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Wayne Llewellyn

Indépendant pour Penticton Conseil
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Work Experience - 35 years with the City of Calgary in technical and managerial positions leading projects regarding road improvements, light rail transit, public housing and other infrastructure. Last 25 years focused on leading projects, process development and quality management programs in property appraisal (mass and individual), assessment administration and property tax policy.

Volunteer Experience - President of the International Association of Assessing Officers with over 7500 members in 26 countries. Oversight of professional certification programs, almost 100 educational offerings, promulgation of professional standards and best practices in areas related to real property analytics/economics, management, public relations, GIS, complaints and appeals to quasi-judicial tribunals, property taxation, data collection and data processing.

Raison de la candidature

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Why is Wayne Llewellyn running for council?

It’s my belief that an organization and community is only as good as the contributions its members and citizens are prepared to make. 


·      Enhanced citizen engagement and semi-annual town halls

A hallmark of good governance and serving the public’s interest first and foremost is the degree to which citizens are engaged -- not just at the ballot box but between elections too where the real work is done.  Decisions to 1) address crime, 2) housing, and 3) overly expensive projects should be driven by grass-roots decision-making.

·      Financial and administrative transparency and accountability

Councillors must give relevant, complete and truthful answers to legitimate questions put to them by constituents during election campaigns and in the course of their governance duties for their entire term of office. That requires exercising stewardship of public resources in a responsible, transparent, participatory and accountable manner.

·      Govern based on the Official Community Plan (OCP)

The OCP is an expression of the community’s values and vision and defines the goals and policies, land use designations and other guidelines to reach that vision.  While we must always be open to change, given the extensive community consultation process to create an OCP, developers should be required to fit into the plans for our community rather than changing the community’s plan to fit one-off projects.

I am not a politician, will do my best to put the servant back in public service and promise to listen to and act on your concerns to the best of my ability.


What was the current council’s best decision and worst decision? Why?

David Eby’s interference in local housing affairs was rightfully challenged. He’s not elected here.

Responsibly spending taxpayer’s money requires fully including them in understanding the problems, the alternatives and solutions. Since 2018, the city has consistently taken more than needed.  In 2021 alone the city took in $129.1 million and spent $116.6 million meaning that $12.5 million more than needed was raised. 

From 2018 to 2021 total assets grew from $355 to $392.6 million -- an increase of about $37 million. Why did we have a 7% tax increase in 2022? What will the bike lanes really cost?

Do you support the current council’s decision to build the lake-to-lake bike route? Why or why not?

 Bicycle routes are a trademark of progressive cities that requires balancing dedicated bicycle lanes with bicycle routes.  As a cyclist, I’ve ridden in many major North American cities.

The extensive consultation process undertaken for Penticton’s route was great.  However, the consultation and engagement processes should have kept going through a series of other actions including providing an on the ground, physical ‘mock up’ of what they would look like in terms of traffic changes, to measure the impact on businesses and to help the public understand the full costs of various options before the money was spent.

What is your biggest, best idea to make life better in Penticton?

 A hallmark of good governance and serving the public’s interest first and foremost is the degree to which citizens are engaged -- not just at the ballot box but between elections too where the real work is done.  Decisions to 1) address crime, 2) housing, and 3) overly expensive projects should be driven by grass-roots decision-making.

Enhanced citizen engagement with councillors and semi-annual town halls will help to better understand the community’s needs and wants and lead to better decision making.  On the issue of crime , let’s proactively lobby the provincial government and advocate for meaningful solutions.

Canadian Horizons is planning to take a third swing at developing its property at 1050 Spiller Rd. What, if any, residential development do you think is appropriate there and why? 

We will have to wait until new plans are submitted.  Until then, the tireless work of citizens to create the vision for the 2019 OCP, identify efficient land uses and infrastructure and environmental protection should be respected.

Let’s manage growth according to our Official Community Plan and not overload existing infrastructure. When you build too densely, manhole covers get blown off storm sewers during storms, costly unplanned changes to traffic patterns are needed to alleviate congestion and so on.

Let’s commit to avoiding environmentally sensitive areas, be certain of no geologic and flood hazards on steep slopes and so forth.

If elected, what is an issue most important to you?

Enhanced citizen engagement and semi-annual town halls.  Good governance means serving the public’s interest first and foremost. Citizens should be engaged during elections and between too when the real work is done.  Decisions to 1) address crime, 2) housing, and 3) expensive projects should be driven by grass-roots decision-making.

We also need to bring back a Finance, Budget and Audit Committee to obtain even greater citizen input.

Are you happy with the implementation of the bike lanes and do you support expanding the bike network as is in the master transportation plan?

Not particularly happy recognizing a hallmark of progressive cities provides dedicated bicycle lanes balanced with bicycle routes.  I support the framework in the Official Community Plan for integrating the bicycle network with other modes of transportation and safe and secure bicycle parking in cost effective ways … costs are concerning.

Do you want to see Lakeshore Drive stay as is or turn into a one-way with a bike lane as suggested by city staff?

 As a cyclist myself, lower speed limits and patient, courteous vehicle drivers have never caused me serious concerns.  The Lakeshore/Riverside tourist precincts have plenty of opportunities for walking and cycling with the ability to connect with other bicycle lanes and routes. With regular maintenance, let’s preserve the way it is.

What parts of the Asset and Amenities Plan do you support and what parts don’t you support? (Creating new Museum/Library , Art Gallery, Demolishing Memorial and McLaren Arena for Twin Rinks, new Public Safety Building, City Hall)

Keys to addressing community problems are engaging and educating the community on the fiscal realities of options and understanding that facilities are  also used by residents of neighboring jurisdictions.  Stronger partnerships with surrounding governments are needed to share costs for mutually beneficial facilities.  We should be using referendums more often.

What is one thing the city could do to help with affordable housing?

Many solutions are outlined in the Official Community Plan.  They include robust community consultation balancing housing quality, diversity and preserving neighborhood character with innovative practices such as the adaptive re-use of buildings, monitoring vacation rentals, and intensive “infill” residential close to downtown and employment centers. 

What is one thing that would improve public safety?

Address crime!  As the Penticton Chamber points out and a local addictions counselor advised let’s “support offenders to receive treatment while incarcerated and thereafter, and for post-release housing and programming of prolific offenders to ensure successful societal reintegration and safer communities.” We need a community wide approach to advocacy.

Name something that would attract and keep small businesses? 

Downtown is an arts, cultural and entertainment hub and a significant asset that needs preservation with new development/major renovations respectful of its historic character. There was and still is no need for pay parking along Main Street and we must encourage the development of vacant sites and filling empty spaces.

We are a tourist community, how do we become a year-round destination?

 There are few other municipalities in Canada where you can go skiing/snowshoeing in the morning and then golf or cycle in the afternoon.  After being in the community since 2007, let’s keep promoting all the natural endowments that make Penticton an enviable year round destination.

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