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Jeremy Cato


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remis au bureau d’élection de City of North Vancouver par le candidat

• We can do better in the City of North Vancouver. • We can do better at protecting the safety and well-being of everyone. • We can do better at ensuring that development in CNV is brought under control. • We can do better at pushing senior levels of government to fairly fund transit. • We can do better at creating visionary affordable housing solutions. • We can do better at guaranteeing government transparency. • Jeremy Cato knows we can do better, and is rolling up his sleeves to prove it. If you want a career politician, I’m not your candidate. If you want a hard-working councillor who believes in managed growth, smart planning, affordable housing, government transparency, responsiveness, and a livable city filled with opportunities and free of the worst of gridlock and safety worries, then I am your best choice. Who am I? I’m a writer and educator with a master’s degree in education who lives and works in Lower Lonsdale. I’ve raised a family here, and I enjoy all the best of the North Shore lifestyle. I am rolling up my sleeves and working hard to find and implement real answers to the challenges we face. We can do better. Let’s do it together.

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