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Green Party

Agriculture & Food

Green farming

Establish emissions targets; Fund research and support for farmers shifting to organic and regenerative farming systems; Renew the Environmental Farm Plan Program to help farmers protect wildlife habitat, maintain water quality; and improve soil quality.

Establish climate change emission targets for all components of the food system, including nitrogen fertilizer use, livestock production and transportation.

Fund research and extend support for farmers shifting from conventional to organic and regenerative farming systems which work with nature, not against it, to produce food.

Renew the national Environmental Farm Plan Program to help farmers protect wildlife habitat areas and marginal lands, maintain water quality in streams, lakes and aquifers, and retain and improve soil quality, increase carbon sequestration and decrease water requirements.

Restore the Prairie Farm Rehabilitation measures for adaptation to drought conditions.

Restructure Canada’s Business Risk Management Programs to help farmers cope with climate risk, with the focus on disaster assistance.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Locally-grown food

Invest $2.5m/year into a land and quota trust program and farming apprenticeship programs to expand local small-scale agriculture; Set targets for domestic production; Rooftop gardens; Re-establish infrastructure for local food production; Preserve and record existing farmland.

Invest $2.5 million per year into a land and quota trust program and farming apprenticeship programs to expand local small-scale agriculture and help new farmers get started.

Set a target to replace a third of Canada’s food imports with domestic production, increasing regional food self-reliance and returning 15 billion food dollars back into our economy.

Support rooftop and community gardens and urban food production systems to increase access to local food.

Assist in re-establishing the infrastructure for local food production in canneries, slaughterhouses and other value-added food processing.

Protect supply management systems while allowing production for local markets outside this system.

Reinstate the Canada Land Inventory program to provide a comprehensive record of existing and potential agricultural land.

Provide effective fiscal incentives to other levels of government to preserve farmlands under their jurisdictions.

From Election Plan 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Treatment of farm animals

Adopt animal welfare legislation to prevent inhumane treatment of farm animals.

Adopt animal welfare legislation to prevent inhumane treatment of farm animals including in intensive factory farming operations. This will set minimum standards of treatment and have a timetable for phasing out intensive factory farming and other inhumane animal husbandry practices. It will set standards for distances live animals can be transported, and conditions for animals in slaughterhouses and auctions.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Education & Training

Post-secondary education

Allocate $10 billion to post-secondary and trade school supports; Make college and university tuition free for all Canadian students; Remove the 2% cap on increases in education funding for Indigenous students; Forgive extant student debt held by the federal government.

Make college and university tuition free for all Canadian students. This would be financed by redirecting existing spending on bursaries, tuition tax credits, saved costs of administering the student loan system, and the hundreds of millions of dollars of student loan defaults written off every year. Tuition scholarships provided by colleges and universities can be redirected to offset other student costs.

Tie funding in federal-provincial transfers to universities, providing more to universities and colleges with a measurable focus on student-professor contact, mentorship, policies of inclusion and tenure track hires.

Remove the two per cent cap on increases in education funding for Indigenous students and ensure all Indigenous youth have access to post-secondary education.

Forgive the portion of existing student debt that is held by the federal government.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Environment, Climate Change, & Energy

Carbon pricing

Maintain a broad-based, revenue neutral carbon fee on all sources of carbon dioxide pollution. Revenues from the carbon fee would be returned to Canadians as a dividend.


Give Canadians the right to a healthy environment; Expand marine protected areas to 30% of territorial waters by 2030; Ramp up development and implementation of endangered species recovery plans; Commit $400m to create Indigenous-led protected and conserved areas.

Pass legislation to give Canadians the right to a healthy environment, promoting greater transparency in decision-making, public participation rights and access to judicial review mechanisms.

Expand marine protected areas from 10 to 30 per cent of Canada’s territorial waters by 2030.

Increase funding to federal departments to dramatically ramp up the development and implementation of endangered species recovery plans required by legislation, placing tight deadlines on completion and invoking emergency powers of the federal government to protect species when provincial governments fail to do so.

Protect a minimum of 30 per cent of freshwaters, oceans and land by 2030.

Commit $100 million annually over the next four years to create Indigenous-led protected and conserved areas and fund stewardship of these lands and waters by Indigenous guardians.

Fully restore the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act, which was gutted by the Harper government in 2012, and adopt the recommendations of the independent Expert Panel on Environmental Assessment, commissioned by the Liberals and then ignored.

Increase funding to Parks Canada to ensure that the ecological integrity of our national parks is maintained, and where necessary restored, and that heritage sites are fully protected and maintained.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Emissions targets

Pass into law a Climate Change Act requiring a 60% cut in climate-changing emissions below 2005 levels by 2030, reaching net zero in 2050.
  • Interim targets would be set at five-year intervals beginning with 2025.
  • Set legal emissions limits for industries that decline over time, with penalties for exceeding those limits.

Energy production

Implement a major ramp-up of renewable energy with 100% of Canada's electricity coming from renewable sources by 2030, including in remote and northern communities; Implement a national electrical grid strategy to enable renewable energy flow between provinces and territories.

Implement a major ramp-up of renewable electricity. By 2030, 100 per cent of Canada’s electricity will come from renewable sources. This includes getting remote and northern communities off diesel generators.

To enable renewable electricity to flow across provincial and territorial boundaries, implement a national electrical grid strategy, including building connections between eastern Manitoba and western Ontario, and upgrading connections between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. This will be paid for with money now allocated for expanding the Trans Mountain pipeline ($1.6 billion announced in December 2018, towards an estimated $10-13 billion), and create thousands of jobs nation-wide.

Work with provincial governments to determine which orphaned oil and gas wells are geologically suited to produce geothermal energy. This will turn provincial liabilities into potential income-generating renewable energy, ideally in partnership with First Nations. Those with weaker geothermal energy potential may be used in district energy, including for greenhouses.

From _Election Platform 2019_, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Fossil fuel subsidies

Cancel subsidies to fossil fuel industries, redirecting funds into the Canadian Grid Strategy and renewable energy transition.


Using the existing Green Infrastructure Fund, launch a national program to restore natural buffer zones along waterways; Invest in climate-proofing essential infrastructure, prioritizing drinking and waste water systems to protect against flooding, droughts, and contamination.

Green buildings and housing

Launch a massive energy efficiency retrofit of residential, commercial, and institutional buildings, financed through direct grants, zero-interest loans, and repayments based on energy/cost savings; Require new construction to meet net-zero emission standards by 2030.

Launch a massive energy efficiency retrofit of residential, commercial and institutional buildings. To make a renewable energy transition possible, we have to eliminate energy waste. According to trade union research, this will create over four million jobs.

Finance building retrofits and installation of renewable energy technologies such as solar and heat pumps through direct grants, zero-interest loans and repayments based on energy/cost savings.

Change the national building code to require new construction to meet net-zero emission standards by 2030 and work with the provinces to enact it.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Green governance

Establish a cross-party inner cabinet to deal with climate change, mandated to ensure Canada does its part to limit global warming to a level civilization can survive, and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Green jobs

Phase out fossil fuel subsidies and invest the money in green economic sectors.

Establish a Canadian Sustainable Generations Fund to make critical investments in trades, apprenticeships and education required for the transition to a green economy. These investments in skills training will complement targeted national infrastructure investments in energy efficiency, renewable energy production, digital upgrades, clean-tech manufacturing and emerging technologies, tourism, the creative economy, and the care economy.

Establish a National Community Benefit Strategy that leverages public procurement to maximize opportunities for social hiring and procurement, including Indigenous procurement, youth employment and demand-driven skills development programs.

Enhance the federal Youth Employment and Skills Strategy by creating a Community and Environment Service Corps. This will provide $1 billion annually to municipalities to hire Canadian youth.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Major energy projects

Approve no new pipelines, or coal, oil, or gas drilling or mining; Continue extant oil and gas operations on a declining basis with bitumen production phased out between 2030 and 2035; Ban fracking; Cancel the Trans Mountain pipeline.
  • No new pipelines, or coal, oil or gas drilling or mining, including offshore wells, will be approved. Existing oil and gas operations will continue on a declining basis, with bitumen production phased out between 2030 and 2035. Hydraulic fracturing (fracking) operations will be banned outright due to impacts on groundwater quality, methane release and seismic activity.
  • Cancel the Trans Mountain pipeline (and its $10-13 billion cost) as well as other subsidies to fossil fuel industries, totaling (sic) an additional several billion dollars a year. This money will be redirected to the Canadian Grid Strategy and renewable energy transition.

From _Election Platform 2019_, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Pesticides & herbicides

Set targets for reducing use of pesticides through programmes to assist farmers in moving to organic farming; Revive and expand the National Pesticides Monitoring and Surveillance Network; Create a reporting database for to keep track of health impacts of pesticides; Ban neonics.

Set targets for reducing the use of pesticides in agriculture through programs to assist farmers in moving to organic and regenerative farming.

Revive and expand the National Pesticides Monitoring and Surveillance Network.

Create an adverse effects reporting database for doctors and emergency rooms to keep track of health impacts of pesticides and other chemicals.

Ban neonicotinoid pesticides, which kill bees and other pollinators, and support farmers in shifting to alternatives.

Ban all forestry and cosmetic uses of glyphosate-based herbicides as well as their use as a pre-harvest desiccant.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Toxic substances

Strengthen CEPA; Invoke the precautionary principle in making decisions about approvals of products, substances, projects, and processes with potential for irreversible harm; Regulate microfibres as a toxic substance; Ban all toxic ingredients in personal care products.

Strengthen the Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) to limit the approval and use of toxic chemicals that affect our health and environment.

Regulate microfibres as a toxic substance under CEPA.

Invoke the precautionary principle in making decisions about approvals of products, substances, projects and processes where there is the potential for irreversible harm. If there is no scientific proof of safety, then approval will be withheld.

Ban all toxic ingredients in personal care products.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Waste & pollution

Set targets to reduce production of solid waste; Hold manufacturers financially responsible for waste; Require an increasing percentage of recycled plastic feedstock in durable plastic products; Require all products to be fully recyclable; Phase out export of solid waste.

Set national targets to reduce the production of solid waste and work with provincial, territorial and Indigenous governments to achieve those targets.

