Paul Dempsey

My vision is a New Brunswick that excels economically, while ensuring housing for all, a quality healthcare system that is responsive to the needs of our community and a first-rate educational system. We must also respect and safeguard our precious land and the environment.

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Retired senior naval officer and former diplomat. Paul served as the Captain of HMCS MONTREAL and as the Deputy and Acting Commander of the Canadian Pacific Naval Fleet. After serving 7 years as a senior diplomat, Paul retired to his hometown of Saint John in 2019.

I’m Retired Navy Captain Paul Dempsey and your PC candidate for the riding of Saint John Portland-Simonds. Born and raised in Saint John, I graduated from Simonds High School in 1981 and enrolled in the Canadian Armed Forces at the age of 19. With pride, I served in uniform for just over 36 years and was extremely honoured to lead and serve tremendously dedicated and talented sailors throughout my career, which was highlighted by several senior leadership appointments, including:

  1. Captain of HMCS MONTREAL
  2. Commandant of the Canadian Forces Naval Operations School
  3. Deputy Commander of the Canadian Pacific Fleet
  4. Interim Fleet Commander of the Canadian Pacific Fleet
  5. Senior Canadian Diplomat assigned to Cuba
  6. Senior Canadian Diplomat assigned to Mexico

If elected, my priority will be to serve your interests. More specifically, I know that many residents within our riding are struggling to cover the basic cost of living and that your government needs to be part of the solution. That starts with tax relief and if re-elected, the PC Government will reduce the HST from 15 to 13%, saving homes up to a $1000 a year. We also need to axe the Trudeau Carbon Tax, that Susan Holt supports.

The PC Party also recognizes the need for affordable housing. Our goal is to build 6000 new homes annually with focus on building more affordable homes. Your Government has committed $100 million to build 380 new public units, the first public housing built in nearly 40 years. Construction is ongoing.

Healthcare and Education are also two other areas that I’ll advocate for. Healthcare across Canada was brought to its knees during the COVID pandemic. Since then, our government has taken action to stabilize healthcare in New Brunswick through historical investments and have advanced numerous important initiatives. Now that the healthcare system has been stabilized, we must do more to ensure that the healthcare needs of all residents are strengthened to the standard that we all expect.

In my view, education is the great social and economic equalizer, and we need to ensure that every child has a first-rate education. I am proud that two new schools, each with an integrated community hub, will be opening in Saint John in 2027. I will advocate for additional investments and human resources to ensure our children are prepared for the challenges of the future.

I look forward to meeting as many riding residents as possible as I’m eager to hear your thoughts and concerns. It is with your input that I can best serve your interests.

In closing, I wish to thank all who have offered me their encouragement and support. Thank you!

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To serve and improve the quality of life for the residents of the riding of Portland-Simonds. With growth in population, NB is positioned to excel economically. Our challenge is to grow public services, housing and infrastructure to seize this generational opportunity for all.