of eight. Over the years, he has built a reputation as an entrepreneur, community advocate, and sustainability leader dedicated to creating a better future for Oakville.
As an member of both the Oakville Constituency Association for the Green Party of Ontario and Electoral District Association for the Green Party of Canada, Bruno has played a vital role in local advocacy efforts, leading initiatives such as Stop the Sprawl, Hands Off the Greenbelt, and Stop Highway 413 to protect Ontario’s environment and promote responsible development.
At the national level, he is actively engaged as the Chair of the Constitutional Renewal Commission for the Green Party of Canada, leading efforts to enhance governance, transparency, and democratic engagement. Additionally, he has contributed to the AI White Paper for the Green Party of Canada, focusing on sustainable and ethical technology policies.
Bruno’s expertise spans business innovation and digital transformation. He has founded multiple ventures, including Venture Q, a B2B service marketplace fostering collaboration and growth, and CRIAT, a consortium dedicated to AI, automation, and robotics. He also co-founded Brockton Collective, an initiative that helped artists gain national recognition and build sustainable careers.
Beyond his business and political work, Bruno is deeply engaged in youth mentorship and community development. As Contact Scouter for Scouts Canada, he fosters leadership and environmental responsibility among young people. He has also given his time to organizations such as Royal Canadian Legion Br.114, the Oakville Girls Softball Association, the Oakville Gymnastics Club and local school councils.
Bruno is running in the 2025 provincial election because he believes Oakville deserves bold leadership, sustainable solutions, and a community-driven approach to governance. With a deep understanding of technology, policy, and advocacy, he is committed to making Oakville a leader in environmental responsibility, economic resilience, and accountable governance.
Be part of the change. Support Bruno Sousa for a greener, stronger Oakville.