Implement an extended producer responsibility program to hold manufacturers financially responsible for the waste associated with the production, distribution, packaging and end of life of their products.

Require an increasing percentage of recycled plastic feedstock in durable plastic products.

Require all products to be fully recyclable using readily available processes.

Phase out Canada’s export of solid waste to other countries. If we produce it, we should manage it.

Establish a plastics lifecycle advisory group, comprising representatives from all sectors in the lifecycle of plastic products, scientists, and federal and provincial government representatives, to provide guidance and recommendations in establishing plastics biodegradability, recyclability and sustainability standards.

Adopt a precautionary approach to limit the production and use of persistent contaminants in plastic, based on evolving research into the human health impacts of micro-fibres and other micro-plastics.

In consultation with food distributors and sellers, set 2022 reusable and refillable packaging targets for supermarkets and other food stores.

By January 2022, ban the production, distribution and sale of all unnecessary or non-essential petroleum-based single-use plastics, including: carry-out and produce bags, balloons, straws, plates, cups, lids, cutlery, cotton buds, drink stirrers, cigarette filters, and plastic water bottles (less than four litres); packaging, including multilayer packaging, packing straps, all multipack rings, takeaway packaging, and all expanded polystyrene (styrofoam) packaging; and all single-use plastics that are not easily recyclable or have additives that make them non-recyclable, including thermoset plastics.

Extend the ban on microbeads to include household and industrial cleaning products.

By 2021, require all new washing machines sold in Canada to have a removable, cleanable filter to capture micro-fibres that otherwise pass through water treatment plant filters and into water bodies.

By 2021, fund proper solid waste management systems in Indigenous and Arctic communities.

Turn off the pollution taps flowing into coastal waters including municipal sewage and industrial effluents. Climate protection policies to prohibit new offshore oil and gas development and phase out existing operations will reduce the threat of marine oil spills.

Legislate cruise ship waste discharge standards that meet or exceed those of our coastal neighbours.

To reduce and mitigate plastic waste from fishing gear that entangles and kills marine animals, by January 2021 implement an Extended Producer Responsibility program for all companies making or selling synthetic fishing gear which would fund the retrieval of lost or abandoned fishing gear, commonly known as ghost nets, and the collection and recycling of old, damaged, and recovered fishing gear.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Government & Democracy


Strengthen the Conflict of Interest Act to include financial and other penalties for breaking the law; Impose strict conflict of interest screening criteria for appointments to federal regulatory boards and agencies.

Strengthen the Conflict of Interest Act to include financial and other penalties for breaking the law.

Impose strict conflict of interest screening criteria for appointments to federal regulatory boards and agencies, minimizing the potential for bias and preferential access by the regulated industry.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Electoral reform

Ensure that the 2019 election is the last "first past the post" election; Launch a Citizens Assembly on Electoral Reform mandated to make recommendations on an electoral system that would "make every vote count"; Recommendations would be implemented in time for the 2023 election.

Ensure that the 2019 election is the last “first past the post” election. By March 2020, we will launch a Citizens Assembly on Electoral Reform with the mandate to make recommendations to parliament on an electoral system that would “make every vote count.” Legislative changes to implement the recommendations of the Citizens Assembly would be made in time for the 2023 federal election.

Remove the requirement for party leaders to sign candidate nominations, accepting proof of a fair and open process at the local (Electoral District Association) level.

Require all parties to submit their campaign platform cost estimates to the Parliamentary Budget Officer for review.

Mandate Elections Canada to develop a truth in advertising framework for election campaigns that empowers the Commissioner of Elections to investigate citizens’ complaints related to campaign advertising and impose sanctions if the complaints are found to be justified.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Government Transparency

Scrap all fees except the filing fee on Access to Information requests; Provide enforceable deadlines; Authorize the Information Commissioner to order the release of information; Place the administration of parliament, the PMO, and ministers' offices within ATI.

Expand access to information about the government and its activities by scrapping all fees, except the filing fee.

Provide enforceable deadlines so that requests are processed in a timely manner.

Authorize the Information Commissioner to order the release of information.

Place the administration of parliament, the Prime Minister’s Office and minister’s offices within the scope of the ATI.

Override all exemptions so that public interest comes before the secrecy of the government.

Provide for exclusions based on claims of cabinet confidences to be reviewed by the Information Commissioner.

Require public officials to create a public record to document their actions and decisions regarding all ATI requests.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Intergovernmental cooperation

Establish a Council of Canadian Governments, including federal, provincial, territorial, local, and Indigenous governments, to set higher order policy priorities, with the goal of optimizing public spending.


Strengthen the Lobbying Act to require greater transparency and prevent “revolving doors” between political life, the public service and lobbying.

Municipal government

Encourage City Charters to give more autonomy to cities; Reduce interest rates to municipalities on loans for infrastructure; Create a Municipal Fund for federal transfers to municipalities, with double current funding; Allocate 1% of GDP to municipal infrastructure and housing.

Parliamentary reform

Direct the Speaker to enforce existing rules to minimize the power of party whips over individual MPs; Set up an all-party commission to select a board deciding Governor-in-Council appointments; Strengthen the role and independence of parliamentary officers.

Direct the Speaker to enforce existing rules to minimize the power of party whips over individual members of parliament.

Strengthen the role and protect the independence of parliamentary officers including the Ombudsman, the Auditor General, the Ethics Commissioner, the Information Commissioner, the Commissioner of Official Languages and the Parliamentary Budget Officer.

Set up an all-party commission to select a five-member board that will make decisions regarding Governor-in-Council appointments and select candidates for parliamentary officers.

Replace the secretive Board of Internal Economy with an independent oversight committee to review MPs’ salaries, expenses and office budgets.

Establish a public investigations office reporting to parliament to provide clearer and permanent operating rules for such investigations.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Public bidding

Require successful bidders on federal infrastructure contracts to maximize spin-off community benefits of such contracts.

Public service whistleblowers

Reaffirm the independence and integrity of the public service and strengthen whistle-blower protections for public service employees.

Voting age

Lower the voting age to 16.

Government Services & Crown Corporations

Canada Post

Reverse recent cuts to home postal delivery; Upgrade Canada Post to EVs; Establish "last mile" delivery using zero-emission vehicles in urban centres; Have mail carriers check on those with mobility issues or who live alone; Use post offices as resource centres & meeting spaces.

Reverse the most recent cuts to home postal delivery, a move promised by the Liberals but not delivered.

Upgrade the Canada Post fleet to electric vehicles.

Reduce pollution and congestion due to the explosion of package delivery from on-line shopping by establishing “last mile” delivery by Canada Post using zero-emission vehicles in urban centres.

Train mail carriers to check on people with mobility issues or who live alone, particularly during heat waves, storms and other emergencies.

Establish banking services and public high-speed internet access in post offices, particularly in under-serviced rural and remote communities without banks and libraries.

Where space is available, allow community meetings to be held in post offices.

Provide charging stations for electric vehicles in post office parking lots.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Child care

Dedicate resources to making a universal, affordable, early learning and child-care system; Increase federal child care funding to achieve at least 1% of GDP, with an additional $1 billion each year until 1% is reached; eliminate GST on construction costs for child-care spaces.

A Green government will collaborate with provinces/territories, local communities, Indigenous communities and the child-care sector to ensure that a comprehensive short-, medium- and long-term policy road map – based on the principles of universality, affordability, quality, inclusivity and equity – finally becomes a reality.

Canada must dedicate additional resources to making a universal, affordable, early learning and child-care (ELCC) system a reality. It cannot occur without public funding. Canada needs an ELCC system that contributes to a green Canada. Thus, a Green Party government's child care plan will provide the early educator jobs that sustain local communities. It will also recognize that sparsely and unevenly available child-care services force parents to take out-of-their-way routes to child care and work, often by car. Green Party plans for child care take into account not only parents' convenience but also climate goals. Location of child care must reflect the diversity of family needs and be placed along existing public transit routes, including neighbourhood schools, other local buildings, workplaces and transportation hubs.

The best evidence suggests that ELCC is best situated within the context of other policies that support families and children. A Green Party government will follow the example of Quebec and other countries, improving and strengthening maternity/parental leave by making it more inclusive, more flexible and better paid.

Well-designed ELCC is also fundamental to meeting broader equity and social justice goals, for fighting poverty, as a foundation for children's life-long learning, and as part of the backbone of a thriving society. Quality child care yields high social and economic returns in the short and long term by:

  - Supporting women’s workforce participation, education and training.

  - Strengthening children’s health, development and well-being in the early years to provide a strong foundation for learning and living in later years.

  - Strengthening inclusion and respect for diversity for children with disabilities, diverse ethnic and racial groups, newcomers and disadvantaged Canadians.

  - Countering Canada’s slide towards being a more unequal society.

A Green Party government will immediately begin to ramp up federal child care funding to achieve the international benchmark of at least one per cent of GDP annually, adding an additional $1 billion each year until this benchmark is reached with a mature ELCC system. We will eliminate GST on all construction costs related to child-care spaces.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Public broadcasting

Increase funding to CBC and Radio Canada by $315 million per year until the per-capital level of funding is equal to that of the BBC; Reform the governance of CBC - Radio Canada to remove potential for political interference in board appointments.


Assisted dying

Amend the Medical Assistance in Dying legislation to ensure everyone has the choice of dying with dignity.

Amend the Medical Assistance in Dying legislation to ensure that everyone has the choice of dying with dignity. This includes allowing advance directives and guaranteeing the right to draw up a “living will” that gives individuals the power to limit or refuse medical intervention and treatment.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Blood system

Prohibit for-profit blood collection services and remove unscientific barriers to blood donations.


Develop and fund a national dementia strategy in collaboration with health professionals and provincial/territorial governments, to improve quality of life for patients and care givers, increase awareness, and reduce stigma.

Dental care

Expand the single-payer Medicare model to include free dental care for low-income Canadians.

Health transfers

Restore the federal/provincial Health Accord, basic health transfers on demographics and health care needs in each province.

Mental health

Negotiate the Canada Health Accord to prioritize expansion of mental health and rehabilitation services, among other things; Establish a national mental health strategy and suicide prevention strategy; Fund organizations offering LGBTQI2+ youth mental health programmes.

