Public transit
Promesse de BC Greens
Climate Change & the Environment
Forests and forestry
Promesse de BC Greens
Power generation
Promesses de BC Greens
Public transit
Promesse de BC Greens
K-12 funding
Promesse de BC Greens
K-12 learning needs
Promesse de BC Greens
School nutrition
Promesse de BC Greens
Student mental health
Promesse de BC Greens
Drugs and addiction
Promesse de BC Greens
Family doctors and primary care
Promesse de BC Greens
Health staffing
Promesse de BC Greens
Promesse de BC Greens
Housing & Homelessness
Drugs and addiction
Promesse de BC Greens
Jobs, Businesses, & Labour
Forests and forestry
Promesse de BC Greens
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For over 20 years, Nicole has lived and raised her family in Nelson.
Nicole recently served as Councillor for the City of Nelson, receiving over 75% of the vote and the highest youth turnout on record.
Holding a degree in Economics, Nicole has a decade of experience working in politics and has served the people of Kootenay Central in many leadership roles including as:
- Nelson City Councillor
- Executive Director for the West Kootenay Watershed Collaborative
- Finance Officer for Elections Canada
- Chair of the Nelson Waldorf Community School Association
- Interim Executive Director of West Kootenay Eco-Society
She is a proud mom, dancer, singer and an active member of the community also serving as:
- Tour Operator
- Advisory Planning Commissioner for the Regional District of Central Kootenay
- Driver for Kootenay Seniors Society
Raison de la candidature
She is frustrated by the lack of representation offered by the BC NDP for the last five decades in this riding. Like her predecessors, our current MLA is forced to follow corporate political interests, rather than representing what we value here in the Kootenays.