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Andrzej Gudanowski

Candidat indépendant pour Edmonton-Beverly-Clareview


Cell and Internet services

The Alberta Telecommunications sector requires a lot of new regulations to strengthen it, new technologies and new challenges. Telephone and Internet services in Alberta and Canada are the highest in the world. It is 21st Century, Telecommunication companies should provide us with one universal telephone system. The same number for home house as for the cell phone. The account should be one and not two. We should pay for one phone, not two. For more please call me 780 264 2599


I will place particular emphasis on children most at risk of exclusion - children from the poorest families, children at risk of violence, children with disabilities and those who need long-term therapy . Socio-economic effects of the covid-19 pandemic on children. Neither children, nor schools, teachers, nor parents were prepared for this situation. Thanks to my ideas and projects, the future of the children in Alberta and Canada may turn out to be much brighter and much safer. Huge role of parents, schools, public institutions and politicians. My childcare program will greatly help parents, schools, public institutions and politicians to work closely together. https://youtu.be/HqjYoUbmAPs. For more call me 780 264 2599

Food prices

Even the best control of our household budget will not help if wages, pensions and government financial support are too small compared to the high prices of food products and household expenses. Only good wages, a decent pension, and sufficient financial support from government institutions will allow citizens to properly control their household budget and access to all healthy food products. Half of Albertans can't afford foods recommended in new guide: poll The entire agricultural industry, farmers must be aware of the existence of many new food production technologies. This is especially important for large developed cities, where food producers can be produced almost everywhere, also in the city itself. We already know technologies such as The aquaponics farms, the underground farms, the urban farms, the indoor farming etc., etc. For more call me 780 264 2599

Fuel and transportation costs

How you can save on refueling! Learn to drive economically. Take care of your tires. Don't overload the engine. Turn off energy-intensive gadgets, run only when you really need it. Limit unnecessary baggage. One simple way for us to see fuel prices go down is to hit someone in the wallet by not buying their fuel. Buy fuel at small stations and skip the big ones.
The most important factors that affect the determination of fuel rates are: current exchange rates on the currency market; world oil prices; the amount of excise duty; the current fuel surcharge rate, and much more. Call me 780 264 2599


Program for Seniors: The lowest pension in Canada is $24 a month. I am in favor of not collecting tax on pensions. During working age, pension payments should come from 3 sources, and not from one, as it is most often today. The employee should pay 50%, the employer 30% and the federal government 20%. Pension should be equal to the lowest provincial social benefit, not less than $950 per month. For more call me 780 264 2599

Poverty and the minimum wage

As long as Alberta's government produces large numbers of low-income People, families, low-income seniors, unfortunately Alberta Government has full responsibility to pay for everything. Politicians have to pay for political incompetence. When comparing minimum wage rates in small European countries such as Austria, Belgium, Denmark or Switzerland (46 Eu to 68 Eu per hours), Alberta's minimum wage rate is far behind. My bill calls for a minimum wage of $18 an hour for 2023. and by 2024, the minimum wage should be $22 an hour. For more call me 780 264 2599
Homelessness in Alberta is more common than in previous years. Crime under the new mayor of the city increased by as much as 27%. The City of Edmonton and the Government of Alberta spend millions on homelessness, and nothing changes for the better. When people elect us politicians, they want to be sure that they will have a place to sleep, a home; People want to be sure that they will have access to healthy and affordable food; When people elect us politicians, they want to be sure that they will always have a job and then a decent retirement; The people who elect us politicians want to make sure that when there are any increases, they will have enough money to cover all the bills; When people elect us politicians, they want to be sure that they will always feel safe at home or on the street. When, after the elections, people will fill lack of these 5 specific factors, it means that they chose wrongly and became co - responsible for this negative social disaster. For more call me 780 264 2599

Public transit

Modern for the current times, functional and available to everyone. Modern subways in cities and electric trams on the streets. Supporting projects and continuing the expansion of a modern public transportation network in many Alberta cities. from provincial funds. For more call me 780 264 2599

Seniors' benefits

First of all, a decent pension. Free access to many important medicines, construction of recreational parks for seniors. Big Discounts on public transport, bus and air tickets. A worthy place to live. Good medical care. All seniors pensions tax free.