Establish a national mental health strategy and a suicide prevention strategy to address the growing anxieties plaguing Canadians regarding inequality and affordability, the growing precariousness of work and housing, the climate crisis, social isolation, resurgent racial and ethno-nationalism and other harms and risks.

Establish a funding program within Health Canada to support community-based organizations offering targeted LGBTQI2+ youth’s mental health and well-being programs, including suicide prevention, peer support, coming out, and counselling.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Prescription drug coverage

Expand the single-payer Medicare model to include Pharmacare for everyone; Create a bulk drug purchasing agency to reduce drug patent protection periods.

Safe access to abortion

Negotiate the Canada Health Accord to prioritize access to safe abortion services, among other things.

Wait times and access

Negotiate the Canada Health Accord to prioritize reduction in wait times, among other things.


Home ownership

Eliminate the first-time home buyer grant.

Housing supply

Legislate housing as a legally protected fundamental human right for all Canadians and permanent residents; Appoint a Minister of Housing; Target 25,000 new and 15,000 rehabilitated units annually for the next 10 years; Increase funding; Create a co-op housing strategy.

Legislate housing as a legally protected fundamental human right for all Canadians and permanent residents.

Appoint a Minister of Housing to strengthen the National Housing Strategy so that it meets the needs for affordable housing that are unique to each province, and oversee its implementation in collaboration with provincial ministers. This recognizes that housing is provincial jurisdiction. The target would be 25,000 new and 15,000 rehabilitated units annually for the next 10 years.

Increase the National Housing Co-investment Fund by $750 million for new builds, and the Canada Housing Benefit by $750 million for rent assistance for 125,000 households.

Create a Canada Co-op Housing Strategy that would update the mechanisms for financing co-op housing, in partnership with CMHC, co-op societies, credit unions and other lenders.

Include new and existing housing as eligible infrastructure for funding purposes, allowing the Canada Infrastructure Bank to support provincial and municipal housing projects.

Provide financing to non-profit housing organizations and cooperatives to build and restore quality, energy efficient housing for seniors, people with special needs and low-income families.

Restore tax incentives for building purpose-built rental housing and provide tax credits for gifts of lands, or of land and buildings, to community land trusts to provide affordable housing.

Remove the “deemed” GST whenever a developer with empty condo units places them on the market as rentals.

Re-focus the core mandate of Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporate (CMHC) on supporting the development of affordable, non-market and cooperative housing, as opposed to its current priority of supporting Canadian lenders to de-risk investment in housing ownership. With many housing markets demonstrably overvalued, and home ownership rates among the highest in the world, individual home ownership should not be the preoccupation of a public service housing agency and a national housing strategy.

Change the legislation that prevents Indigenous organizations from accessing financing through CMHC to invest in self-determined housing needs.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Human Rights

Ban on blood donation

Remove unscientific barriers to blood donations.

Conversion therapy & intersex surgery

Ban and condemn the practice of medically unnecessary surgeries on intersex children, and the practice of conversion therapy, in all its forms.

Cooperation with torture

Investigate allegations by the UN Human Rights Committee of Canadian officials cooperating with foreign agencies known to use torture.

Detainment for anti-terrorism

Amend the Anti-Terrorism Act and the Public Safety Act to require that, after a reasonable period, formal charges be brought against all those detained.


Ensure access to sexual health care and gender affirming health care, including hormone treatments and blockers, and gender confirmation surgeries; Ensure that trans, non-binary, and Two Spirit people, without undertaking surgeries, are able to alter their sex designation.

Ensure that trans*, non-binary, and Two Spirit people, without undertaking surgeries, are able to alter their sex designation on all federally-issued official documents, consistent with their gender identity.

Require accessible facilities in all federal buildings, including gender-neutral washrooms, changing facilities, etc. while also re-affirming trans, non-binary and Two Spirit people’s right to use whichever facilities with which they identify.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Gender-based violence

Develop a Canada-wide action plan with a timetable and dedicated funding to eliminate violence against women, girls, and gender-diverse people; Implement the recommendations of the IMMIWG; Invest $40m over four years in the Shelter Enhancement Programme.

In collaboration with women’s and Indigenous organizations, develop a comprehensive Canada-wide plan of action – with a timetable and dedicated funding – to eliminate violence against women, girls and gender-diverse people.

Implement all the recommendations of the Inquiry on Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

Increase access to shelters by investing $40 million over four years in the Shelter Enhancement Program, providing more than 2,100 new and renovated spaces in first-stage shelters and hundreds of spaces in transition houses.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Gender-based work discrimination & pay inequity

Fully implement federal pay equity rules.

LGBTQI2+ awareness

Fund community-driven education and awareness programmes that lead to a greater understanding of intersex realities and diversity of sexualities and gender identities, and referral programmes to direct for trans, non-binary, and Two Spirit people to appropriate services.

Ensure that the national census is designed to reflect the diversity of sex and gender and ask appropriate questions to ensure adequate, safe and effective data collection.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Race-based work discrimination

Fully implement federal pay equity rules; Enhance use of Community Benefits Agreements to increase economic inclusion and opportunity for marginalized communities of colour.

Sex work

Reform sex work laws in Canada with a clear focus on harm reduction; Make the industry legal; Increase funding to bolster investigations and convictions in human trafficking cases; Increase funding of organizations helping those driven to sex work by economic deprivation.

Reform sex work laws in Canada with a clear focus on harm reduction, given the dangers that sex trade workers face. By making the industry legal and public, it will make it easier for those who are being trafficked to be found and saved.

Increase funding to bolster investigations and convictions in human trafficking cases.

Increase funding of community organizations providing services to those driven to sex work by economic deprivation.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Sexuality-discriminatory legislation

Repeal all federal laws and policies that discriminate on the basis of sexuality, including Section 159 of the Criminal Code, and that refer to intersex reality as a defect, aberration, or by any other derogatory terms.

Illicit Drugs & Overdoses

Opioid crisis

Declare a national health emergency; Increase funding to community-based organizations to test drugs make Naloxone kits widely available.

Address the opioid crisis as a health-care issue, not a criminal issue, by declaring a national health emergency. Recognize that fentanyl contamination is why deaths are more accurately described as poisonings than overdoses. Drug possession should be decriminalized, ensuring people have access to a screened supply and the medical support they need to combat their addictions. Increase funding to community-based organizations to test drugs and make Naloxone kits widely available to treat overdoses.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Immigration, Refugees, & Borders


Reintroduce legislation to establish a Civilian Complaints and Review Commission for the Canada Border Services Agency.

ESL and FSL training

Allocate much greater funding for training in official languages for new immigrants through earmarked transfers to the provinces for primary and secondary public school and free night school programmes.

Economic immigration

Eliminate the Temporary Foreign Workers Program; address labour shortages by increasing immigration.

Eliminate the Temporary Foreign Workers Program and address labour shortages by increasing immigration, working with employers to establish paths to permanent residency.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Family reunification

Speed up family reunification, especially reuniting children with their parents.

Foreign credentials

Ensure professionals considered for immigration are aware of licensing requirements for their professions; Create a robust system for evaluating education and training credentials of immigrants.

Ensure professionals being considered for immigration have the licensing requirements for their professions clearly explained before entry.

Work with professional associations to create a robust system for evaluating the education and training credentials of immigrants against Canadian standards, with the goal of expediting accreditation and expanding professional opportunities for immigrants.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Here without official status

Establish a programme to process ~200,000 people living in Canada without official status, with a pathway to permanent residency for those who qualify; Ensure "lost Canadians" being denied citizenship through archaic laws are protected and their citizenship restored.

Establish a program to process the estimated 200,000 people living in Canada without official status, providing a pathway to permanent residency for those who qualify.

Ensure the “lost Canadians” quietly being denied citizenship through archaic laws are protected and that their citizenship is restored. Although some significant progress has been made, some are still “lost.”

Implement the recommendation of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration to grant permanent resident status immediately to those who have refused or left military service in a war not sanctioned by the United Nations.

Improve the pathway for international students and foreign workers to Canadian permanent residency and citizenship.

From _Election Platform 2019_, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Immigration consultancy & affordability

Regulate the immigration consulting industry to ensure universally fair, legal and accessible services to help people navigate the immigration system; Increase penalties for consultants convicted of human smuggling and devote more resources to investigation and enforcement.

Multicultural integration

Work with municipalities and provinces to improve integration of new Canadians into the multicultural fabric; Assist cultural organizations to obtain charitable status; Increase funding of multicultural associations providing immigrant support programmes.


Lead a national discussion to define the term “environmental refugee,” advocate for its inclusion as a refugee category in Canada, and accept an appropriate share of the world’s environmental refugees into Canada.

Safe Third Country agreement

Terminate Canada's Safe Third Country Agreement with the United States.

Indigenous Issues

Drinking water

Develop a national water strategy in partnership with provinces, territories, municipal/local governments, and Indigenous peoples, to ensure safe drinking water.

Indigenous culture

Implement the Calls to Action from the TRC, and recommendations from the IMMIWG; Work in partnership with the AFN to implement their agenda for the 2019 election; Support and sustain transmission, proliferation, and regeneration of Indigenous cultural works and languages.

Implement the Calls to Action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, as well as the recommendations from the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

Work in partnership with the Assembly of First Nations to implement their agenda for the 2019 election.

Ensure that every First Nations, Métis and Inuit child has access to quality educational opportunities based on the expressed cultural, political and social priorities of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit governments, following meaningful consultation.

Support the development of Indigenous education curricula that are language and culture specific.

Increase access to post-secondary education for Indigenous youth by removing the two per cent funding cap, as well as fully funding the program backlog.

Support and sustain the transmission, proliferation, and regeneration of Indigenous cultural works and languages.

Educate non-Indigenous Canadians on the histories, customs, traditions and cultures of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples of Turtle Island.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Indigenous education

Remove 2% cap on increases in education funding for Indigenous students and ensure access to post-secondary education; Ensure every Indigenous child has access to quality education opportunities based on cultural, political, and social priorities of Indigenous governments.

