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Scott Van Denham

Indépendant pour Burnaby Conseil
I want, like so many of you, to live in a Burnaby that is affordable to live in, has the lowest possible carbon footprint, allows us safe 15 mins. walks to the services we need, and celebrates the many cultures and communities that make Burnaby the exciting place it is.

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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I’m a 44-year resident of Burnaby. A life-long renter, transit user and walkist. A service worker, living on less-than-average income. I’m Independent, with no allegiances to past large donors to Burnaby elections. Vote Van Denham on October 15.

I volunteered as a canvasser with Dogwood BC, in opposition to the Trans Mountain Expansion project, and helped secure Burnaby Council’s opposition to the now- abandoned Fraser Surrey Docks coal port proposal. I participated in the 2019 You Voice, Your Home conference, providing feedback for the Mayor’s Task Force on Community Housing.

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
Provide truly affordable housing options for service workers, students, seniors & young families. Build safer intersections for pedestrians, cyclists, motorists. Public spaces accessible for all, regardless of ability.
Develop a plan to get Trans Mtn out of Burnaby by 2040.

Affordable Housing: we need to revise Burnaby's Official Community Plan (OCP) to allow for a wider array of housing options, especially low- to mid-rise rental apartments, across the city. We can do this at lower costs by starting a municipal housing corporation or department, that can assemble land, seek out funding partners and hire teams of tradespeople to build housing on a non-profit, cost-recovery basis.

Safer Intersections: we can reduce deaths and injuries at Burnaby intersections by 'daylighting' them: adding sidewalk bulges and installing features like barriers or bike racks that prevent vehicle parking within 20ft of intersections. Pedestrians, cyclists and motorists alike will benefit from being able to more clearly see one another.

Accessible Spaces: some Burnaby public spaces (including City Hall!) are poorly designed in terms of accessibility for anyone with physical disabilities. Future renovations need to correct this. Also, there are many neighbourhoods that still do not have basic safety features like street lights and sidewalk curb cuts, because property owners are able to vote against them. We need to reconsider these necessary safety features to be in the public interest, and find a way to fund them accordingly.

Trans Mountain: the continued presence of Trans Mountain's Burnaby tank farm is a ticking environmental and public safety time bomb, but it is not alone. Shell and Imperial Oil also have tank farms here, in addition to the Parkland refinery. The clear and present danger they present to Burnaby residents can no longer be justified by the limited taxes they pay. They need to go. Burnaby's Official Community Plan will be updated soon, and I encourage all Burnaby residents to come forward with their visions for the transformation of these sites, to pressure their owners to look for the exit and redevelop.