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Sabastien Obi

Indépendant pour Mission Conseil


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A passionate individual with the knowledge and skills to bring diverse opinions together for a beautiful vision of the future of Mission.

Sabastien Obi has always been one to be passionate and dedicated to his community for whatever purpose. Whether it is through volunteering, advocacy, or just supporting the community through his attendance at celebratory events, Obi is dedicated to the the community he calls home. Raised in Mission since April 2010 and volunteering in community events since then; Obi has learned to live life to the fullest, never give in and let an opportunity go by, and put others before himself in his decisions; this is why Obi became a youth and diversity advocate after graduating high school in 2020. Dedicating time towards other causes that doesn't benefit himself is Obi's passion. From Leadership during his time at Mission Secondary (a building that needs replacing), to sitting on boards providing community benefit; Sabastien Obi believes that if he can effect change by doing one small deed and/or action at a time, he shall do so without question.

Running for council is a big task that Obi understands. In April of 2019, while in Grade 11 of his High School career, he began a job with his local MP as a Constituency Assistant. Being a Constituency Assistant has so far been one of the proudest achievements of his life. Being able to serve democracy and his community from a grassroots point of view was a huge thrill for me. Having these jobs was no easy task though. Some of his duties in this job included drafting reports that varied in nature, coordinating cases with multiple levels of government, drafting debate material, navigating regulatory matters of different laws, responding to various emails regarding federal jurisdictional matters, promoting reconciliation within our riding and our community, and personally knocking on the doors of our constituents to seek how we can help them with their lives and how we can assist them with services offered through the Federal Government. Through this, he was able to learn both that democracy is something that is worth fighting for, and that he was doing a service by assisting others within my community.Sabastien enjoyed being able to serve his community as he knew that it would be ultimately for the common good; regardless of political stripes or opinions.

Through this position held with the Federal Government, Obi was able to further connect with others within his community. He was also able to expand my knowledge of what problems to solve within his community; and of what matters most, not to himself, but to the everyday people who he met and talked with about problems that they faced and needed to be fixed.

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