Ensure that every First Nations, Métis and Inuit child has access to quality educational opportunities based on the expressed cultural, political and social priorities of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit governments, following meaningful consultation.

Support the development of Indigenous education curricula that are language and culture specific.

Increase access to post-secondary education for Indigenous youth by removing the two per cent funding cap, as well as fully funding the program backlog.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Indigenous health care

Uphold Jordan's Principle in full; Implement Calls to Action 18-24 from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission; Support First Nations, Métis, and Inuit rebuilding traditional knowledge systems.

Uphold Jordan’s Principle in full, ensuring Indigenous People receive the health care they need without being delayed by bureaucratic disagreements over jurisdiction.

Implement Calls to Action 18-24 from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, improving health care for Indigenous Peoples.

Support First Nations, Métis and Inuit in (re)building traditional knowledge systems around healing and wellness, including the formal inclusion of traditional healing within mental wellness and home and community care programs. This process must be led by First Nations, Métis and Inuit organizations.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

End drinking water and boil water advisories by investing and upgrading critical infrastructure to ensure safe water access in every community.

Prioritize high quality safe and affordable housing, particularly in the north, and ensure an equitable distribution of resources for energy efficiency retrofits.

Improve food security in northern communities by consulting with residents on Arctic farming, working with non-profit groups to build greenhouses or hydroponic towers and funding education programs in nutrition and horticulture.

Support health-care services that incorporate traditional practices and recognize the role of extended families and elders.

Together with First Ministers and Indigenous leaders, revisit the Blueprint on Aboriginal Health: A 10-Year Transformative Plan abandoned in 2006.

Devote sufficient resources for maternal and infant care, mental health services and treatment for diabetes and tuberculosis.

Sustain the Aboriginal Health Human Resources Initiative to continue capacity building in the health care profession for Indigenous communities.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Indigenous rights

Honour treaties and respect the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples; Make Indigenous nations equal partners in setting national policy priorities; Fully implement the TRC and MMIWG report; Develop a national strategy for housing, water, food, and healthcare.

The Green Party recognizes the call by the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples (RCAP) for Indigenous self-determination. The Green Party acknowledges that Indigenous Peoples have stewarded lands and waters in their traditional territories for centuries. A Green government will respect Indigenous sovereignty over self-defined and self-governed lands – whether First Nations, Métis or Inuit – and respect all rights that their title to land entails, including the right to stewardship. We respect Inuit sovereignty over Inuit Nunagat. We support the full implementation of treaties and other self-government agreements between Canada and Indigenous governments. A Green government will uphold and fulfill Canada’s responsibilities in all agreements with Indigenous Peoples.

A Green government will re-introduce legislation to enshrine UNDRIP in Canadian law and implement the calls to action from the Truth and Reconciliation Commission and the Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls.

The Green Party rejects the Indian Act as racist and oppressive legislation and is committed to dismantling the Act in full partnership and with First Nations taking the lead role in the process. The Indian Act uses race-based criteria to define who is and who is not an Indian and infringes on the right of First Nations people to define themselves. Greens will support Indigenous Peoples’ work and efforts towards self-determination to ensure no one is left behind or excluded from their rightful heritage. While dismantling the Indian Act will be a complex exercise in which Indigenous Peoples have the deciding role, we will establish processes for self-governing Indigenous Peoples and nations who choose to “opt out” of the Indian Act.

A Green government will welcome a genuine nation-to-nation relationship with Indigenous Peoples in Canada that is truly grounded in the UNDRIP doctrine of free, prior and informed consent.

As described in the Democracy section, a Green government will create an inclusive policy and governance body – the Council of Canadian Governments. This will include Indigenous nations and peoples as equal partners with other levels of government in the development of shared national goals, and will be the vehicle for the revamped First Ministers’ meetings.

Greens endorse the comprehensive agenda prepared by the Assembly of First Nations for the 2019 election, covering a range of policy areas that address the inequities and mistreatment experienced by First Nations across Canada. These include measures relating to reconciliation, health, education, housing, climate change, environmental protection, justice, rights, economic development, infrastructure and skills training.

A Green government will pledge to work in good faith as partners with the AFN to achieve their agenda, only negotiating the priority allocation of funds in line with the Green Party’s commitment to fiscal responsibility. We will work with the Métis National Council and Congress of Aboriginal Peoples to meet the Supreme Court decision in Daniels with meaningful funding and action. We will respect and work with the Inuit through the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami and respect their territory, covering one third of the land mass of Canada.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Indigenous self-determination

Formally repudiate the doctrine of terra nullius, the doctrine of discovery, and other doctrines of superiority; Establish processes for self-governing Indigenous Peoples and nations to transition out form under the Indian Act; Implement UNDRIP and RCAP recommendations.

Formally repudiate the doctrine of terra nullius, the doctrine of discovery, and other doctrines of superiority.

With Indigenous leaders at the helm, establish processes for self-governing Indigenous Peoples and nations to transition out from under the Indian Act, grounding this in the doctrine of free, prior, and informed consent.

Implement the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and reform all judicial, legislative, and executive branches of the federal government so that they are consistent with the Declaration.

Implement the recommendations of the 1996 Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples.

Affirm the inherent right of Indigenous communities to determine child and family services. Support kinship ties and ensure sufficient funding and resources so that families are kept together.

Include representatives from First Nations, Métis, and Inuit governments on the Council of Canadian Governments to improve policy coherence and optimize public spending with respect to higher order policy priorities

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Treaties & land claims

Uphold Canada's fiduciary responsibility, fulfil Canada's responsibilities and agreements, honour treaties, and respect all rights, including inherent rights of self-government; Work towards an Indigenous Lands and Treaties Tribunal Act.

Uphold Canada’s fiduciary responsibility, fulfill Canada’s responsibilities in agreements, honour treaties, and respect all rights of Indigenous Peoples, including their inherent rights of self-government.

In partnership with Indigenous Peoples, work towards the creation of an Indigenous Lands and Treaties Tribunal Act to establish an independent body that will decide on specific claims, ensuring that treaty negotiations are conducted and financed fairly and that treaty negotiations and claims resolutions do not result in the extinguishment of aboriginal and treaty rights.

Immediately implement the lands claims agreements already negotiated and languishing for lack of funding, particularly for First Nations in the territories.

Ensure that negotiations of treaties and self-government are not based on the extinguishment of Indigenous title and rights, and on assimilation, but on reconciliation of rights and title, and that negotiations recognize the diversity of traditional self-governance.

Negotiate with Indigenous Peoples over primary hunting, fishing, trapping and logging rights on traditional lands, especially lands under federal jurisdiction, subject to standards of sustainable harvesting and traditional ecological knowledge.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

International Relations

Autonomous weapons

Ban autonomous weapons and work for a global pact to make them illegal.

Canadian-manufactured weapons

Cancel contracts to provide Saudi Arabia with armoured vehicles and ban importation of Saudi oil.

Climate crisis leadership

Lead an international effort to bring international shipping and aviation into the Paris framework. Introduce an international tax for aviation and shipping fuels earmarked for the Global Climate Fund.

International assistance

Reestablish the Canadian International Development Agency to provide overseas development assistance, untied to Canadian business interests or strategic geopolitics; Increase overseas development assistance to 0.7% of GDP.

Re-establish the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) that was dismantled by the Harper government, with a mandate to provide overseas development assistance where it is most needed. Eliminate the requirement that aid be tied to Canadian business interests overseas, or strategic geopolitics.

Increase Canada’s overseas development assistance budget to reach former Prime Minister Pearson’s goal of 0.7 per cent of GDP, which Canada has never achieved but which many in the donor group of our allies have already surpassed.

Ramp up our national contribution to the Green Climate Fund and Global Environmental Facility to $4 billion per year by 2030.

Review federal government policy to align with the 17 Sustainable Development Goals and develop a mechanism to track progress in meeting these targets both at home and abroad.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Nuclear weapons

Sign and ratify the Treaty to Abolish Nuclear Weapons.

Jobs & the Economy

Banking and credit cards

Limit credit card interest rates to 10 percentage points over the Bank of Canada prime rate; and limit ATM fees to $1 per transaction, and prohibit financial institutions from charging their own customers ATM fees.

Fair trade

Align national trade with climate change plans; Protect supply management; Facilitate effort to reform the WTO; and renegotiate Canada's trade and investment agreements to remove Investor State Dispute Settlement provisions.

Revamp national trade policy to align with national and international climate change plans. This includes reducing the distances over which food is shipped by increasing domestic and local food production.

Protect supply management and ensure that products which are banned in Canada are not imported in food from other countries, for example bovine growth hormone in milk products.

Facilitate a global effort to reform the World Trade Organization. Building on General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) article XX, which was always intended to insulate legislated domestic conservation efforts from trade disciplines, revamp the World Trade Organization to the World Trade and Climate Organization to ensure that trade is consistent with a global carbon budget. Tariffs will be assigned based on the carbon intensity of imported products.

Renegotiate Canada’s trade and investment agreements to remove the Investor State Dispute Settlement (ISDS) provisions that give foreign corporations extraordinary powers to challenge the laws and policies of democratically elected governments, and include binding labour, health, safety and environmental standards.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Jobs in oil, gas, and coal

Ensure a just transition for oil, gas, and coal sector workers.

Embed just transition principles in planning, legislative, regulatory and advisory processes to ensure ongoing and concrete actions throughout the fossil-fuel phase-out transition, including:

  • Meeting directly with affected communities to learn about their local priorities, and to connect them with federal programs that could support their goals.
  • Establishing a dedicated, comprehensive, inclusive and flexible just transition funding program for affected communities.
  • Developing and implementing a just transition plan for workers in fossil fuel sectors, championed by a lead minister who oversees and reports on progress.
  • Integrating provisions for just transition in federal environmental and labour legislation and regulations, as well as relevant inter-governmental agreements.
  • Establishing a targeted, long-term research fund for studying the impact of the sector phase-out and the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Ensure locally available supports, including funding the establishment and operation of locally-driven transition centres in affected communities.

Identify and fund local infrastructure projects in affected communities.

Provide a pathway to retirement by creating a pension bridging program for workers who will retire earlier than planned due to the phase out.

