Barb Martens

Candidat indépendant pour Langley-Walnut Grove


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Barb Martens is a long term resident of Walnut Grove, a first-term Councillor in the Township of Langley who clinched the top spot in the 2022 Civic election, retired Vancouver police officer and former provincial employee with social services.

Barb Martens, a first-term Councillor in the Township of Langley, clinched the top spot in the 2022 Civic election. Since her election, Barb has played pivotal roles at the Metro Vancouver Regional District as the First Director Alternate, contributing to the MV Parks Committee, Housing Committee, and the George Massey Crossing Task Force. Her commitment extends to the Fraser Valley Regional Library Board, E-Comm Board of Directors, Tourism Langley Board, Gateway of Hope Community Council, Langley Supportive Housing Project CAC, TOL Heritage Advisory Committee (Co-Chair), TOL Standing Committee on Police Priorities and Initiatives (Chair), and active participation in the Langley Housing and Homelessness Action Table.

A resident of Walnut Grove in North Langley for three decades, Barb has raised her family there. She holds a BA in psychology and education from Trinity Western University, along with certificates in Police Studies from the Justice Institute of BC and “THRIVE: Women and Leadership” from Royal Roads University.

With an impressive 29-year career in public service, Barb spent nine years with the Ministry of Social Development and Poverty Reduction, where she played a key role in launching the “Early Detection and Prevention Program.” Subsequently, she dedicated 20 years to the Vancouver Police Department, serving as a sworn police officer. Her roles encompassed patrol, neighbourhood policing, crime analysis, long-term acting sergeant in crime control, and field trainer to police recruits. Notably, she served as the VPD liaison officer to various housing models, fostering connections with operators, staff, residents, the surrounding community, and building relationships with Vancouver’s most vulnerable citizens.

Barb’s contributions have earned her two Vancouver Police Chief commendations and the distinction of being the only two-time recipient of the BC Borstal Association’s awards for her extensive work with homelessness and various housing models, as well as her impactful involvement with the Vancouver hotel community.

In addition to her public service, Barb is a founding member of BC Women in Law Enforcement, a non-profit organization dedicated to strengthening, uniting, and promoting women in law enforcement across the province of B.C.

Raison de la candidature

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Now is the time to stand together and make sure all British Columbians feel safe and heard. Families are struggling with the soaring cost-of-living, a crumbling health-care system, and declining public safety.

Langley-Walnut Grove deserves a strong voice committed to bringing the concerns of our neighbours, families, and friends to the BC Legislature.