Student loans

A trap for young people in the 21st century. Many young people, even after 7 years, are not ready to pay off their student loans. Students are out of work and the student loan office is threatening students that they will take the case to a debt collection agency. We have a justice system in Canada, but no one like the Student Loan Bureau wants to take advantage of it, because they know that the judge, after hearing the reasons for not paying the loan, can deleted it. And in this way, the student loan bureau can lose thousands of dollars. My project provides for forgetting a student loan to anyone who has exceeded the limit of 5 years and so far cannot repay due to financial difficulties.
As long as the Alberta system continues to produce poor youth, the best solution is to create the province of Quebec as the first public university in Alberta, where the tuition fee will be nominal and the cost of maintaining the University will be in the hands of the Government of Alberta.

Tax measures and rebates

As an Alberta MLA, I will defend its citizens against high tax increases. Income tax will be decided to grant the right to receive: Family Security Card, Free Monthly Bus ticket, Subsidy for Daycare, Subsidy for rent. I will fight to eliminate tax on food and medication. Seniors pension tax free. Tax credits for entrepreneurs for minimum 3 years, for creating every new job. Seniors living in public nursing homes can claim the tax credit as well. The tax credit should be based on adjusted family net income, not gross income, as it is now, and should be reduced based on person or Familly situation. For more call me 780 264 2599.


Very expensive service. For years, the Alberta government has done nothing to help its citizens. The gas supplied to homes consists of (0.5% sulfur dioxide) electricity, water, garbage and sewage. The companies that run these services don't care that the system deprives citizens of money to pay their bills. Clients who do not have the money to pay the company's bills on time are threatened by a debt collection agency. My program forbids debt collection agents from operating in Alberta and instead gives people a chance to justify their financial hardship in provincial courts at no cost. For more call me 780 264 2599

Climate Change & the Environment

Active transportation

Active transportation like walking, biking, jogging and running and many more is necessary for our every day life and many essential physiological processes in our living organisms. I have been studying natural medicine and human psychology for years. I know that the medical knowledge I have already acquired will help me greatly in my political work to keep my citizens in good health. For more call me 780 264 2599

Climate adaptation

Our climate is constantly changing. There are often new unprecedented weather phenomena. Therefore, society must always be ready to adapt to new weather and climate extremes. My role as an MLA will be to prepare programs that will help save the planet in these difficult times. One of the big problem now is, the world generates around 40 million tons of electronic waste each year. Let’s put our hands together and taking the lead on reducing air pollution. New Solar Energy not only can significantly reduce our electricity bills, but also create nearly half a million new jobs in the next decade. Saving the planet can pay off in more ways than one. For more call me 780 264 2599

Energy generation

Mainly here I can only comment on electricity and green energy. Furnishing every home in Alberta and Canada with solar panels would save taxpayers millions of dollars. Some solar panels can generate power during the day others can generate power at night. The Poles invented vertical rotation turbine, windmills, which they are not a source of noise and are not susceptible to turbulence. Water power Turbines new generation are the next sources to save energy. Next is Ecological furnace without smoke. Next is Kitchen Innovations - Whirlpool Cooktop. Alberta's energy industry can have a bright future but it's going to take some work and right people like me. For more call me 780 264 2599


Forests burn stronger and longer than ever before. The reason for this is climate change, carelessness of people as well as deliberate arson. We all know that trees play an important role in keeping our lungs healthy. Installing remotely controlled cameras on specially adapted hidden poles can save thousands of hectares of forest every year. Patrolling forests with drones several times a day can also prevent many fires. Forest rangers play a huge role here, as always.
During the day trees absorb carbon dioxide, at night they produce oxygen for us and our environment. That is why it is so important to take care of our trees and all plants that give us life. For more call me 780 264 2599

Green construction and retrofits

Green construction means buildings with a limited negative impact on the environment, and at the same time friendly to their users and providing them with an appropriate level of comfort. A green building could be considered green, it must meet certain criteria in specific areas, such as: – reduction of energy and water consumption, – minimizing waste consumption, – preservation of the green landscape, – improving the well-being and health of users. Supporting green construction will be one of my priorities. I would like Alberta to become a leader throughout Canada in this program. For more call me 780 264 2599
When working on the program of building green constriction houses, one cannot ignore the already existing ones. Adapting and renovating these houses and flats will make people's lives much better and more comfortable.

