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Katherine Suutari

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I am a 57-year-old Administrative Assistant who has worked in a variety of environments including government, private, non-profit and health for about 30 years. I am not a career politician who talks the political jargon, but as a matter of fact I am not a politician at all.

Prior to the establishment of the New Blue Party I had trouble voting, any of the establishment parties. They all ran on the same policies but just presented them in a different way, almost like word salad and none of their platforms made any sense to me. It was always a disappointment, they campaigned making promises, for instance, combating homelessness, which is a staple issue, and it never gets resolved only worse. That is only one of the promises that are never kept. My solution for voting at the time was to vote for the one I knew wasn’t going to win. Some would say that it is a wasted vote, but I saw it as a vote of conscience, I couldn’t bring myself to vote for someone mediocre who may win the election and knowing my vote may have helped them win. So, I started searching for a party that offered more than just talk but tangible solutions.

Raison de la candidature

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The most important reason for running is they are a grassroots conservative party and their policies.

I made the decision to run for the New Blue Party for a variety of reasons. They have a plan, I know what they stand for prior to the election and they can be held accountable if they deviate from their plan. Their policy declaration is a 12 page, 42 item document that represents what they are going to do and what actions will be taken, and the document can be downloaded from the New Blue Ontario website (https://www.newblueontario.com/declaration). There is no guessing what they stand for and no future surprises. The policy declaration is proposed by the members not by lobbyists and/or special interest groups, so the New Blue loyalties are to the members. I have been through some hard times due to the policies of the establishment parties, I lost my job, denied unemployment, ate through my investments until I found work, I am still basically running on fumes.

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