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Raj Chouhan


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Burnaby is a diverse and vibrant community. It’s a great place to live and Raj Chouhan has worked hard to make it even better.

Since immigrating to Canada in 1973, Raj has worked to improve the lives of everyday people. He was the founding president of the Canadian Farmworkers’ Union, and served as the director of bargaining for the Hospital Employees Union for 18 years. He also served as a member of the Labour Relations Board of BC and the Arbitration Bureau of BC.

A founding member of the BC Organization to Fight Racism, Raj has worked relentlessly in promoting human rights and racial equality. As a member of David Eby’s BC NDP government, he has been instrumental in the resurrection of the BC Human Rights Commission.

Raj understands that an MLA’s job is to make your life better. You can be sure that he and David Eby are always on your side.

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