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Non-Partisan Association

Enjeux divers

Affordable Housing

Immediately allow two secondary suites in detached homes. Break the building permit logjam at City Hall to speed up construction and bring down costs of new units for renters and buyers. Build secure, affordable rental housing on city-owned land. Introduce smarter zoning.

The NPA will cut out the red tape associated with the building process, introduce smarter zoning with meaningful public consultation and work effectively with not-for-profits, the private sector and goverment to create attainable housing for Vancouverites to rent and buy.

Arts and Culture

Formally recognize culture as the fourth pillar of sustainability in Vancouver. Support creation of a Culture & Recreation Multipass for residents and tourists with a discount for lower income families. Accelerate efforts to build a new home for the Vancouver Art Gallery.

Building New Schools

Work with the City to fast track building and development permits for school facilities. Expedite capital construction and seismic upgrades. Champion the provincial government and community partners for capital resources.

City Police

Support the Vancouver Police Department in meeting their needs for additional officers and work to expand community policing services in our neighbourhoods.

Classroom Funding

Address resource and funding gaps to enable early indentification, designation and programming for students with special needs and vulnerable students. Encourage individuals and non profits to contribute to bursaries, food programs, teacher rentention and enrichment programs.

Community Safety and Security

Support the Vancouver Police Department in meeting their needs for additional officers and work to expand community policing services in our neighbourhoods.


Engage BIAs and other community groups. Work with community centres to create opportunities for social interaction for the older adults. Improve public consultation and create online broadcast of community consulations. Invest in community centres and more community gardens.


Work with other levels of government to highlight the heritage and cultural diversity of Vancouver. Develop stronger partnerships with Indigenous communities. Follow through with an NPA-led motion to develop a world-leading Accessiblity Strategy by 2020.

Ken Sim and his team are a balanced representation of Vancouver. They are made up of individuals of different ages, economic status, gender and ethnic backgrounds. This team understands the needs of Vancouver as a whole and the multiculturism that makes our city unique.

Drug Use

Increase the distribution of Naloxone kits and expand the distribution of fentanyl testing strip kits and continue collaborate effort to address overdose crisis.

Environment & Sustainability

Reduce use of single-use plastics. Expand recycling programs. Develop a plan to speed up sewage separation, protect our environment and ensure Vancouverites can swim in our ocean. Quadruple electric vehicle charge infrastructure over four years. Plant 200,000 trees by 2030.

Good Governance

Engage and listen to what local citizens want and need through public consultation. Work closely with Business Improvement Associatons and neighourhood groups. Maintain a strong connection with city councils throughout the Lower Mainland as well as the provincial government.

Green Space

Invest in rejuvenating Vancouver's neighbourhood community centres and recreational infrastructure. Hire more park rangers and increase patrols. Increase Park Board staffing to ensure people have safe and clean parks and public spaces.


Ensure everyone has a opportunity for safe housing. Verify that homeless shelters meet the needs of vulnerable, older adults and there is transitional housing available to them.

Mental Wellness

Work with school staff to establish a District Mental Health Strategy. Liase with community centres to ensure older adults have opportunities for social interaction.

Pedestrian Safety

Accelerate the Pedestrian Curb Ramp Program to improve walkablity throughout the city. Ensure sidewalks and streetlights meet needs of people with limited mobility. Identify the best and more appropriate locations for bike lanes. Tackle congestion and gridlock.

Public Transit


Continue with the City's work on actionable Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. Support a new indigenous learning centre. Seek to partner with Coast Salish First Nations on a joint development land strategy.


Fast track parks and recreation-related permit applications. Establish a Vancouver Parks Foundation to support parks and recreation facilities. Implement a Culture and Recreation Multipass for residents and tourists with discounts for lower-income families.


Take bold steps to further reduce of single-use plastics in Vancouver while expanding innovative recycling programs to reduce landfill waste.

School Inclusion and Safety

Re-affirm commitment to SOGI 123. Prioritize and fund early identification, designation and personalized programming for learners with special needs and gifted needs. Improve supports for all vulnerable students including English language learners and indigenous students.

School Staffing

Re-establish district-wide school-based revenue generation strategies to encourage local individuals to support teacher attraction and retention efforts.

Sewage and Water Infrastructure

Develop and action plan to accelerate sewage separation.

Small Business

Launch a Small Business Protection Task Force in partnership to identify priority actions on the challenges facing Vancouver small business. Review the property tax model. Make City Hall an adopter of promising new technologies, Collaborate with local and provincial government.

After housing, supporting a strong local economiy is the NPA's top priority. Ken Sim is a local Vancouverite who has grown two businesses from the ground up.

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Conduct a full review of City finances. Cap increases in municipal taxes to no more than the rate of inflation, reduce pressure on property taxes with a debt reduction plan, Unite with Vancouver MPs and MLAs to ensure support from other levels of government.

The NPA will respect taxpayers and get the City on solid financial ground by through public engagement, freeing up City staff to do their jobs without political interference and ensuring tax dollars are spent responsibly.


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