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Tyler Brown

Indépendant pour Nanaimo Conseil (candidat sortant)
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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I was born and raised in Nanaimo and am now raising two young children with my partner Christina. I have a background in urban planning, policy development, and intergovernmental relations. I was elected to Nanaimo council in 2018, and elected Chair of the RDN in 2020 and 2021.

I am proud to have brought ideas forward and led dialogue that resulted in the expansion of our regional parks systems, the creation of the City’s Advisory Committee on Accessibility and Inclusiveness, increased transit service, parcel assembly in Nanaimo’s downtown, and local commitment to funding a new patient tower and cardiac services for Nanaimo Regional General Hospital.

A passion of mine has been to push the province to modernize the local government act to allow for local governments to be more nimble, adaptable and inclusive. I have led this discussion among the Regional District Chairs throughout the province. Further, I believe that to be effective, local governments must adopt cohesive frameworks to orient their actions and build budgets based on outcomes for their citizenry. I have presented on this topic throughout Canada.

I am honored to have served the citizens of Nanaimo for the last four years and have the energy to tackle the challenges before us. I have thoroughly enjoyed being RDN Chair and developing a positive and accountable organizational culture to provide value to citizens.

When I am not busy with Council business, you can find me at Wheatcroft park with my family, playing sports, or enjoying life with my two beautiful children.

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
There is an air of uncertainty around the world right now and Nanaimo is no exception. We need leaders that seek solutions and understand that we cannot passively wait for change.

We need council members who are willing to act to meet the challenges of our time and the needs of our citizens. As the Chair of the Regional District of Nanaimo and City Councillor, I have strived to bring a dependable, thoughtful, and pragmatic approach to the work; and have forged trusting relationships with the goal of building community coalitions to solve our most pressing problems.

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