Sarah Riddell


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Sarah Riddell is a champion for community, dedicated to making a difference in the lives of everyday people. A dynamic and energetic leader, wife, and mother, she brings passion and experience to the table, with a proven track record of tackling challenges and delivering results.

Sarah’s roots in British Columbia run deep. Originally from North Vancouver, she moved to Victoria in 2003 to attend the University of Victoria, where she met her spouse, Evan. The couple now calls Brentwood Bay their forever home, raising their two children, Alicia (6) and Clayton (3). They inspire and motivate Sarah every day to be a little bit kinder, listen a little bit closer, and try a little bit harder to make our community and province a better place for them and for us all.

Sarah is an accomplished professional whose career is focused on service to others. With master's degrees in public and health administration, her dedication to public service began at the Auditor General's Office, where she worked every day to ensure that public money was spent wisely and well. This commitment to accountability and efficiency laid the foundation for her later leadership roles.

In her role as Director of the Medical Services Plan Payment Schedule at the Ministry of Health, Sarah played a pivotal role in implementing the new Longitudinal Family Physician Payment Model. This landmark reform has brought more than 800 new family doctors to British Columbia, significantly improving access to healthcare for people in need across the province.

Elected to Central Saanich Council in 2022, Sarah has consistently delivered for people and her community. She took action to attract badly needed diverse and affordable housing, making it easier for people to find homes they can afford. She is a climate champion who successfully pushed for early adoption of the Zero Carbon Step Code, drove unprecedented investments in sidewalks, crosswalks, parks and trails, and brought forward new ideas to reduce emissions. Sarah is also a strong supporter of improving public transit, ensuring better access to transportation for all.

Sarah is not just connected to her community through her work; she’s an active participant in it. An avid hiker and runner (she’s an ultramarathoner in training for her first 100-mile race), she volunteers with conservation, trail, and running organizations, as well as with Beacon Community Services and the Peninsula Country Market. Her commitment to community extends to coaching her daughter’s soccer team and coordinating her son’s Blastball team.

Sarah Riddell's energetic and dynamic leadership, experience, deep connection to the community, and steadfast commitment to serving the people of Saanich North and the Islands make her the ideal candidate to represent this riding.

Raison de la candidature

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Sarah is motivated by her love for this community and desire to make a real difference. After having kids, she decided she needed to do more to make this province a better place for them.