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Elsa Wong

Indépendant pour Richmond Conseil


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remis au bureau d’élection de Richmond par le candidat

Throughout my 30 years living in Richmond, I have devoted my life to giving back to the community. I worked as the Constituent Assistant of former MLA Linda Reid and am currently the Outreach Constituent Assistant for MP Wilson Miao in Richmond Center, these positions gave me the opportunity to listen and understand what concerns people have. Aside from these official posts, I am the President of Canada Asia Pacific Business Association where I lead a group of 400 youths to volunteer our time to perform charitable work and assist victims in recent natural disasters, to care for and visit our seniors in care homes, and, to organize fundraising events for our health care workers to battle COVID during the pandemic. If elected, I will advocate encouraging affordable housing, supporting local small businesses, building a safe, inclusive and harmonious community, and, increasing wellness programs for seniors and youths.

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