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Jobs, the Economy, and Affordability

Employment standards plateformes

Voici ce que les partis de 2020 BC election promettent.


  • Develop employment standards targeted to precarious and gig economy workers.
  • Strengthen employment rights with employment standards inspections and by hiring more case workers to help resolve employment standards complaints.
Nous n’avons par de BC Liberals politiques sur Employment standards.

BC Greens

Establish a task force to advise on modernizing employment standards and reducing inequality.

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The task force will include representatives of the technology sector, business, workers, and economists.

The task force will recommend ways to modernize our employment standards to adapt to the changing nature of work and technology, and assess jurisdiction and advise on strategies for working with the federal government to ensure that multinational companies are paying their fair share of taxes in BC.

The terms of reference will include considering profit-sharing as a means to ensure businesses who are profitable are paying their workers a living wage, and that workers benefit from the profits that are too often only accrued at the top of an organization.

— From The BC Greens' Plan for a More Equitable and Sustainable BC.

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Voir notre comparaison complète des plateformes 2020 BC election