Transition workers to sustainable employment by:

  • Creating a detailed and publicly available inventory with labour market information pertaining to oil, coal and gas workers, such as skills profiles, demographics, locations, and current and potential employers.
  • Creating a comprehensive funding program for workers staying in the labour market to address their needs across the stages of securing a new job, including income support, education and skills building, re-employment, and mobility.
  • Investing in comprehensive retraining and apprenticeship programs for industrial trades workers for jobs in the transition to a zero-carbon economy, especially the renewable and energy efficiency sectors.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Minimum wage & universal income

Establish a universal Guaranteed Livable Income programme; Establish a federal minimum wage of $15/hour; Work with the Council of Canadian Governments and StatsCan to set municipal minimum wages in accordance with the differential costs of living across Canada.

Establish a universal Guaranteed Livable Income (GLI) program to replace the current array of income supports, such as disability payments, social assistance and income supplements for seniors. Building on the MBM, payment would be set at a “livable” level for different regions of the country. The negotiation to implement a livable income across the country would take place through the Council of Canadian Governments. Unlike existing income support programs, additional income would not be clawed back. Those earning above a certain total income would pay the GLI back in taxes.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.


Increase over time the target income replacement rate of the CPP form 25% to 50% of income received during working years; Require CPP divestment of coal, oil, and gas shares; Establish preeminence of pensioners during company insolvency proceedings.

Ensure the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) remains robust and adaptive to changing needs and circumstances by increasing over time the target income replacement rate from 25 per cent to 50 per cent of income received during working years.

Regulate the CPP Investment Board to require divestment of coal, oil and gas shares and ensure that all investments are ethical and promote environmental sustainability.

Protect private pensions by amending the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act and Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act to establish the preeminence of pensioners and the pension plan in the creditor hierarchy during company insolvency proceedings.

From Election Plan 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Public service

Respect rights of unionized employees of the public service to bargain by rejecting back-to-work legislation; Establish an Ombudsman to provide help to harassed and demoralized employees.

Respect the unionized employees of the federal public service and the bargaining process by rejecting back-to-work legislation as a bargaining tool.

Establish a federal Ombudsman to provide impartial and non-departmental help to harassed and demoralized employees.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Unpaid internships

Ban unpaid internships in private sector workplaces, with exception for work-study or experiential learning placements associated with for-credit courses at post-secondary institutions.

Justice, Crime, & Law Enforcement


Lower federally set price for cannabis, making it competitive with illegal supplies; Eliminate requirements for excess packaging; Remove sales tax on medicinal products; Exempt CBD from the restrictions of the Prescriptions List.

Lower the federally set price for cannabis to make it competitive with illegal supplies.

Eliminate requirements for excess plastic packaging on legal cannabis.

Remove the sales tax on medicinal products.

Allow outdoor production and impose organic production standards.

Exempt CBD from the restrictions of the Prescriptions List, allowing hemp growers to produce it as a natural health product. This would strengthen the hemp industry and increase supply so those who use it for medicinal purposes do not have to purchase it illegally.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Reform the process of record suspensions for simple possession of cannabis to maximize fairness and accessibility for marginalized communities, and review the process of record suspensions as it applies to other offences.

Civil & family justice services

Reform the policy, legislation, programming, and funding framework for Canada's superior courts so that civil and family justice services become more accessible to Canadians.

Deferred Prosecution Agreements & SNC-Lavalin scandal

Develop a clear framework for use of Deferred Prosecution Agreements and require the Director of Public Prosecutions to report on negotiated DPAs; Implement McLellan Report recommendations for a clear written exchange of views between ministers.


Ensure illegal handguns are intercepted; Redirect CBSA resources to weapons smuggling; Launch a confidential buyback programme for handguns and assault weapons.

Mandatory minimums

Eliminate mandatory minimum sentences and enable courts to determine appropriate sentences based on the circumstances of each case.

Prisons and prisoners

Eliminate solitary confinement; Re-invest in prisoner rehabilitation and preparation for reintegration into society, especially for Indigenous people and women.

Military & Veterans

Defence funding

Ensure a consistent capital investment plan with stable funding so that service personnel have the equipment and training needed to fulfill an expanded mandate.

This includes naval and coast guard vessels that can operate in the Arctic Ocean, fixed-wing search and rescue aircraft, and helicopters.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.


Provide support for all veterans; Launch a national re-examination of veterans' issues; Restore periodic payments to pre-2006 levels; Repeal denial of pensions to spouses who married after 60; Update the Veterans Charter; Ensure access to health care, and mental health support.

Provide support for all veterans including disabled veterans that allows them to live in dignity. Ensure that services to veterans and their family members are fully integrated and funded.

Launch a national re-examination of veterans’ issues in December 2019 based on good-faith engagement with military families and veterans, including issues relating to pensions and benefits. The goal is to identify necessary reforms and changes to programs to better meet veterans’ needs.

In the meantime, restore periodic payments to veterans at pre-2006 levels.

Repeal the section of the Superannuation Act the denies pensions to surviving spouses of certain workers, including RCMP and veterans, who married after 60.

Work with veterans’ organizations to review and update the Veterans Charter and the processes, structure and mandate of the Veterans Review and Appeal Board to ensure all veterans are treated fairly and with respect.

Ensure that all veterans have access to health care, mental health support and treatments. Military personnel with PTSD must be treated as highly valued people whose health needs to be restored, rather than as liabilities who need to be removed.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Natural Resources

Competitiveness & Natural Resources Canada

Re-deploy financial, physical, and intellectual resources of Natural Resources Canada to achieve climate goals.


Fully implement the co-management provisions of the Oceans Act; Entrench owner-operator and fleet separation policies in the Fisheries Act; Implement the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans report; Increase funding for research on fish stocks.

Fully implement the co-management provisions of the Oceans Act.

Protect independent harvesters and coastal communities by entrenching owner-operator and fleet separation policies in the Fisheries Act; and implement the 20 recommendations of the Standing Committee on Fisheries and Oceans report, West Coast Fisheries: Sharing Risks and Benefits.

Increase funding for research on fish stocks to improve management and protect endangered species in the face of rapidly changing ecosystems.

By 2025, move all open-net pen finfish aquaculture facilities into closed containment systems on land. As with land farmers transitioning from conventional production, provide financial and extension support to fish pen workers to make this transition.

Remove Fisheries and Oceans Canada’s mandate to promote salmon aquaculture and shift regulation of aquaculture to Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, thereby eliminating DFO’s conflicting roles of aquaculture promotion and wild salmon protection.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.


Develop non-commercial aspects of forest management, such as massive tree planting, creating fire breaks and suppression; renew the National Forest Strategy, focusing on restoring ecologically sound and climate resilient forests, in partnership with Indigenous Peoples.

Invoke federal powers for peace, order and good government to develop non-commercial aspects of forest management, such as massive tree planting, creating fire breaks and fire suppression, for climate change adaptation.

Renew the abandoned process of a National Forest Strategy, with the focus on restoring ecologically sound and climate resilient forests, and restoring forests as carbon sinks, in partnership with Indigenous Peoples. Orient federal forest science towards this goal.

Increase forest fire preparedness, including buying water bombers and ensuring they can be deployed rapidly in high-risk zones.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.


Support the transition of the mining sector to an innovation hub for greener technologies, commercialized and attractive to export markets, including $40 million for the proposed Sudbury-based mining innovation cluster.


Artificial Intelligence

Strike a parliamentary committee to examine issues related to development of AI with recommendations forming basis of a legislative and regulatory framework to govern ethical, environmental, social, and economic implications of AI tech; ban autonomous weapons; track automation.

Strike a parliamentary committee to examine the range of issues related to the development of AI. Recommendations would form the basis of a legislative and regulatory framework to govern the ethical, environmental, social and economic implications of widespread dispersion of AI technologies.

Bring in a Guaranteed Liveable Income to reduce anxiety as the world of work is disrupted in ways we cannot predict.

Eliminate tuition to increase education and trade level skills to adapt to change.

Institute a tax for large corporations that is the equivalent to the income tax paid by employees who have been laid off due to AI. Small businesses will be exempt.

Use this tax revenue to fund educational and transition programs for laid-off workers, including trade schools.

Track automation in different sectors and non-automatable jobs. Fund job creation, emphasizing a secure future in meaningful work.

Ban autonomous weapons and fight for a global pact to make them illegal.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Cell service and broadband

Amend CRTC regulations to increase competition in the provision of cellular and internet services, and decouple payments for cell phones from cell services.


Protect consumers and investors from cryptocurrency fraud or theft, and direct Revenue Canada and law enforcement agencies to develop practical methods for preventing the use of cryptocurrencies for money laundering and funding terrorism.

Internet taxation

Remove exemption of taxes on advertising in social media platforms.

Net neutrality

Guard against threats to net neutrality.

Privacy protections

Require the Communications Security Establishment & CSIS to get a warrant before intruding on Canadians' communications; Increase powers of Privacy Commissioner; Regulate Internet privacy protections. Regulate social media platforms to have only verifiable identities can publish.

Change the law to require the Communications Security Establishment and CSIS to get a warrant before intruding on Canadians’ communications.

Prohibit the routine surveillance of Canadians who protest against the government and the sharing of protesters' and NGO staff information with the National Energy Board, and others.

Significantly increase the powers of the Privacy Commissioner, in particular to protect identity and personal data, and to enforce privacy laws.

Require companies to grant access to all information they hold on an individual, and to delete personal information from company databases when requested by that person. Individuals would have the “right to be forgotten.”

Establish a parliamentary inquiry to recommend modernizing privacy laws governing the burgeoning “internet of things.”

Create mandatory data breach reporting for all government departments, companies, banks and political parties.

Regulate Facebook, Twitter and other social media platforms to ensure that only actual people, with verifiable identities, are able to publish on those platforms.

Prohibit cyber surveillance and bulk collection of data as part of cyber surveillance by intelligence and police agencies.

Require that internet service providers may only release data when required to do so by warrant, except in emergency situations.

Require political parties to follow the Privacy Act, without exceptions.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Right to Repair

Enact Right to Repair legislation requiring producers to provide consumers or repair shops with replacement parts, software, and tools for diagnosing, maintaining, or repairing their products, and reset any security that may disable the device during diagnosis or repair.

