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Aris Babikian


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Aris Babikian is the MPP for Scarborough- Agincourt, and Vice-chair of the Government Agencies committee, and member of the Social Policy committee.

He is a retired Citizenship Judge (2009-2015), World Vision Canada Multicultural Council Ambassador, member of the National Ethnic Press and Media Council of Canada.

For thirty-six years Aris Babikian has been actively involved in the Canadian- political, social justice , Immigration, multicultural, human rights, educational, and cultural, spheres. He has collaborated with many Canadian organizations, educational institutions, scholars, various levels of government, and victim groups to uphold justice and to bring healing to victims.

In recognition of his contribution to the Canadian civil society, he received Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee and Diamond Jubilee Medals. In addition to Canada’s 125th Confederation Commemorative Medal.

He also served as the Executive Director of ANCC Ottawa Government Relation office, Secretary of the Canadian Ethnocultural Council, International elections monitor representing the OSCE for the 2003 parliamentary elections in Armenia, Founder and Chair of Levant Settlement Centre, President, Canadian Armenian National Federation, Founding member of Willowdale Legal Aid Service, and participated in a roundtable on the UN World Conference Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia, and Related Intolerance

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