Educated in the region, a B.A. in Information Technology from Bishop’s University, a d.e.p. in Industrial Mechanics from Brome-Missisquoi Campus, and a graduate certificate from Concordia, he believes you can never have too many skills. He understands and lives the financial hardship many Canadian’s face. Seeing the current Liberal government spend recklessly, it appears they don’t value current and future generations' taxpayer’s money. Honest, true, and down-to-earth, Alexis is always eager to hear your concerns. Standing up for what is right is what he promises to do.
Affordability & Childcare
Canada Child Benefit
Promesse de Alexis Stogowski
Canada Workers Benefit
Promesse de Alexis Stogowski
Cell & Internet Bills
Promesse de Alexis Stogowski
Promesse de Alexis Stogowski
Employment Insurance
Promesse de Alexis Stogowski
Food & Nutrition
Promesse de Alexis Stogowski
Promesse de Alexis Stogowski
Gas Prices
Promesse de Alexis Stogowski
Guaranteed Livable Income
Promesse de Alexis Stogowski
Minimum Wage
Promesse de Alexis Stogowski
Educated in the region,a B.A. in Information Technology from Bishop’s University, a d.e.p. in Industrial Mechanics from Brome-Missiquoi Campus, and a graduate certificate from Concordia, he believes you can never have too many skills. He understands and lives the financial hardship many Canadian’s face. Seeing the current Liberal government spend recklessly, it appears they don’t value current and future generations taxpayer’s money. Honest, true, and down to earth, Alexis is always eager to hear your concerns. Standing up for what is right is what he promises to do.
Il possède un B.A. en technologie de l’information de l’Université Bishop’s, un D.E.P en mécanique industrielle du Campus Brome-Missisquoi et un certificat en administration des affaires de l’Université Concordia. Il croit que nous n’avons jamais trop de compétences et qu’il est toujours pratique d’avoir plusieurs cordes à son arc. Il comprend et vit les difficultés financières auxquelles font face de nombreux Canadiens. En voyant comment le gouvernement libéral gaspille imprudemment l’argent des contribuables, il veut ramener la responsabilité financière dans l’intérêt des générations actuelle et futures.
Raison de la candidature
I am against Bill-96. A bilingual Québec is a better Québec.
Je suis contre la Loi-96. Une Québec bilingue est un meilleur Québec.
Honest, true, and down to earth, Alexis is always eager to hear your concerns. Standing up for what is right is what he promises to do.
Honnête, sincère et terre-à-terre, Alexis Stogowski est toujours prêt à entendre vos préoccupations. Défendre ce qui est juste, c'est ce qu'il promet de faire dans Brome-Missisquoi.