Green tech

Although Alberta still has very large resources of raw materials, unfortunately many of them are not environmentally friendly. Such as oil, gas, coal. Therefore, it is high time to introduce green technologies to provide people with clean air, clean water and clean energy. Green technology includes: environmentally friendly energy, the ability to store energy, modernization of the energy sector, more efficient use of raw materials, recycling, sustainable water management and sustainable transport. In the world, some commercial companies or banks also offer "green" products or services. These sectors will create thousands of new jobs. For more call me 780 264 2599

Green transportation

Avoiding the emission of air pollutants by co-financing the projects in transport sectors, including public transport like; purchase/leasing of new electric buses and trolleybuses, along with training of drivers/mechanics in the use of emission-free vehicles, purchase/leasing of new hydrogen-powered buses along with training for drivers/mechanics in the use of zero-emission vehicles, modernization and/or construction of infrastructure enabling the maintenance and proper use of purchased/leased vehicles, for more call me 780 264 2599


Unexplainable phenomena occur more and more often on our planet. Albertans need to change the way they think about our province, about our land. When I think about the future and realize i must fight for that future more and more. This is why as an candidate, I stands for election to fight for the future of Alberta, fight for my home. I am the voice of future generations to come. We must save our forests, rivers, our animals, fish and birds together. This is the responsibility of each elected MLA. For more call me 780 264 2599

Public transit

Modern for the current times, functional and available to everyone. Modern subways in cities and electric trams on the streets. Supporting projects and continuing the expansion of a modern public transportation network in many Alberta cities. from provincial funds. For more call me 780 264 2599

Reducing greenhouse gas emissions

Most greenhouse gases are emitted into the atmosphere by power plants, industry and transport. Global greenhouse gas emissions come mainly from the burning of coal, oil and gas, 1/4 - from agriculture and deforestation. I will make sure that electricity is produced in the right way 3. I will promote good ideas of new ecological energy sources 4. I will close the money supply to the "poisoners" 5. I will promote the slogan - Leave the car, use public transport or get on a bike 6. I will promote the slogan - You don't always have to fly by plane, you can hold various conferences and meetings on the Internet, or video conferences. 8. Produce and buy organic food. For more call me 780 264 2599


Improperly carried out processes, production waste, production waste, waste, useful and uncultivated large areas of land, such as deserts, wilderness, wasteland, desert. All this can be developed, brought back to life, all you need is to create the right regulations and appoint the right people to do it. For more call me 780 264 2599


Alberta has one of the world's largest sources of clean drinking water. These unique water reserves must be under the control of the Government of Alberta at all times. Prohibition of privatization of water sources, water is owned by people. I will ensure that Albertans, always consuming a pure clean water . For more call me 780 264 2599


Career planning

First, we use capital letters to indicate what our goal is. Thanks to this, even if something does not work out, we can return to the main goal and start all over again. Then it is worth listing studies and courses that will bring us closer to the goal. It is also worth looking for guides that will show us what the industry looks like, what we can expect. If we know exactly in which company we want to work, we will have to check what conditions we must meet to successfully complete the recruitment process and not give up if we failed the first time. However, if you want to start your own business, you need to obtain information about the process of setting up a company, what you will need and whether there is a possibility of funding. For more call me 780 264 2599

Diversity in schools

So what if we have various schools in Alberta and we are proud of them, as in some European countries we do not have a single secondary technical vocational school. We miss a lot of technical high schools in Alberta. Like: Secondary Culinary Schools, Secondary Veterinary Schools, Secondary Nursing Schools, Secondary Medical Schools, Secondary Music Schools, Secondary Sports Schools, etc. It is a shame for our province that so many young people are not prepared for the profession after high school. For more call me 780 264 2599

Indigenous learning

I don't see much of a difference between native schools and other schools in Alberta. Children of various Indian tribes go to schools of the natives, children of different nationalities, different religious denominations, different social groups go to other schools. I have nothing against indigenous children having full access to every school in Alberta. My main point is that all children in Alberta, including native children, can get a good education and in the future be able to take care not only of their families but also be able to take care of our province, Alberta. For more call me 780 264 2599

