Tasha Rossignol


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I’ve been a nurse for more than 25 years! I know how to triage priorities! Let me use the skills I’ve gained over the last 25 to be your representative at the provincial level! I’ve spent a lifetime advocating for patients and I’m not afraid to advocate for you in government!

Today I start my job interview with all of you, the citizens of Carleton-Victoria. My name is Tasha Rossignol and I have been a nurse for over 25 years. I have CARED for community members from Nictau to Florenceville/Bristol and all the rural communities in between. I CARE about New Brunswicker’s! I CARE about the decisions made at government level that will affect you and yours!

I have been married for 26 years to my husband Scott. Together we have 3 adult children and 3 precious and adorable grandchildren! We have lived in a rural community outside of Plaster Rock called Sisson Brook for our entire marriage and love the peace that comes from living in very rural NB.

Politics only entered into the realm of possibilities for me, after I was fired for reporting abuse to the appropriate oversight department. I was terminated for something I’m mandated to do-report abuse! I sign a yearly contract with the Nurses Association of New Brunswick stating I will report abuse. This is done yearly to maintain my professional license.

I knew I had to stand up and fight for nurses and other New Brunswicker’s who were being punished for doing the right thing legally and morally.

I CARE about the decisions that are made at government level that affect all of us as citizens of our great province! I CARE that the decisions made by our leaders affect us all collectively as a society! I DON’T take that responsibility lightly!

We’re in a place where choosing the RIGHT PEOPLE TO LEAD US IS ESSENTIAL! We’ve seen federally how HORRIFIC and dire it is to put the RIGHT people in charge and the damage that can be done when the WRONG people have all the power. The damage being done at the federal level will take us years to recover from! We know this! WE feel it everyday as a society. We need to NOT repeat the same mistakes in New Brunswick. We know the Liberal government CANNOT be trusted!

Politics for me is something that I have to do. I have to put my name forward because I see a tremendous need. Every essential sector is crumbling. Essential employees disrespected and burned out! We have to invest in the engine of the ship before irrevocable damage is done! The essential sectors have been starved and it’s time for government to step up and invest!

When we elect an official to represent us at the provincial level, we have to make absolute sure they are representing the people, not themselves or the institution! It takes tremendous courage to stand up and fight against leaders but when we go to the polls we have to ask ourselves, who do I NEED to represent “ME, US, the PEOPLE?” Who will fight for better and demand better for our riding?

You have my solemn vow that I’ll NEVER put myself, money or my professional agenda ahead of YOU, the people I’m paid to serve! I will never lose sight of YOU! The people of our province!

We invest A LOT to be New Brunswicker’s. An estimated 49 cents of every dollar we earn is paid out in tax of some form. We deserve better for our investment!

As New Brunswicker’s we take pride in living in a free, democratic society! Our grandparents and great grandparents BATTLED to ensure we lived in a free society yet, we’ve allowed ourselves to lose the advantages of democracy by becoming predictable! Red or blue, blue or red! I’d bet bank that there is a collective of people who already know who will win the October 2024 provincial election.

For MEANINGFUL change we have to stop being predictable and give someone else a chance to do a better job. We deserve better. The people living in the Saint John homelessness encampment deserve better! Iggy Dedham deserved better! We all deserve better!

It shouldn’t be like this in New Brunswick! It shouldn’t be this hard but the leaders that we’ve repeatedly given power to have continually failed us and now we have no more room to fail! We deserve better for what we’re investing! It’s that simple!

My territory as an Extra Mural Nurse is the same territory as my riding of Carleton-Victoria! I have cared for your health and I WILL care for YOUR best interest at the provincial government level! You have my word!

I put my name forward to be YOUR voice at the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick! I will NEVER lose sight of YOU! I will NEVER stop fighting for YOU! To the riding of Carleton Victoria, please trust me with your vote on October 21, 2024! Tasha Rossignol

Raison de la candidature

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I see a tremendous need for leadership change. Essential sectors are crumbling and our current leadership boasts surplus. A surplus is only a surplus if the money isn’t drastically needed elsewhere!

I am running for MLA because I see a dire need. I’m a nurse and as a nurse, when you see that something needs done- you stand up and do it! Our government is making decisions on our behalf without taking the citizens of our province into consideration and we, the people of NB, are the ones who are suffering the consequences.  

When the focus of government is the bottom line-people will suffer! We’re not a product like fuel or lumber. When you make changes/cuts to save money to grow your bottom line-and people are attached- you HAVE to keep a close pulse on the people to ensure your changes aren’t causing adverse effects like homelessness, declining healthcare and hunger… etc!

Currently, decisions are made at government level, implemented and never thought about again and whatever happens, happens! That’s a very dangerous and irresponsible way to implement change.

The current government makes decisions to protect and grow  the bottom line and never considers or monitors how those decisions will affect people or communities! That’s why I’m running! So the people have someone on their side, who can monitor government level decisions and the effect they have on the people of NB. I will advocate for the people of New Brunswick over the bottom line- each and every time!