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My vision for Burnaby is based on Green Party values: open and democratic local government, social justice and equal opportunities for all citizens and taking a lead role towards a sustainable future based on renewable energy.

Enjeux divers


Promesse de Christine Cunningham

Schools and cities need to be accessible to persons with physical and other disabilities. We would work to make that happen in Burnaby.

Arts and Culture

Promesse de Christine Cunningham

The Burnaby Greens are huge fans of arts and culture. A love of arts and culture can last a lifetime. Arts and culture enriches lives, lifts spirits and provides new ways to interpret and challenge the world around us. Arts and culture also builds community.

Building New Schools

Promesse de Christine Cunningham

The current Burnaby government has created high rises in and around 4 town centres. There is a concern that there may not be enough schools to service the students in these densified town centres. The BGP would address this situation. And we prefer real classrooms over portables!

Cannabis Legalisation & Policy

Promesse de Christine Cunningham

I believe the Green Party supports the legalization of marijuana for adults for the same reasons the federal Liberal Government does. I personally feel that students should be educated on the possible health risks associated with marijuana use.

Classroom Funding

Promesse de Christine Cunningham

There needs to be sufficient funding for teachers to have the class sizes, teaching assistants and other resources they need to bring out the best in each and every student.


Promesse de Christine Cunningham

The Greens would work for affordable housing and daycare. We would support immigrants and celebrate multiculturalism. We would update aging community centres and create more public space for non-profit community groups. We would provide more north-south transportation links.


Promesse de Christine Cunningham

The Green Party supports diversity in every sense. All people should be respected. Diversity is to be celebrated, not feared!

Drug Use

Promesse de Christine Cunningham

I believe that drug use is a health issue. Students need to receive accurate medical and social information about the risks of taking drugs and they need a place to turn to if they get into trouble with drugs or alcohol.

Environment & Sustainability

Promesse de Christine Cunningham

The Burnaby Greens, like other Greens around the world, believe we need to move more quickly away fossil fuels as an energy source. We oppose the expansion of the Trans Mountain pipeline. We support local growers. We encourage walking, cycling, ride-sharing and EVs.

Good Governance

Promesse de Christine Cunningham

The Burnaby Green Party believes in open and transparent government and a government that truly listens to the people. I would like to see children/youth to have their voices heard in local government.

Mental Wellness

Promesse de Christine Cunningham

Mental wellness has flown under the radar for too long. We need to find ways to support those with mental wellness challenges just as we support those with physical health challenges.

Natural Disaster Measures

Promesse de Christine Cunningham

The Burnaby Green Party would continue the seismic upgrading of Burnaby schools. We would review Burnaby's emergency preparedness for earthquakes and our preparedness for possible climate related problems such as flooding due to heavy rains and smoke from forest fires.

Public Engagement

Promesse de Christine Cunningham

We support public engagement to make our city a more vibrant democracy, truly reflecting what people want. We would actively seek out the views of those who traditionally have not had a voice. We would encourage the creation of community committees to advise local government.


Promesse de Christine Cunningham

There are about 850 indigenous students in Burnaby. Why is that? We need to ask our indigenous students if their needs are being met. Students need to learn the history of our indigenous peoples, read the Truth & Reconciliation Report and think what they can do to reach out.


Promesse de Christine Cunningham

The Burnaby Green Party supports recycling. However, we would prefer that sustainable products be used in the first place.

School Inclusion and Safety

Promesse de Christine Cunningham

This is a big one for me! Students need to be safe and feel safe - on the way to school and at school eg. traffic safety, safety from bullying "on line" or in person. Students need to be informed about SOGI so that diversity is respected. Students need health information.

School Staffing

Promesse de Christine Cunningham

School staff need job security, fair compensation/benefits and good working conditions so that they want to stay in their positions, or get promoted, and that they bring a great attitude to the school workplace. Succession planning is important if school staff leave.

Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity Curriculum and Supports

Promesse de Christine Cunningham

The Burnaby Green Party's supports SOGI


Promesse de Christine Cunningham

The leader of our Burnaby Green Party is musician, Joe Keithley, of DOA. His songs are about grass roots activism and showing compassion. We like his vibes!


Promesse de Christine Cunningham

If elected the Burnaby Green Party would find a way to give youth a voice in local government. Youth are the future of the world. We need to hear from youth and support and respect them.


soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I was a property rights lawyer for children/youth for 30 years. I have two adult sons and two school age grandchildren. I am a big supporter of children/youth and the Green Party. I believe all children/youth should feel safe, included and valued. I want to work for you!

BurnabyGreenParty.com BurnabyGreenParty.com