K-12 funding

The future of our country largely depends on the quality of its schools. Increasing financial support can help K-12 schools implement proven reforms such as hiring and retaining excellent teachers, reducing class sizes, and increasing the availability of quality early childhood education. Money matters to educational outcomes. Children who attend better-funded schools will be able to graduate much more easily, and as adults they will be able to cope better in life or have a better job. For more call me 780 264 2599

Learning needs

Educational needs are a little different for teachers, they are a little different for parents. For children who need special conditions during the learning period corresponding to their individual capabilities and limitations, but also in relation to gifted students and their needs that differ from those of children with developmental disorders. There are also special educational needs: children especially gifted, chronically ill, in a crisis or traumatic situation, who have had educational failures, from neglected environments, adapting to the new environment. For more call me 780 264 2599

Post-secondary costs and tuition

As long as the system produces low income families, unfortunately politicians have to pay for the education of our youth. My program envisages the creation of one public university in Alberta, following the example of the Province of Quebec. If the student's family does not exceed the minimum tax threshold, fees at higher education institutions for students with low family income should be very symbolic and limited only to the purchase of books and necessary study materials. For more call me 780 264 2599

Post-secondary institutions

I think we have enough post-secondary schools all over Alberta. I rather regret the lack of secondary technical and specialist schools, and here, as an MLA, I will rather focus on ensuring that young people, before starting their education in post-secondary schools, are already prepared for any profession. You never know how our lives will turn out until we start further studies. For more call me 780 264 2599

School construction and upgrades

It is obvious that from time to time schools need to be modernized and provided with new materials and modern systems for the present times. And here I will repeat myself: During my 4th term as an MLA, I would like to force the Provincial Government to build several technical high schools in every major city of Alberta. I have many easy ideas for such schools, the only thing that matters is whether citizens say yes to me on election day. For more call me 780 264 2599

School curriculum

Here I am focusing solely on middle and high schools. To the current school subjects, many new ones should be added, such as: Learning to manage money, i.e. (basic knowledge of Finance), How to save human life, i.e. (basic medical knowledge), martial arts classes (strengthening the body physically and mentally), dance classes (development of proper body coordination and its strengthening) etc, etc. For more call me 780 264 2599

School nutrition

Proper nutrition of children at school is particularly important due to the need to provide energy and nutrients for optimal development of the body. Proper nutrition in educational institutions, where children spend even several hours a day, has a decisive impact on health both now and in the future. Appropriate organization of nutrition is a basic element of the proper functioning of children and adolescents at school, as well as shaping proper eating habits. For more call me 780 264 2599

School staffing

Teachers must constantly improve in their profession, therefore several times a year training for teachers in every professional field should be conducted. Every year there is something new in school curricula and suddenly it turns out that many teachers are not prepared for the new changes. Many, for example, do not know that each student should be approached individually. And this way of thinking requires extensive preparation on the part of the teacher. For more call me 780 264 2599

School vaccination

We have mandatory and optional school vaccinations. Mandatory vaccinations; tuberculosis, pneumococcal infection, diphtheria, whooping cough, polio (poliomyelitis), measles, mumps, rubella, tetanus, hepatitis B, infection against Haemophilus influenzae type B. In exceptional situations, we vaccinate children against chickenpox and rabies. Voluntary vaccinations such as COVID - 19. In this case, children should be taught how to strengthen the entire immune system of the body and not apply a medicine that in the future will seriously reduce the immunity of the child's body as an adult For more call me 780 254 2599

Student loans

A government trap for poor youth. Seeking money from a poorer community has become one of the easier ways politicians use to explain to the community the inefficiency of their work, especially that of the Minister of Education. Education for poorer youth should be free or for a very symbolic fee. As an MLA, I will present a project to eliminate a student loan for people who have not been able to pay it back for 5 years due to a difficult financial situation. For more call me 780 264 2599

Student mental health

Albertans teens still struggling with mental health even as pandemic wanes. Conversations with a psychologist should take place in schools every month. If the situation requires more frequent meetings, such meetings should be held with the student at least once a week. There are many mental illnesses. Trauma/PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, Addiction, Concurrent Disorders Recovery Management, Family. For more call me 780 264 2599

Health & Healthcare


A developmental disorder of variable severity that is characterized by difficulty in social interaction and communication and by restricted or repetitive patterns of thought and behavior. My program envisages the creation of a civic center where, in addition to a family doctor, and a criminal lawyer as a guardian of the community, there will also be 5 - 6 psychological offices. Thanks to this, diseases such as Autism will be diagnosed at an early stage and properly treated. For more call me 780 264 2599