Enact Right to Repair legislation that requires producers to provide consumers or repair shops with replacement parts, software and tools for diagnosing, maintaining or repairing their products, for a fair price, and to reset any electronic security that may disable the device during diagnosis, maintenance or repair.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Science & Innovation

Invest in scientific research and implement funding recommendations from Canada's Fundamental Science Review; Enhance funding for granting councils; Establish a portal for all government science to be available in a comprehensible form.

Invest in scientific research and implement the full funding recommendations from Canada’s Fundamental Science Review.

Enhance funding for the granting councils, including the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC), the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Canadian Institutes for Health Research.

Restore and augment Climate Change and Atmospheric Research (CCAR) funding to NSERC and ensure ongoing funding for the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory, which the Liberals failed to restore after the funding ran out.

Commit to full implementation of Scientific Integrity Policies for all government departments.

Establish a portal where all government science, including the evidence the government uses to make decisions, is available to Canadians in a comprehensible form.

Adopt policies similar to Europe’s “Plan S” to ensure that scientific publications based on publicly-funded research are available in open access journals or on the portal.

Supports NSERC’s Framework on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion in scientific research, and commit to strengthening Canadian scientific and engineering communities to include the full participation of equity-seeking groups, including women, visible minorities, Indigenous Peoples, people with diverse gender identities and people with disabilities.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Tech investment

Strike a parliamentary committee to examine the implications of introducing 5G technology, including security issues and impacts on weather forecasting, and make recommendations on how and if Canada should proceed.

Transit & Transportation

Active transportation

Create a national cycling and walking infrastructure fund to help support zero emissions active transportation.

Low-emissions vehicles

Ban sale of internal combustion engine passenger vehicles by 2030; Exempt new and used zero-emission vehicles from federal sales tax; Expand charging stations for electric vehicles; Use sustainable biofuels where electric and fuel cells are not viable.

Ban the sale of internal combustion engine passenger vehicles by 2030.

Exempt new and used electric and zero-emission vehicles from federal sales tax.

Expand charging stations for electric vehicles, including all parking lots associated with federal facilities.

Maximize emissions reductions in all transportation through the use of sustainably produced biofuels, made from waste wood by-products and used vegetable oils, where electric and fuel cells not viable, as is the case for fishing, mining and forestry equipment.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Passenger ferries

Require all passenger ferries to convert to electric or hybrid systems by 2030.


Invest $600m in 2020-21, rising to $720m by 2023, to develop regional and inter-regional rail networks; Build high-speed rail in the Toronto-Ottawa-Quebec City triangle and the Calgary-Edmonton corridor; develop a Green Freight Transport programme and fund track re-routing.

Enact the Via Rail Act to implement a passenger rail transportation policy. Invest $600 million in 2020-21, rising to $720 million by 2023 to develop regional rail networks and strengthen rail connections between regions. This will include building several sections of 10 km of track to avoid bottlenecks where heavy freight pushes passenger rail to the siding.

Build high-speed rail in the Toronto-Ottawa-Quebec City triangle and the Calgary-Edmonton corridor.

Develop a Green Freight Transport program to address greenhouse gas emissions and pollution in partnership with the freight industry, shipping companies and delivery businesses. Fund the re-routing of tracks for freight and rail yards away from populated areas and strengthen Canada’s rail safety rules, giving regulators the tools they need to protect neighbourhoods from train shipments of hazardous materials.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.

Enjeux divers

Arts & culture

Increase funding of Canada's arts and culture organizations, including CCA, NFB, and Telefilm Canada; Review tax incentives for film production; Implement a federal income tax credit for restoration expenditures; Reform anti-trust laws to enable break-up of media conglomerates.

Children & maternity

Appoint a federal Children's Advocate to ensure children's rights are protected.

Official languages

In the first year of the next parliament, promote and implement a modernized Official Languages Act to protect both national languages; Ensure funding for the protection of Indigenous languages at risk of disappearing.


Support innovative home-sharing plans and other measures to allow people to stay in their homes as long as possible; Create more long-term care beds.

Support innovative home-sharing plans and other measures to allow people to stay in their own homes as long as possible. Create more long-term care beds in neighbourhood facilities.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.


Establish a Federal Tax Commission to analyze the tax system for fairness and accessibility; Close tax loopholes that benefit the wealthy; Tax funds in hidden offshore havens; Apply a corporate tax on transnational e-commerce companies; Increase the federal corporate tax rate.

Establish an arm’s length Federal Tax Commission to analyze the tax system for fairness and accessibility, based on the principle of progressive taxation. The last Tax Commission was in the 1960s, so reform is long overdue. This will include recommending an appropriate way to tax cryptocurrencies.

Close tax loopholes that benefit the wealthy. The stock option loophole is one of the most expensive and unfair tax loopholes. Executives with stock options as part of their remuneration package only pay half the rate of income tax on this portion of their income. The capital gains loophole allows people and corporations to only add half of their capital gains to their taxable income, while those with only employment income pay taxes on their entire income. Over 90 per cent of the value of this tax break goes to the richest 10 per cent, and about 85 per cent goes to the top one per cent.

End offshore tax dodging by taxing funds hidden in offshore havens and requiring companies to prove that their foreign affiliates are actual functioning businesses for tax purposes. Provide adequate funding to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) to collect tax revenue hiding in offshore tax havens. Several Auditors General have recommended that the CRA should focus on people who hide vast wealth, rather than conduct random audits of ordinary Canadians.

Apply a corporate tax on transnational e-commerce companies doing business in Canada by requiring the foreign vendor to register, collect and remit taxes where the product or service is consumed. The e-commerce sector – giants like Netflix, Facebook, Amazon, Google, and Uber command a significant share of the Canadian market but pay virtually no tax.

Impose a financial transactions tax of 0.2 per cent in the finance sector as France has done since 2012.

Eliminate all fossil fuel subsidies, including payments and tax write-offs, valued at several billion dollars annually. These include the accelerated capital cost allowance on liquefied natural gas (LNG) and tax write-offs for oil and gas wells, coal mining exploration and development, flow-through share deductions for coal, oil and gas projects, and oil and gas properties. Despite a promise 10 years ago to eliminate subsidies to fossil fuel companies, these subsidies have actually expanded for fracking and LNG development.

Increase the federal corporate tax rate from 15 to 21 per cent to bring it into line with the federal rate in the United States, our biggest trading partner. Mark Carney, former Governor of the Bank of Canada, said corporations are holding “hundreds of billions of dollars in their bank accounts,” rather than reinvesting in the economy. This dead money needs to be mobilized for the transition to a green, renewable economy.

Maintain the current level of taxation for small business.

Charge a five per cent surtax on commercial bank profits. Commercial banks accumulate huge profits – $43.15 billion for the five largest banks in 2018 alone. {{{toMarkdown}}}18{{{toMarkdown}}} . Credit unions, caisses populaires and co-ops will be exempt.

Prohibit Canadian businesses from deducting the cost of advertising on foreign-owned sites such as Google and Facebook which now account for 80 per cent of all spending on advertising Canada.

Eliminate the 50 per cent corporate meals and entertainment expense deduction, which includes season tickets and private boxes at sporting events.

Increase the tax credit for volunteer firefighters and search and rescue volunteers.

From Election Platform 2019, retrieved 2019-09-22.


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Candidat Green pour Banff—Airdrie

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Hendrika Maria Tuithof de Jonge

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Thana Boonlert

Candidat Green pour Calgary Centre

Natalie Odd

Candidat Green pour Calgary Confederation

William Carnegie

Candidat Green pour Calgary Forest Lawn

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Candidat Green pour Calgary Heritage

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Candidat Green pour Calgary Midnapore

Jocelyn Grossé

Candidat Green pour Calgary Nose Hill

Catriona Wright

Candidat Green pour Calgary Rocky Ridge

Evelyn Tanaka

Candidat Green pour Calgary Shepard

Marco Reid

Candidat Green pour Calgary Signal Hill

Signe Knutson

Candidat Green pour Calgary Skyview

Grad Murray

Candidat Green pour Edmonton Centre

Safi Khan

Candidat Green pour Edmonton Griesbach

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Candidat Green pour Edmonton Manning

Tanya Herbert

Candidat Green pour Edmonton Mill Woods

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Candidat Green pour Edmonton Riverbend

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Candidat Green pour Edmonton Strathcona

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Candidat Green pour Edmonton West

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Candidat Green pour Edmonton—Wetaskiwin

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Candidat Green pour Foothills

Brian Deheer

Candidat Green pour Fort McMurray—Cold Lake

Shelley Termuende

Candidat Green pour Grande Prairie—Mackenzie

Kira Brunner

Candidat Green pour Lakeland

Stephnie Watson

Candidat Green pour Lethbridge

Shannon Hawthorne

Candidat Green pour Medicine Hat—Cardston—Warner

Peter Nygaard

Candidat Green pour Peace River—Westlock

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Candidat Green pour Red Deer—Lacombe

