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Wilfried Richard Alexander Danzinger

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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
To learn about me, please visit my website: https://www.wilfppc.com/

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
In mid August, my wife was crying in bed because she was terrified for the future of our kids. I knew that one vote would not be enough, so I decided to become a candidate for the PPC.

The PPC is the only party that is pro-informed medical consent. The PPC is the only party that understands that only a physician or a medical professional can prescribe medical treatment for the prevention of Covid-19, and that anyone else (such as the government, appointed officials, employers, educators, and the like) is unlawfully practicing medicine by prescribing, recommending, and/or using coercion to insist on testing and/or vaccination for COVID-19.

Communism and religion cannot coexist, which is why the establishment parties do not care about an individual's religious beliefs or moral conscience. The PPC is the only party that supports freedom of religion, which is why the PPC is pro-informed medical consent. With informed medical consent, you have the right to know how the COVID-19 vaccine is developed and manufactured, and what the ingredients are. The PPC is the only party that believes that you should be able to make a decision based on your religious beliefs or moral conscience.

"In various stages of vaccine development and manufacturing, some of the COVID-19 vaccines used cells originally isolated from fetal tissue (often referred to as fetal cells), some of which were originally derived from an aborted fetus. The use of fetal cell lines is a very sensitive and important topic within some faith communities and among individuals with concerns about the ethics of using materials derived in this way." - http://publichealth.lacounty.gov/media/Coronavirus/docs/vaccine/VaccineDevelopment\_FetalCellLines.pdf

The PPC is the only party against the vaccine passport "Social Credit System". Think about this: If (as of September 6, 2021) 84.291% of people 12+ in Ontario have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, and 77.704% of people 12+ in Ontario are fully vaccinated ( Reference: https://covid19tracker.ca/provincevac.html?p=ON ), then why do we need a vaccine passport? The Liberals want to spend over one billion dollars of your hard earned taxpayer money on this so that they can track you everywhere you go and everything you do - and guess what? Regardless of if you are vaccinated or not, it is intended to track everyone! Just take a look at what is happening in other Commonwealth Countries, such as Australia - this is what Canada will turn into if we don't stop this right here and right now!

The PPC is the only party against lockdowns that destroyed our small businesses & independent free-thinking entrepreneurs. How is it safer to only have big box stores open with huge lineups? If one person coughs or sneezes in the store, then everyone is herded through that. If the government would really be concerned about our health, then they would let all businesses remain open. If each business followed the same safety protocols, then shoppers would be spread out, there would be less risk of transmission, there would be no job loss & business closures, and our economy would not be in the terrible state that it now is. Our great grandchildren will still be paying for what has happened ( https://www.debtclock.ca/ ). Another scary thing is this: If the establishment government is not voted out in this election, then be prepared for a 3rd lockdown in October/November. If we accept this 3rd lock down, then "they" know that they can force anything on us that they want!

There are two ways to lead people, divide and conquer is one of them. The PPC is the only party that does not divide people by race, gender, education, level of income, religion, political views, vaccination status, etc. These divisions are all artificially created to divide us! The second way to lead people is to unite them. The PPC is the only party that recognizes that we are all Canadians, regardless of our differences, and that we should all be treated equally as outlined in our Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

The PPC is the only party defending the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This is the most important election of our lifetime!

Live free or die!

PS: For my environmentally & fiscally responsible campaign, I will not be using any single use plastic lawn signs, and I will not be begging any of my constituents for money. Please go to https://www.wilfppc.com/fanclub to download and print signs to place in your doors, windows, cars, or anything else you can think of.

Also, I would love to meet all of you. I have been going door to door and walking down busy streets to meet as many of you as I can, but as this is a very large riding and with so little time, please look at my https://www.wilfppc.com/tourdates page to find out where I will be to come and see me!

To me, love is the absolute most precious and valuable thing that anyone can have or give. I have already refused donations because I do not want to win a campaign with money and for money, I want to win my campaign with love and for love: for the love of my family, for the love of my friends, for the love of all of my fellow Canadians regardless of their political views, and for the love of Canada! To all of the PPC fans, I am not asking you to help with money, I am asking you to help with love!

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wilfppc.com www.wilfppc.com