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Gene Balfour

Candidat indépendant pour Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock
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Gene Balfour is a writer, a longtime advocate for Less Government, and a resident of Kawartha Lakes. Read his views on public policy, economics, public governance, political philosophy, AI, the digital economy, and more at gbalfour.substack.com.

My political experience includes ten prior provincial and federal elections representing libertarian parties and the PPC. I now stand as an INDEPENDENT for LESS GOVERNMENT for certain advantages this choice offers. One disappointment came when I asked Elections Ontario to list me as an "INDEPENDENT for LESS GOVERNMENT". I want all electors to know exactly what I stand for when they see my name on their ballot – a clear option for everyone. Unfortunately, this request was denied by the Elections Ontario authorities. 

My core message is unambiguous. The #1 PROBLEM in Canada today is TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT. This problem extends across all four government levels: municipal, provincial, federal, and international entities such as the United Nations. Elections add to this problem because they showcase only the major political parties that consistently promote MORE GOVERNMENT through new spending and regulations. I represent the LESS GOVERNMENT ballot option as the logical alternative.

While poorly timed, the current election provides an opportunity to identify the most significant problems of today.

The three top issues are:

1. High cost of living. The cause stems largely from excessive government interventions including high taxation, overwhelming regulations, unacceptable levels of public debt, and costly compliance to treaties and agreements signed with unelected global entities by our various levels of government.

2. Green energy policies must be repealed. Those policies unnecessarily restrict reliable and cost-effective energy options for consumers and businesses at the worst possible time, and with no reasonable justification. Energy demand is rising quickly from major technological and economic changes. In addition, most people now recognize that Climate Change Crisis Theory (CCCT) primarily serves special interests groups and that greenhouse gas emissions are not the serious issue we’ve been told for many years.

3. Education and Healthcare Reform. We need to learn from other nations that have successfully enabled competition to take place in these sectors between government and non-governmental service providers. Significant improvements are possible if the political will to do so will emerge.

Campaigning as an Independent Candidate has pluses and minuses. I enjoy the advantage of speaking truthfully without party constraints. Also, if chosen, I will be accountable only to the constituents in the Haliburton-Kawartha Lakes-Brock riding. Unfortunately, though, I cannot compete with the big government subsidies that richly fund the election campaigns of the big parties. Instead, I use free social media (X, Facebook, and Substack) partly because I refuse to accept campaigns donations from constituents in return for campaign expectations that I cannot fulfill. The positive response I received from my Substack followers to the "CITIZENS CONSTITUTION of 2024" document, however, confirms my theory that an untapped public hunger exists for citizen-led democratic reform.

Voter turnout is expected at well below 50%. Current voter apathy reflects widespread distrust in politicians, institutions, and large corporations. Citizens feel helpless and hopeless in dealing with high living costs and most realize that traditional sources of help are now part of the problem. Voters are cynical about this early and unnecessary election called by Premier Ford. His decision appears to be driven by political opportunism: to take advantage of weakened Liberal and NDP brands in Ottawa.

Some folks want electoral reform and recall legislation. I do not see these as the answer to a failed political system. Elections have become “political theatre” to convince naïve citizens that they can still take part in an “electoral democracy.” I prefer the ideas in the Digital Direct Democracy eBook to replace our current system, borrowing from the approach Switzerland has taken over the past 400 years. Let’s imagine a future Ontario election scenario that elects 124 Independent MPPs, each directly accountable to their riding constituents with no party influencers. A responsive, decentralized government would replace the current centralized, expensive, slow, ineffective bureaucracy that now exists.

February 27 is coming fast. I hope some voters will learn that I represent their only LESS GOVERNMENT option. I have been an Advocate for Less Government since 1979 and I plan to remain committed to this cause for as long as possible.

Raison de la candidature

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Build awareness that the #1 PROBLEM in Canada is TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT at all 4 levels.

The high cost of living: housing, food, energy and transportation - these are all the results of the excessive size, cost and scope of authority that our citizens have chosen by voting for the Big Government parties. The only solution is to reverse this trend by demanding LESS GOVERNMENT until there is an affordable and appropriate balance between the rights of citizens and the duties of government. I have chosen to represent the LESS GOVERNMENT ballot option for every citizen who wishes to add to a growing number of us who agree things is our #1 PROBLEM.

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