Conner Borlé

Candidat Green pour Red Deer—Mountain View

Laura Sanderson

Candidat Green pour Sherwood Park—Fort Saskatchewan

Rob Dunbar

Candidat Green pour St. Albert—Edmonton

Cass Romyn

Candidat Green pour Sturgeon River—Parkland

Angelena Satdeo

Candidat Green pour Yellowhead


Stephen Fowler

Candidat Green pour Abbotsford

Amita Kuttner

Candidat Green pour Burnaby North—Seymour

Brennan Wauters

Candidat Green pour Burnaby South

Mackenzie Kerr

Candidat Green pour Cariboo—Prince George

Robert Mellalieu

Candidat Green pour Central Okanagan—Similkameen—Nicola

Arthur Green

Candidat Green pour Chilliwack—Hope

Caelum Nutbrown

Candidat Green pour Cloverdale—Langley City

Brad Nickason

Candidat Green pour Coquitlam—Port Coquitlam

Sean Wood

Candidat Green pour Courtenay—Alberni

Lydia Hwitsum

Candidat Green pour Cowichan—Malahat—Langford

Craig DeCraene

Candidat Green pour Delta

David Merner

Candidat Green pour Esquimalt—Saanich—Sooke

Tanya Baertl

Candidat Green pour Fleetwood—Port Kells

Iain Currie

Candidat Green pour Kamloops—Thompson—Cariboo

Travis Ashley

Candidat Green pour Kelowna—Lake Country

Abra Brynne

Candidat Green pour Kootenay—Columbia

Kaija Farstad

Candidat Green pour Langley—Aldergrove

John Kidder

Candidat Green pour Mission—Matsqui—Fraser Canyon

Paul Manly

Candidat Green pour Nanaimo—Ladysmith

Suzanne de Montigny

Candidat Green pour New Westminster—Burnaby

Mark de Bruijn

Candidat Green pour North Island—Powell River

Marc Reinarz

Candidat Green pour North Okanagan—Shuswap

George Orr

Candidat Green pour North Vancouver

Ariane Jaschke

Candidat Green pour Pitt Meadows—Maple Ridge

Bryce Watts

Candidat Green pour Port Moody—Coquitlam

Catharine Kendall

Candidat Green pour Prince George—Peace River—Northern Rockies

Françoise Raunet

Candidat Green pour Richmond Centre

Elizabeth May

Candidat Green pour Saanich—Gulf Islands

Mike Sawyer

Candidat Green pour Skeena—Bulkley Valley

Tara Howse

Candidat Green pour South Okanagan—West Kootenay

Beverly Hobby

Candidat Green pour South Surrey—White Rock

Nicole Iaci

Candidat Green pour Steveston—Richmond East

John Werring

Candidat Green pour Surrey Centre

Rabaab Khehra

Candidat Green pour Surrey—Newton

Jesse Brown

Candidat Green pour Vancouver Centre

Bridget Burns

Candidat Green pour Vancouver East

Louise Boutin

Candidat Green pour Vancouver Granville

Lawrence Taylor

Candidat Green pour Vancouver Kingsway

Geoff Wright

Candidat Green pour Vancouver Quadra

Judy Zaichkowsky

Candidat Green pour Vancouver South

Racelle Kooy

Candidat Green pour Victoria

Dana Taylor

Candidat Green pour West Vancouver—Sunshine Coast—Sea to Sky Country


Bill Tiessen

Candidat Green pour Brandon—Souris

Kristin Lauhn-Jensen

Candidat Green pour Charleswood—St. James—Assiniboia—Headingley

Ralph McLean

Candidat Green pour Churchill—Keewatinook Aski

Kate Storey

Candidat Green pour Dauphin—Swan River—Neepawa

Kelly Manweiler

Candidat Green pour Elmwood—Transcona

Rylan Reed

Candidat Green pour Kildonan—St. Paul

Beverley Eert

Candidat Green pour Portage—Lisgar

Janine Gibson

Candidat Green pour Provencher

Ben Linnick

Candidat Green pour Saint Boniface—Saint Vital

Wayne James

Candidat Green pour Selkirk—Interlake—Eastman

Andrea Shalay

Candidat Green pour Winnipeg Centre

Sai Shanthanand Rajagopal

Candidat Green pour Winnipeg North

Paul Bettess

Candidat Green pour Winnipeg South

James Beddome

Candidat Green pour Winnipeg South Centre


Maia Knight

Candidat Green pour Ajax

Max Chapman

Candidat Green pour Algoma—Manitoulin—Kapuskasing

Timothy Flemming

Candidat Green pour Aurora—Oak Ridges—Richmond Hill

Bonnie North

Candidat Green pour Barrie—Innisfil

Marty Lancaster

Candidat Green pour Barrie—Springwater—Oro-Medonte

Danny Celovsky

Candidat Green pour Bay of Quinte

Sean Manners

Candidat Green pour Beaches—East York

Pauline Thornham

Candidat Green pour Brampton Centre

Teresa Burgess-Ogilvie

Candidat Green pour Brampton East

Norbert D'Costa

Candidat Green pour Brampton North

Karen Fraser

Candidat Green pour Brampton South

Jane Davidson

Candidat Green pour Brampton West

Bob Jonkman

Candidat Green pour Brantford—Brant

Danielle Valiquette

Candidat Green pour Bruce—Grey—Owen Sound

Gareth Williams

Candidat Green pour Burlington

Michele Braniff

Candidat Green pour Cambridge

Gordon Kubanek

Candidat Green pour Carleton

Mark Vercouteren

Candidat Green pour Chatham-Kent—Leamington

Hannah Conover-Arthurs

Candidat Green pour Davenport

Dan Turcotte

Candidat Green pour Don Valley East

Daniel Giavedoni

Candidat Green pour Don Valley North

Amanda Kistindey

Candidat Green pour Don Valley West

Stefan Wiesen

Candidat Green pour Dufferin—Caledon

Evan Price

Candidat Green pour Durham

Reuben DeBoer

Candidat Green pour Eglinton—Lawrence

Ericha Hendel

Candidat Green pour Elgin—Middlesex—London

Jennifer Alderson

Candidat Green pour Essex

Cameron Semple

Candidat Green pour Etobicoke Centre

Nancy Ghuman

Candidat Green pour Etobicoke North

Chris Caldwell

Candidat Green pour Etobicoke—Lakeshore

Janet Errygers

Candidat Green pour Flamborough—Glanbrook

Marthe Lépine

Candidat Green pour Glengarry—Prescott—Russell

Steve Dyck

Candidat Green pour Guelph

Brooke Martin

Candidat Green pour Haldimand—Norfolk

Elizabeth Fraser

Candidat Green pour Haliburton—Kawartha Lakes—Brock

Jason Lopez

Candidat Green pour Hamilton Centre

Peter Ormond

Candidat Green pour Hamilton East—Stoney Creek

Dave Urquhart

Candidat Green pour Hamilton Mountain

Victoria Galea

Candidat Green pour Hamilton West—Ancaster—Dundas

Sari Watson

Candidat Green pour Hastings—Lennox and Addington

Mike Schmitz

Candidat Green pour Humber River—Black Creek

Nicholas Wendler

Candidat Green pour Huron—Bruce

Jennifer Purdy

Candidat Green pour Kanata—Carleton

Kirsi Ralko

Candidat Green pour Kenora

Candice Christmas

Candidat Green pour Kingston and the Islands

Ann Raney

Candidat Green pour King—Vaughan

Mike Morrice

Candidat Green pour Kitchener Centre

David Weber

Candidat Green pour Kitchener South—Hespeler

Stephanie Goertz

Candidat Green pour Kitchener—Conestoga

Anthony Li

Candidat Green pour Lambton—Kent—Middlesex

Stephen Kotze

Candidat Green pour Lanark—Frontenac—Kingston

Lorraine Rekmans

Candidat Green pour Leeds—Grenville—Thousand Islands and Rideau Lakes

Carol Dyck

Candidat Green pour London North Centre

Mary Ann Hodge

Candidat Green pour London West

Tom Cull

Candidat Green pour London—Fanshawe

Roy Long

Candidat Green pour Markham—Stouffville

Chris Williams

Candidat Green pour Markham—Thornhill

Elvin Kao

Candidat Green pour Markham—Unionville

Eleanor Hayward

Candidat Green pour Milton

Hugo Reinoso

Candidat Green pour Mississauga Centre

Maha Rasheed

Candidat Green pour Mississauga East—Cooksville

Remo Boscarino-Gaetano

Candidat Green pour Mississauga—Erin Mills

Cynthia Trentelman

Candidat Green pour Mississauga—Lakeshore

Christina Porter

Candidat Green pour Mississauga—Malton

Chris Hill

Candidat Green pour Mississauga—Streetsville

Jean-Luc Cooke

Candidat Green pour Nepean

Walter Bauer

Candidat Green pour Newmarket—Aurora

Michael Tomaino

Candidat Green pour Niagara Centre

Sandra O'Connor

Candidat Green pour Niagara Falls

Terry Teather

Candidat Green pour Niagara West

Casey Lalonde

Candidat Green pour Nickel Belt

Alex Gomm

Candidat Green pour Nipissing—Timiskaming

Jeff Wheeldon

Candidat Green pour Northumberland—Peterborough South

James Elwick

Candidat Green pour Oakville

Michael Houghton

Candidat Green pour Oakville North—Burlington

Michelle Petersen

Candidat Green pour Orléans

Jovannah Ramsden

Candidat Green pour Oshawa

Angela Keller-Herzog

Candidat Green pour Ottawa Centre

Les Schram

Candidat Green pour Ottawa South

David Stibbe

Candidat Green pour Ottawa West—Nepean

Oriana Ngabirano

Candidat Green pour Ottawa—Vanier

Lisa Birtch-Carriere

Candidat Green pour Oxford

Nick Capra

Candidat Green pour Parkdale—High Park

Gord Miller

Candidat Green pour Parry Sound—Muskoka

Collan Simmons

Candidat Green pour Perth—Wellington

Andrew MacGregor

Candidat Green pour Peterborough—Kawartha

Peter Forint

Candidat Green pour Pickering—Uxbridge

Ian Pineau

Candidat Green pour Renfrew—Nipissing—Pembroke

Ichha Kohli

Candidat Green pour Richmond Hill

Peter Smith

Candidat Green pour Sarnia—Lambton

Geo McLean

Candidat Green pour Sault Ste. Marie

Dordana Hakimzadah

Candidat Green pour Scarborough Centre

Avery Velez

Candidat Green pour Scarborough North

