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Vitas Naudziunas

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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
A resident of south Etobicoke for 30+ years. I am a physiotherapist by profession. Formerly a collegiate and professional basketball player. I pride myself on hard work and dedication.

I am a lifelong proponent of self-reliance, financial literacy as well as being informed about the issues that affect our day to day lives. I believe that Ontarians along with the rest of Canadians deserve a better system. We pay a lot in taxes, we should expect a lot in return. Not a slow, inefficient, over bloated beauracratic government whose only solution is more spending or more ripping off tax payers.

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
Tired of seeing more and more taxes for less and less in return. It is time for power to shift back towards the people and more checks and balances put in place. Push for citizen initiated voter recall, as well as enact voter reform.

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