Maureen Curran

We need to invest more in our local communities - better access to housing, healthcare, education and transit are key for our daily success. I promise to listen and be responsive to my constituents - with a Green MLA you get real representation

Lire plus


Public transit

Promesse de BC Greens

I support fast, frequent and free bus service; this reduces traffic, greenhouse gas emissions, and reduces the cost of living.

Climate Change & the Environment

Forests and forestry

Promesse de BC Greens

We must end logging of old-growth forests and support forestry-revenue-dependant communities to create environmentally sustainable jobs.

Power generation

Promesses de BC Greens

I commit to bringing forward a private members bill to end fossil fuel subsidies.
BC Greens will end permitting for new fracking, phase out gas production, and reject any new LNG projects.

Public transit

Promesse de BC Greens

I support fast, frequent and free bus service; this reduces traffic, greenhouse gas emissions, and reduces the cost of living.


K-12 funding

Promesse de BC Greens

Equity in education means that every student receives a school issued laptop, for students in grade 6-12.

K-12 learning needs

Promesse de BC Greens

We must equip teachers and students with the knowledge to keep pace with our rapidly changing digital world through digital literacy.

School nutrition

Promesse de BC Greens

I support a universal school program to ensure equal access, high nutritional standards and strong collaboration with communities.

Student mental health

Promesse de BC Greens

We must expand access to school psychologists and increase the number of guidance counsellors.


Drugs and addiction

Promesse de BC Greens

I support regulated alternatives to toxic supply, cutting profit for organized crime and increased connection to health and social services

Family doctors and primary care

Promesse de BC Greens

I will ensure that everyone has access to a Primary Health Care centre, offering timely and comprehensive care in once place.

Health staffing

Promesse de BC Greens

The province must support physicians with leases and administration so that physicians can focus on patient care.


Promesse de BC Greens

Our hospitals have been underfunded for too long; they are falling into disrepair. I will ensure they have the resources to re-open 24/7.

Housing & Homelessness

Drugs and addiction

Promesse de BC Greens

I support regulated alternatives to toxic supply, cutting profit for organized crime and increased connection to health and social services

Jobs, Businesses, & Labour

Forests and forestry

Promesse de BC Greens

We must end logging of old-growth forests and support forestry-revenue-dependant communities to create environmentally sustainable jobs.


soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
Maureen is a candidate you can trust to listen to local concerns and take action so that promises become reality.
She wants to make government more accountable to citizens;
its time to see our provincial leadership prioritize the day to day needs of communities and families.

Maureen Curran (she/her), was born and raised in Toronto. She attended McGill for her BSc in science and then moved to Victoria to do her Masters in Physics. She has taught Science and Math in Coquitlam for 25 years, and spent 4 years with the SFU Teacher Training Program, building sustainable and socially diverse learning communities. 

Maureen has been an active community member while raising her two boys in New West. From coaching little league to chairing fundraisers for an accessible playground, participating on local cycling advocacy committees or running clubs at her school, Maureen has always worked to make a difference.

As a mom and a scientist, Maureen understands that the planetary emergency is so dangerous that we must do everything we can to prevent it. She has worked with local citizens and faith groups to protect important local forest corridors and salmon streams slated to be destroyed for a costly, dangerous tar sands pipeline.  Recently she coordinated a “Climate Safe Cities” coalition that helps citizens work alongside their city councils to implement common sense policy with effective, immediate health benefits and GHG reductions.

Now her goal is to take those priorities of community needs to a provincial level and work across party lines to create a better BC: one with a healthy, sustainable and stable economy for all our children to enjoy.

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
We are faced with too many crises: housing, affordability, addictions, mental health, climate, healthcare - the problems keep growing but solutions are NOT coming fast enough.
I am tired of promises without action - we can and must do better. Lets build a better BC together.

The many crises we are facing are in fact quite linked. For too long the priorities have been backwards... instead of focusing on looking at policies that will benefit the people of BC, we have prioritized economic factors without checking that they help LOCAL working families. Sometimes an economic gain may ramp up shares for a big corporation but at the cost of cutting local jobs, lowering air quality, poisoning waterways or impacting local businesses. We need to be looking for more win-win opportunities where we can grow our economy and also IMPROVE our health, wages and long term prosperity.

I know we can do better if we give local citizens more of a say in what happens in their communities.