Amanda Cain

Candidat Green pour Scarborough Southwest

Randi Ramdeen

Candidat Green pour Scarborough—Agincourt

Tara McMahon

Candidat Green pour Scarborough—Guildwood

Jessica Hamilton

Candidat Green pour Scarborough—Rouge Park

Valerie Powell

Candidat Green pour Simcoe North

Sherri Jackson

Candidat Green pour Simcoe—Grey

Dean Maher

Candidat Green pour Spadina—Fort York

Travis Mason

Candidat Green pour St. Catharines

Raheem Aman

Candidat Green pour Stormont—Dundas—South Glengarry

Bill Crumplin

Candidat Green pour Sudbury

Josh Rachlis

Candidat Green pour Thornhill

Amanda Moddejonge

Candidat Green pour Thunder Bay—Rainy River

Bruce Hyer

Candidat Green pour Thunder Bay—Superior North

Max Kennedy

Candidat Green pour Timmins—James Bay

Annamie Paul

Candidat Green pour Toronto Centre

Chris Tolley

Candidat Green pour Toronto—Danforth

Sarah Climenhaga

Candidat Green pour Toronto—St. Paul's

Tim Grant

Candidat Green pour University—Rosedale

Raquel Fronte

Candidat Green pour Vaughan—Woodbridge

Kirsten Wright

Candidat Green pour Waterloo

Ralph Martin

Candidat Green pour Wellington—Halton Hills

Paul Slavchenko

Candidat Green pour Whitby

Sharolyn Vettese

Candidat Green pour Willowdale

Quinn Hunt

Candidat Green pour Windsor West

Giovanni Abati

Candidat Green pour Windsor—Tecumseh

Rebecca Wood

Candidat Green pour York Centre

Nicki Ward

Candidat Green pour York South—Weston

Jonathan Arnold

Candidat Green pour York—Simcoe


David Kim-Cragg

Candidat Green pour Battlefords—Lloydminster

Dean Gibson

Candidat Green pour Carlton Trail—Eagle Creek

Bill Clary

Candidat Green pour Cypress Hills—Grasslands

Sarah Kraynick

Candidat Green pour Desnethé—Missinippi—Churchill River

Gillian Walker

Candidat Green pour Moose Jaw—Lake Centre—Lanigan

Kerri Wall

Candidat Green pour Prince Albert

Naomi Hunter

Candidat Green pour Regina—Lewvan

Dale Dewar

Candidat Green pour Regina—Qu'Appelle

Tamela Friesen

Candidat Green pour Regina—Wascana

Shawn Setyo

Candidat Green pour Saskatoon West

Neil Sinclair

Candidat Green pour Saskatoon—Grasswood

Jan Norris

Candidat Green pour Saskatoon—University

Judy Mergel

Candidat Green pour Souris—Moose Mountain

Stacey Wiebe

Candidat Green pour Yorkton—Melville


Robert Kryszko

Candidat Green pour Acadie—Bathurst

Laura Reinsborough

Candidat Green pour Beauséjour

Jenica Atwin

Candidat Green pour Fredericton

Tim Thompson

Candidat Green pour Fundy Royal

Louis Bérubé

Candidat Green pour Madawaska—Restigouche

Patty Deitch

Candidat Green pour Miramichi—Grand Lake

Claire Kelly

Candidat Green pour Moncton—Riverview—Dieppe

Susan Jonah

Candidat Green pour New Brunswick Southwest

Ann McAllister

Candidat Green pour Saint John—Rothesay

Rowan Miller

Candidat Green pour Tobique—Mactaquac


Greg Malone

Candidat Green pour Avalon

Kelsey Reichel

Candidat Green pour Bonavista—Burin—Trinity

Byron White

Candidat Green pour Coast of Bays—Central—Notre Dame

Tyler Colbourne

Candidat Green pour Labrador

Lucas Knill

Candidat Green pour Long Range Mountains

David Peters

Candidat Green pour St. John's East

Alexandra Hayward

Candidat Green pour St. John's South—Mount Pearl


Clive Doucet

Candidat Green pour Cape Breton—Canso

Barry Randle

Candidat Green pour Central Nova

Jason Blanch

Candidat Green pour Cumberland—Colchester

Lil MacPherson

Candidat Green pour Dartmouth—Cole Harbour

Jo-Ann Roberts

Candidat Green pour Halifax

Richard Zurawski

Candidat Green pour Halifax West

Brogan Anderson

Candidat Green pour Kings—Hants

Anthony Edmonds

Candidat Green pour Sackville—Preston—Chezzetcook

Thomas Trappenberg

Candidat Green pour South Shore—St. Margarets

Lois Foster

Candidat Green pour Sydney—Victoria

Judy N Green

Candidat Green pour West Nova

Territoire du Nord-Ouest

Paul Falvo

Candidat Green pour Northwest Territories


Douglas Roy

Candidat Green pour Nunavut


Glen Beaton

Candidat Green pour Cardigan

Darcie Lanthier

Candidat Green pour Charlottetown

Alex Clark

Candidat Green pour Egmont

Anna Keenan

Candidat Green pour Malpeque


Kiara Cabana-Whiteley

Candidat Green pour Abitibi—Baie-James—Nunavik—Eeyou

Aline Bégin

Candidat Green pour Abitibi—Témiscamingue

Jean-Michel Lavarenne

Candidat Green pour Ahuntsic-Cartierville

Marguerite Howells

Candidat Green pour Alfred-Pellan

Marjorie Valiquette

Candidat Green pour Argenteuil—La Petite-Nation

James Morrison

Candidat Green pour Avignon—La Mitis—Matane—Matapédia

Josiane Fortin

Candidat Green pour Beauce

Richard Guertin

Candidat Green pour Beauport—Côte-de-Beaupré—Île d'Orléans—Charlevoix

Dalila Elhak

Candidat Green pour Beauport—Limoilou

André Voyer

Candidat Green pour Bellechasse—Les Etchemins—Lévis

Pierre Carrier

Candidat Green pour Beloeil—Chambly

Éric Laferrière

Candidat Green pour Berthier—Maskinongé

Payton Ashe

Candidat Green pour Bourassa

Normand Dallaire

Candidat Green pour Brome—Missisquoi

Greg De Luca

Candidat Green pour Brossard—Saint-Lambert

David Turcotte

Candidat Green pour Bécancour—Nicolet—Saurel

Samuel Moisan-Domm

Candidat Green pour Charlesbourg—Haute-Saint-Charles

Lynda Youde

Candidat Green pour Chicoutimi—Le Fjord

Meryam Haddad

Candidat Green pour Châteauguay—Lacolle

Jean Rousseau

Candidat Green pour Compton—Stanstead

Réjean Malette

Candidat Green pour Dorval—Lachine—LaSalle

Frédérik Bernier

Candidat Green pour Drummond

Dennis Drainville

Candidat Green pour Gaspésie—Les Îles-de-la-Madeleine

Guy Dostaler

Candidat Green pour Gatineau

Robert Morais

Candidat Green pour Hochelaga

Domenico Cusmano

Candidat Green pour Honoré-Mercier

Josée Poirier Defoy

Candidat Green pour Hull—Aylmer

Érica Poirier

Candidat Green pour Joliette

Lyne Bourdages

Candidat Green pour Jonquière

Franco Fiori

Candidat Green pour La Pointe-de-l'Île

Barbara Joannette

Candidat Green pour La Prairie

Jency Mercier

Candidat Green pour LaSalle—Émard—Verdun

Julie Gagnon-Bond

Candidat Green pour Lac-Saint-Jean

Milan Kona-Mancini

Candidat Green pour Lac-Saint-Louis

Gaël Chantrel

Candidat Green pour Laurentides—Labelle

Jamil Azzaoui

Candidat Green pour Laurier—Sainte-Marie

Sari Madi

Candidat Green pour Laval—Les Îles

Casandra Poitras

Candidat Green pour Longueuil—Charles-LeMoyne

Pierre Nantel

Candidat Green pour Longueuil—Saint-Hubert

Macarena Diab

Candidat Green pour Louis-Hébert

Sandra Riedo

Candidat Green pour Louis-Saint-Laurent

Patrick Kerr

Candidat Green pour Lévis—Lotbinière

Jacques Gélineau

Candidat Green pour Manicouagan

Bao Tran Le

Candidat Green pour Marc-Aurèle-Fortin

Julie Tremblay

Candidat Green pour Mirabel

Jean-Charles Pelland

Candidat Green pour Montarville

Mathieu Goyette

Candidat Green pour Montcalm

Denis Ducharme

Candidat Green pour Montmagny—L'Islet—Kamouraska—Rivière-du-Loup

Clément Badra

Candidat Green pour Mount Royal

Nicole Charette

Candidat Green pour Mégantic—L'Érable

Robert Green

Candidat Green pour Notre-Dame-de-Grâce—Westmount

Daniel Green

Candidat Green pour Outremont

Juan Vazquez

Candidat Green pour Papineau

Dany Gariépy

Candidat Green pour Pierre-Boucher—Les Patriotes—Verchères

Lisa Mintz

Candidat Green pour Pierrefonds—Dollard

Claude Bertrand

Candidat Green pour Pontiac

Marie-Claude Gaudet

Candidat Green pour Portneuf—Jacques-Cartier

Luc Joli-Coeur

Candidat Green pour Québec

Diane Beauregard

Candidat Green pour Repentigny

Laura Horth-Lepage

Candidat Green pour Richmond—Arthabaska

Jocelyn Rioux

Candidat Green pour Rimouski-Neigette—Témiscouata—Les Basques

Ceylan Borgers

Candidat Green pour Rivière-des-Mille-Îles

Joey Leckman

Candidat Green pour Rivière-du-Nord

Jean Désy

Candidat Green pour Rosemont—La Petite-Patrie

Sabrina Huet-Côté

Candidat Green pour Saint-Hyacinthe—Bagot

André-Philippe Chenail

Candidat Green pour Saint-Jean

Georgia Kokotsis

Candidat Green pour Saint-Laurent

Alessandra Szilagyi

Candidat Green pour Saint-Léonard—Saint-Michel

Stéphanie Dufresne

Candidat Green pour Saint-Maurice—Champlain

Nahed AlShawa

Candidat Green pour Salaberry—Suroît

Katherine Turgeon

Candidat Green pour Shefford

Mathieu Morin

Candidat Green pour Sherbrooke

Réjean Monette

Candidat Green pour Terrebonne

Normand Beaudet

Candidat Green pour Thérèse-De Blainville

Marie Duplessis

Candidat Green pour Trois-Rivières

Cameron Stiff

Candidat Green pour Vaudreuil—Soulanges

Liana Cusmano

Candidat Green pour Ville-Marie—Le Sud-Ouest—Île-des-Sœurs

Faiza R'Guiba

Candidat Green pour Vimy


Lenore Morris

Candidat Green pour Yukon