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James Chumsa

Education & Training

Post-secondary education

Promesse de James Chumsa

Make post-secondary education free.

We need educated citizens for a democratic society where everyone can make an informed decision and vote. Free post-secondary will also allow people access to the skills needed for a well paying job without accumulation a mountain load of debt.

Student loans

Promesse de James Chumsa

Eliminate student debt and create stipends to pay for student living expenses.

Environment, Climate Change, & Energy

Fossil fuel subsidies

Promesse de James Chumsa

End all government subsides to fossil fuel corporations.

Public funds should be used for the public good, and tax money coming mainly from working class taxpayers should be used to fund job training in the clean energy sector,  not in the pockets of the CEOs of fossil fuel corporations.

Green jobs

Promesse de James Chumsa

Invest in job training for former oil and gas workers in the renewable energy sector.

Working people should not have to decided between a clean environment and a good job that gives them enough money to feed their families. It is possible to have both.


Housing supply

Promesse de James Chumsa

Build 1 million units of affordable social housing.

Housing is a human right and there are too many homeless people in Canada, especially in Nanaimo. The construction of these houses would also provide several people with jobs.

Human Rights

Hate crimes

Promesse de James Chumsa

Ban hate speech and prosecute hate groups as criminal organizations.

Hate crime stemming from white supremacy is a serious issue and hate groups will try to operate under the facade of "free speech" and "freedom of expression". Hate speech is not the same as free speech and as it has serious consequences that endangers marginalized communities and people.

Racism in law enforcement

Promesse de James Chumsa

Put the RCMP under civilian control and implement harsher punishments on officers guilty of misconduct including expulsion.

Many Indigenous, 2S/LGBTIQ, and homeless people do not feel safe around the police as they often face discrimination when encountering officers. Racism with in the RCMP is an issue that needs to be address as many Indigenous and racialized people are often victims of racial profiling. Officers need to know that they are not above the law and need to serve the interests of the community, not private property and business.

Immigration, Refugees, & Borders


Promesse de James Chumsa

Welcome refugees fleeing violence and poverty while ending deportations.

No one is illegal, and we need let in refugees fleeing from NATO wars and unemployment due to NAFTA policies.

Safe Third Country agreement

Promesse de James Chumsa

Scrap the Safe Third Country agreement.

Indigenous Issues

Reconciliation & justice

Promesse de James Chumsa

Enact the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People and implement it as policy.

International Relations

Canadian-manufactured weapons

Promesse de James Chumsa

End the export of light armored vehicles to Saudi Arabia.

The Saudi Arabian regime has been guilty of several human rights abuses, and the light armored vehicles are intended to be used by the Saudi police forces to suppress it's working class.

Israel & Palestine

Promesse de James Chumsa

Full support for the Palestinian people in their struggle against Israeli apartheid and occupation. Enact boycotts, sanctions, and divestment against Israel.

Israeli occupation forces have displaced many Palestinian families and have committed many human rights abuses against peaceful Palestinian protesters. BDS policies have been effective in the past against apartheid in South Africa and will be effective against Israel.

Nuclear weapons

Promesse de James Chumsa

Oppose nuclear first-strike and sign the treaty to abolish nuclear weapons.

Nuclear war still poses a threat to billions of lives and the majority of life on the planet.

Jobs & the Economy

Jobs in oil, gas, and coal

Promesse de James Chumsa

Phase out oil, gas, and coal while providing new jobs for former oil workers in clean alternate energy, including job training.

Working people should not have to choose between a good job and saving the environment. A good climate plan is one that benefits working people.

Minimum wage & universal income

Promesse de James Chumsa

Raise the minimum wage to $20 an hour while also introducing an Annual Livable Income.

Natural Resources


Promesse de James Chumsa

End all ocean based fish farms and move them on land.

In water fish farms are harmful to wild salmon habitats and coastal ecosystems, as the large amount of salmon confined in small pens attracts parasites such as sea lice. Having these pens in the ocean allows these parasites to spread to nearby migrating salmon.

Transit & Transportation

Public transit options

Promesse de James Chumsa

Expand public transit making it free and more accessible.

Free transit will help reduce the amount of cars on the roads and highways, reducing the amount of urban congestion and greenhouse gasses being emitted.


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