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Mike Rauch is a community-minded leader with a background in engineering and business who advocates for educational opportunities, openness, and informed strategic planning. He values teamwork and excellence in a learning culture.

Visit www.mikerauch.ca for more information on Mike Rauch

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
Mike has been following school district decisions for the last 3 years and has felt increasingly moved to help the district pursue what is best for Abbotsford students. As trustees set the direction for schools, he sees it as one of the most important positions in our city.

Mike Rauch hopes to use his decades of engineering and business leadership to serve the good of public education. Rauch has actively engaged with parents, teachers, administrators, and trustees for years. As a School Trustee, Mike’s proven leadership, fresh perspective, and collaborative approach will create a more open culture where the School District, Parents, and Teachers can work as true partners in delivering a world-class education for Abbotsford kids.

Rauch was the CEO of FlexiForce North America, a mutimillion-dollar manufacturing firm with 300 employees in 14 locations worldwide, before moving into industrial land development and lease management 7 years ago as President of Cahilty Capital. He has dedicated his volunteer time to building community, especially to support the health and well-being of youth and families. He cites his years of service as a grass-roots community event organizer, coach, and member of an educational committee among his qualifications for the board position. 

He believes students need excellent neighbourhood schools that provide supportive, inclusive opportunities and inspiration for today’s diverse learners. Our students also need equitable access to programs that inspire their individual interests. His vision is to see students thrive when education meets passion and belonging.

Rauch is excited about contributing to our youth to build a stronger community. He has children at the primary, middle, and secondary levels, and one starting university. Rauch created one of Cycling BC’s most successful cycling venues at Glenridge Acres in Abbotsford, hosting not-for-profit community events such as youth mountain bike programs, the BC Provincial Mountain Bike Championships for 2021 and 2022, and a family-friendly 12-hour relay event each June. Rauch also shared responsibility for the early development and launch of the Terry Fox Ride of Hope, a 360 km cycling fundraiser for cancer research inspired by Rauch’s friend and Terry Fox’s brother Darrell Fox of Chilliwack. The Terry Fox Ride of Hope has evolved into the largest third-party fundraising event for the Terry Fox Foundation.

Rauch sees the top issues as parental voice and consultation, equitable access to district programs, transparency and accountability, recruiting and retaining the right people, and planning appropriately for Abbotsford’s rapid population growth.

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mikerauch.ca www.mikerauch.ca