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Nancy Mercier

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For the past 30 years Nancy has held positions in finance with the Pharmaceutical companies of Bausch & Lomb, Warner Lambert and Pfizer. She co-owned and managed an incorporated construction business affiliated to Home Depot, and she founded a not-for-profit religious & educational organization, where she worked as an Interfaith Minister and Naturopath. Nancy also advocates for persons with disabilities, for better end of life care and better mental health services, as well as more alternative or private healthcare services. As a patriot, freedom fighter and free thinker, Nancy rejects censorship, government corruption, medical coercion, fascism, communism, Islamism/Sharia Law, globalism, climate change alarmism, carbon taxes, mass immigration and the Great Reset.

Contact Nancy: [email protected]

Donate to Nancy's campaign on her website linked below!

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