Ceci est une page de 2017 British Columbia general election.
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Enjeux divers

Affordable Housing

Promesse de BC Liberal

Helping the middle class buy homes

Driving forward, Today's BC Liberals will:

  • Increase housing supply by working with municipalities to speed up permitting and open new opportunities to housing.
  • Expand the Renovation Tax Credit eligibility to those renovating their home to accommodate a secondary suite.
  • Raise the threshold of the First Time Home Buyers' Program exemption to $500,000, saving first-time home buyers up to $8,000.
  • Invest $700 million in the BC HOME Partnership program to provide mortgage down payment assistance loans to an estimated 42,000 first-time home buyers over the next three years.


Budget and Taxes


Promesse de BC Liberal

Up to 13,000 new child care spaces by 2020

Drug Use and Abuse

Promesse de BC Liberal

Significant investments in child and youth mental health

Driving forward, Today's BC Liberals will:

  • Invest $165 million for youth mental health needs and substance abuse issues.


Environment and Natural Resources

Promesse de BC Liberal

Standing up for B.C. with five conditions to protect our coastline

Driving forward, Today's BC Liberals will:

  • Ensure Canada implements its promise for a world-leading marine spill response system, prior to any new operations on our coast.
  • Ensure that Kinder Morgan meets its requirements to significantly enhance marine safety.

First Nations

Promesse de BC Liberal

Reconciliation and economic development with B.C. First Nations

Driving forward, Today's BC Liberals will:

  • Support First Nations' involvement in the forest sector
  • Improve access to skills training and economic development opportunities
  • Help Aboriginal businesses increase their participation in major industrial projects
  • Support interested First Nations in seeking the return of their ancestral remains and belongings of cultural significance
  • Implement the recommendations coming out of Grand Chief Ed John's report
  • Work with Destination BC to expand and promote Aboriginal tourism opportunities.

Health care

Promesse de BC Liberal

Investing in healthcare

Driving forward, Today's BC Liberals will:


Promesse de BC Liberal

Innovation and BC Tech

Promesse de BC Liberal

Investing in the BC Tech Strategy

Driving forward, Today's BC Liberals will:

Jobs and the Economy

Promesse de BC Liberal

It all starts with a job

Creating jobs and economic growth with the best trained workforce:

  • Creating 1,000 new grads in Science, Technology, Engineering and Math disciplines, on top of the 1,000 coming
  • Investing $87 million in the BC Tech Strategy
  • Coding in classrooms for Grades 6 to 9
  • New innovation hub at Robson Square

Maintaining the most diversified economy in Canada:

  • Ensuring B.C. tech business are first in line for government contracts
  • Standing up for B.C. on softwood issue
  • Goal of three LNG plants moving to construction by 2020
  • Responsible development of the Montney oil and gas reserves
  • Supporting a new hops industry in B.C.
  • Expand Buy Local and Grow Local to encourage local food production
  • Diversifying markets for wood products in China and India
  • Adding to the Rural Dividend and high-speed connectivity

Justice and Policing

Promesse de BC Liberal

Protecting communities with Guns & Gangs Strategy

Driving forward, Today's BC Liberals will:

  • Continue to implement the Guns & Gangs Strategy to address public safety, keep our communities safe, and keep illegal firearms out of the hands of criminals.
  • Make an additional $4 million investment in our Guns & Gangs Strategy in rural British Columbia.

Mental Health

Promesse de BC Liberal

Significant investments in child and youth mental health

Driving forward, Today's BC Liberals will:

  • Invest $165 million for youth mental health needs and substance abuse issues.

Oil and Gas Industry

Promesse de BC Liberal

Responsible development of oil and gas

Driving forward, Today's BC Liberals will:

  • Unlock the oil resources contained in the Montney Basin through a new oil, deep-well royalty credit that is competitive with Alberta.
  • Place 50% of all oil revenues produced from the Montney Basin in the Prosperity Fund to benefit future generations.

Post-Secondary Education



Promesse de BC Liberal

Helping seniors stay in their homes independently

Driving forward, Today's BC Liberals will:

  • Create a new Active Seniors Tax Credit to support and promote seniors leading active healthy lifestyles.
  • Create a new Respite Tax Credit for people caring for seniors or family members with disabilities.
  • Double the Home Renovation Tax Credit to $20,000 to make home improvements to accommodate seniors or family members with disabilities.
  • Invest $225 million to reduce surgical wait times for elective surgeries - with no impact on emergency surgeries.


Promesse de BC Liberal

Standing up for B.C. on softwood

Driving forward, Today's BC Liberals will:

  • Stand up for B.C. forestry communities, workers, and companies as Canada continues to negotiate a new Softwood Lumber Agreement with the United States.
  • Work with the federal government to support workers, communities and forest companies as they fight the impacts of the unfair countervailing and anti-dumping duties.



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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe

The son of Hong Kong immigrants, Michael Lee grew up near Queen Elizabeth Park, went to pre-school and summer camps at the Jewish Community Centre, and attended Vancouver College for 12 years. In his student days at UBC, Michael was AMS student body president.

Michael is a business lawyer with 20 years’ experience in mergers and acquisitions, financings and corporate governance and is a partner with a leading Canadian business law firm based in Vancouver. He has also served as corporate secretary to BC Hydro and acted as general counsel to its subsidiary, Powertech Labs Inc. Prior to obtaining his law degree at UVic, Michael worked as a Special Assistant to the Right Honourable Kim Campbell in Vancouver and Ottawa.

Over the past 30 years, Michael has served our community on numerous boards and is currently a Member of the Board of Trustees of the YMCA of Greater Vancouver Foundation. He has served as the Past Chair of the Alumni Board of UBC and the Board of Directors of Arts Umbrella, as well as a past Vice-Chair and Board member of SUCCESS, Science World British Columbia and Leadership Vancouver. Michael is also a past Board Member of Sustainable Cities International, the Justice Education Society of BC and the Downtown Vancouver Business Improvement Association.

Michael and his wife, Christina, have three young adult children, all living in Vancouver.

michaelleebc.com michaelleebc.com