Dental care and optometry

As long as Alberta's government produces large numbers of low-income families, low-income seniors, people with a student loan, unfortunately Alberta has full responsibility to pay for basic dental and optical services. To support the dental system, dental schools, we public spent large amount of public money, then, later time, people still do not have easy access to dental services. People still have to pay for dental treatment. Shame on System. The medical program I created eliminates these bad practices, enables and facilitates access to free, basic dental and ophthalmological care. For more call me 780 264 2599

Drugs and addiction

Drug addiction is not only a medical but also a social problem. Drug addiction has a very negative impact on the physical, spiritual, mental and social processes of the human body. There are many causes of drug addiction. A person addicted to drugs requires help from relatives and specialists. Support within groups (e.g. anonymous drug addicts) may prove invaluable. Treatment is often carried out initially in a hospital and then in outpatient settings (e.g. detoxification wards, addiction therapy centers, specialist addiction treatment clinics). It is based primarily on detox of the body and psychotherapy. The most common drugs are; morphine, heroin, cocaine and narcotics. There are many causes of drug addiction. For more call me 780 264 2599

Gender-affirming care

The subject is complex and requires constant discussion. Currently, biological sex is defined on the basis of the physical characteristics of our body: internal and external genitalia, chromosomes, hormones and secondary sex characteristics. We often forget that the physical characteristics of gender are something much more complex. Women, men, intersex people, Sometimes children are born whose external genitalia indicate a different sex than the internal ones. So, as I said, from a biological point of view, this is a complex topic that requires careful analysis and time. For more call me 780 264 2599

Health staffing

It is very obvious that as long as people get sick, we will always need people with professional qualifications to provide health services in a specific scope and in a specific field of medicine. Medical professions have a specific social status. The profession of a doctor, nurse or paramedic often requires extensive medical knowledge, great dedication and devotion to others, these people very often save human lives. For more call me 780 264 2599

Healthcare availability

Universal access to a GP, family dentist, eye doctor and psychologist should be guaranteed to all Albertans by law. Keeping citizens healthy is the primary responsibility of the Alberta government. My program will help a lot to fix the entire health system in Alberta and bring it back to normal use for everyone. For more call me 780 264 2599

Prescription drugs and pharmacare

For partial payment. seniors 65 and free medicines for seniors over 70. The condition for receiving free medicine is to have a prescription. These are the diseases that should be covered by free drugs: among others: Crohn's disease, mental illnesses or mental disabilities, diabetes, Epidermolysis bullosa, tuberculosis, glaucoma, cystic fibrosis, chronic postherpetic neuralgia, malignant tumors, breast cancer, epilepsy, condition after transplantation of a vascular organ or bone marrow, condition after resection pancreas, ulcerative colitis. Special privileges should be granted to honorary blood donors. Upon presentation of the "Distinguished Honorary Blood Donor" or "Distinguished Transplant Donor" ID card


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soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
Moderate Conservative Views. Andrzej Gudanowski already 3 times run as a candidate for the Edmonton city council 2013,2017, 2021. In 2019 He runs for Alberta MLA and also 2019 Federal Election for MP.

 Andrzej Gudanowski is now taking it to politics again. It’s this intense dedication, passion, and devotion that fuels their fight for change. To harness the collective strength of all Alberta and to ensure everyone has the support they need to achieve their dreams. He is and has always been devoted to the people. That’s what being a Political Candidate is all about. Conscientiousness, Courage, Responsibility. After years of experience, he created a political 1134 pages program, to make a positive change in the lives of Alberta and Canadian people, families, women, seniors & disabled-people and young generation of Alberta and Canada. Explore and learn more about the issues that Andrzej Gudanowski Intend to introduce to the people of Alberta and Canada. The entire program for Alberta and Canadian people will be published right after election. REMEMBER, He is for you, he is for your Family. CALL HIM ANYTIME 1 780 264 2599

Raison de la candidature

soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
1. I am fulfilling my citizen duty given to me by the Canadian constitution. 2. The small number of candidates willing to sacrifice themselves for the country. 3. The duty of the Roman Catholic faith.

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