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Sonia Furstenau


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“After a lot of reflection, I have made the decision that I will run in Victoria-Beacon Hill in the upcoming election. Victoria is not just a geographical location for me; it's where my story began, where my grandparents met at the historic Craigdarroch Castle, where my parents met, and where my brother and sister were born. It's where I spent two formative decades of my life, attending university, raising my first son, and building community in a city that I love.

Cowichan Valley has undergone significant changes in my time as MLA. I am proud of the historic levels of investment in the riding, and what we have accomplished since I was elected MLA in 2017. A new high school and hospital are being built, we have a beautiful hospice, and huge progress has been made towards a new weir that will help protect the Cowichan River from the droughts we see more and more frequently.  It has been an honour to serve the people of Cowichan, but my family and I have realized it's time for us to return to Victoria, as our children embark on the next chapters of their lives. Our roots in Victoria run deep, and it's here that I wish to continue my political journey, representing and giving back to the community that nurtured me.

My experience in Shawnigan and in the Legislature taught me that just because something is unprecedented, doesn’t mean it is impossible. When we elect representatives that think creatively, that aren’t beholden to special interests, and that focus on data and evidence, I know we can achieve the future we all want for our communities." 

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