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Burnaby Green Party

Climate Change

Active Transportation

Provide secure bike lock ups and showers so teachers may cycle to work
Create a "Bike Library" so kids of any age can have a bike to ride
Create car free zones near schools
Create 30 km per year of separated cycling paths
Complete safe sidewalk network around each school
Create 30 km per year of sidewalks

Energy-Efficient Buildings & Retrofits

Make buildings more energy efficient (geothermal, heat pumps, solar)

Green Space

Preserve and enhance Burnaby's green spaces


Create by-law to require/encourage every parking lot to have charging stations

Urban Heat

Preserve and enhance Burnaby's green spaces
Expand Burnaby's green canopy

Housing & Homelessness


Speed up development approval for affordable housing
Create more co-ops, purpose built rental housing, and subsidized housing for complex needs.
Fil in the "missing middle"

Co-Op Housing

Create more co-op housing

Property Taxes

Hold the line on taxes

Public Housing

Create more co-ops, purpose built rental housing, and subsidized housing for complex needs.

Rental Stock

Create more purpose built rental housing

Public Spaces & Services

Green Space

Preserve and enhance Burnaby's green spaces

Transit & Getting Around

Active Transportation

Provide secure bike lock ups and showers so teachers may cycle to work
Create a "Bike Library" so kids of any age can have a bike to ride
Create car free zones near schools
Create 30 km per year of separated cycling paths
Complete safe sidewalk network around each school
Create 30 km per year of sidewalks


Create by-law to require/encourage every parking lot to have charging stations
This party is yet to add their platform to VoteMate.

We invite every party to add their platform and candidates' profiles.

Entre temps, vous pouvez en apprendre davantage à leur sujet sur leur site Web.