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Brandon is a community activist, human rights educator, and advocate for LGBTQ2+ youth. He's passionate about collaboration, equity and inclusion and is committed to amplifying the voices of renters, the arts community, young people and all who are underrepresented in government.

Brandon has completed a Masters in Urban Studies at SFU in public engagement and civic education. He examined the ways that the City of Surrey works to involve citizens in the various processes of government. He brings his interest in promoting engagement and inclusion in municipal government to this campaign for City Council.

Brandon is the Education Director for Out on Screen, an organization that celebrates queer lives through film, education, and dialogue. In this role, he works as an advocate for LGBTQ2+ youth and the policy changes needed to support them. This work has taken Brandon to schools across Vancouver and BC, and given him the opportunity to listen to young people about the issues important to them. He knows that, standing up for these young people, and their future in the city, will guide the decisions he makes in City Council.

Brandon worked on the Youth Vital Signs public engagement project with the Vancouver Foundation. This project strengthened the engagement of young people with their schools, neighbourhoods, and cities in a project that spanned the Lower Mainland region. Brandon has also served on the City of Vancouver’s Civic Planning Committee.

onecityvancouver.ca www.onecityvancouver.ca