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Jacquie Barker

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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I was the riding assoc president for the New Blue Simcoe North riding for the past 3 years.
I stepped up as a candidate this time because I felt it was crucial to have the New Blue Party on the ballot in this riding.

Three months ago, my husband & I moved to this riding, from the Penetang/Midland area. I'm stepping out of my comfort zone by becoming a political candidate but I'm doing this because I'm so passionate about this party, the leaders Jim & Belinda Karahalios and the policies.

I am convinced that the New Blue Party offers the solutions Ontarians need. As I meet people & explain our platform, I see the renewed hope in their eyes and the gratitude they have that I'm representing the New Blue.

From the results of the 2022 election, we are now Ontario’s 5th largest party & growing! We are the only grassroots conservative party in this election.

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I'm running because I'm so passionate about this party, the leaders Jim & Belinda Karahalios, and the party policies.
We are the only grassroots conservative party in this election.

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