Ceci est une page de 2022 BC Local General Elections.
More Affordable Housing, Reduce Homelessness and Social Disorder, Climate Action and Environmental Protection, A Strong Local Economy that Meets Community Needs
My Priorities
Results-oriented city government:
- Strengthen an innovative results-oriented culture at city hall.
- Increase accountability for progress on key strategic initiatives
- Use council strategic plan objectives to drive policy priorities, budgeting, capital plan and advocacy at the provincial level.
More affordable housing:
- Allow more secondary suites.
- Pre-zone appropriate land parcels for affordable housing.
- Align zoning bylaws with city plan density targets.
- Decrease building permit times by increasing professional reliance.
- Encourage the development of family-oriented units.
- Expand partnerships with non-profit housing providers.
- Investigate a municipal housing corporation and public housing model.
A combined health, housing and community safety response to homelessness and social disorder:
- Increase civic leadership in co-ordinating an improved response to reducing homelessness.
- Advocate strongly for provincial investment into complex care housing, addiction treatment, criminal justice reform and supportive housing to help people off the streets and into the right type of care.
- Develop appropriate locations for shelters, harm reduction and outreach services, and ensure proper resourcing to maintain community safety.
- Support development of co-ordinated access for increasing efficiency of community response.
- Continue to support the Nanaimo community safety officer program, RCMP staffing levels and clean teams.
Climate action and environmental protection:
- Fully implement City and RDN climate action plans.
- Complete the RDN waste plan implementation to reach 90% diversion of waste from landfill.
- Increase retrofit programs for low carbon energy systems in buildings, and support these in all new builds.
- Protect environmentally sensitive areas, and create more parkland including on the Nanaimo River.
- Continue to invest in public transit and active transportation infrastructure.
A strong local economy that meets the needs of our community:
- Reduce development and building permit times through increasing professional reliance
- Advocate and secure funding for expanded Nanaimo hospital services.
- Improve local food security through incentivizing production and markets.
- Continue investing in accessible recreational and community facilities.
- Continue investing in Arts and Culture.
- Conserve industrial lands and support use for emerging sectors
- Continue to support the Nanaimo Prosperity Agency
- Attract and develop businesses that convert waste to resources and contribute to a circular local economy.
- Continue expanding public transit and active transportation infrastructure.
- Continue with plans to develop the downtown core.
soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I am a small business owner and first-term Nanaimo city councillor seeking re-election. I have a background in conservation biology and social work and worked as a registered clinical counsellor in the prison system. I owned and operated a tree service business for almost a decade and recently converted it to a worker-owned cooperative. During my time on council, I was elected by my peers to serve as a director-at-large on the Union of BC Municipalities. In that role, I lobbied the province on behalf of all BC local governments for greater action on affordable housing, homelessness, and climate change.
Raison de la candidature
soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I'm running for re-election because I want to continue working for a safe and thriving Nanaimo that is environmentally sustainable and full of opportunity for everyone. Last term council laid a strong foundation; this term is an opportunity for bolder action to reach our goals.
bengeselbracht.ca bengeselbracht.ca