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Anna King

Indépendant pour Victoria Conseil
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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
Anna King is a stay at home mom of 2. She worked in the nonprofit sector for 15 yrs, including 3 yrs in the Downtown Eastside in Vancouver supporting those affected by poverty, homelessness, and addiction. Anna has lived in Victoria for 9 yrs and currently lives in Fernwood.

Anna King is a first generation Chinese-Canadian who wants live in a Victoria that has homes for all, eco-friendly transportation, and diverse neighbourhoods so all can thrive no matter age, race, ability, or socio-economic resources. 

Gentle densification and creating more units for families can help the housing and affordability crisis Victorians are facing today. Building along bus routes and existing bike lanes add efficiency to our city. Designing our city to be safe and accessible for children and those with disabilities will ensure walkability for all. 

Anna King’s value of generosity, inclusivity, and productivity are part of what makes her a valuable representative. She holds posture of listening to residents’ thoughts, worries, and hopes in order to find pragmatic solutions that will help our community thrive.

In her spare time, Anna enjoys sewing, gardening, and hiking. She lives with her husband, 2 toddlers, and her cat, Otto.

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I am running for City Council because I love Victoria. I want to live here the rest of my life and I hope my children can live here, too. The next generation will be affected by the policy we make today on the climate, housing, and economic crisis. Let's make it good!


We need to build more housing overall. The vacancy rate for 3 bedroom suites, suitable for families, is <0.1%. When there's so little supply, rent is super high and it's competitive, even for homes that are in poor condition. We need to build more duplexes, 4-6plexes, and townhomes. These smaller units will be more affordable and some families will be able to afford these vacating their current rental suite for someone else.

Moreover, we need to partner with the provincial and federal government to build more co-ops, purpose-built rentals, and subsidized housing. We need all levels of government to work together.

Read more about my ideas for housing: https://www.annaking.ca/housing/

Eco-Friendly Transportation

The cost of maintaining a car (insurance, fuel, maintenance) contributes to overall cost of living in Victoria. If we make Victoria a bikable, walkable city, we don't need to depend on cars. If we have rapid and efficient transit, like a light rail from Downtown to Uptown, with strategic stops (i.e. at Mayfair), we can reduce the traffic congestion as well. Eco-friendly transportation makes sense! Not only is active transportation good for the environment, it's good for overall health of our communities too. Let's get moving!

Climate Change

Victoria, like many cities around the world, buried its natural creeks and wetlands, filling them with dirt or encasing them in pipes. The city has also paved over square kilometers of soil, preventing water from absorbing into the ground. As storms and droughts increase with climate change, these development choices can lead to urban flooding and local water scarcity.

We can build vegetated ditches lined with water-loving plants along roadways, parking lots, and in low spots of private property in order to absorb rainwater back into the groundwater system to combat water scarcity.

Another thing we can do is to bring back ancient streams which we've buried underground. This is called daylighting. When we bring streams back to the surface, not only is it beautiful, but also practical. The streams provide water to the surrounding plants and trees combating drought and making the area more wildfire resistant, too.

Read more about my thoughts on climate action: https://www.annaking.ca/climate-action/

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