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Libertarian.ca Libertarian.ca

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Every individual - as long as he or she respects the rights of others — has the right to live as he or she alone sees fit, as a free trader in a free market. We call for a marked reduction in the size and powers of the Government of Canada. Libertarian.ca Statement of Policy:

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Environment, Climate Change, & Energy

Threats from climate change

Promesse de Jesse Regier

The only proper functions of government whose powers must be constitutionally limited, are: settling, according to objective laws, disputes among individuals, where private, voluntary arbitration has failed, providing protection from criminals and from foreign invaders.

We maintain that no one has the right to violate the property rights of others by pollution. We believe that the laws of nuisance and negligence should be modified to cover damages done by air, water, and noise pollution. We support the development of an objective system of law defining individual property rights to air and water. We believe that ambiguities regarding these rights (e.g., the concept of "public property") are a primary cause of our deteriorating environment.

The Libertarian Party recognizes that the primary metric of success for environmental and climate policy is human flourishing. Climate related deaths have declined by 95% over the past 100 years. Over one billion individuals have been lifted out of extreme poverty over the last 3 decades. Free markets and access to cheap and reliable energy has made life for humans immeasurably better in part by protecting them from climate adversity.

Markets and trade foster innovation and solutions that make cleaner energy more abundant and accessible. Most climate action policies undermine the very mechanism that creates climate and environmental solutions by interfering in the market and making it more expensive to be an entrepreneur.

We also recognize that human activity, emissions and pollution can harm other humans. Claims of harm should be tried in court, not the court of public opinion. It is the legal system not the political system that should be responsible for climate justice. It is estimated that 122 corporations are responsible for 80% of CO2 emissions. If a complainant feels that climate change has harmed them, they should be able to take these CO2 emitters to court and prove beyond a reasonable doubt that they are responsible for the damages. A carbon tax redistributes wealth in exchange for political popularity to green energy boondoggles. A proper legal system awards damages to individuals that are actually harmed rather than to politicians who use the money to buy votes.

The Libertarian Party will eliminate the carbon tax, protect the free market, and streamline the approval process for nuclear energy. We will remove corporate subsidies and crony regulation that make it harder for entrepreneurs to compete in the energy sector. We will unleash entrepreneurship by creating an economic climate of innovation which will get us to the next energy paradigm. We will commit to reformation of the legal system that will make justice accessible for those that have been harmed by pollution.

We will work to improve property rights. For example, Fort Chipewyan residents live downstream from large oil sands projects and should have a property right in the water ways that their community has relied on for thousands of years. Property rights grant individuals immediate access to the legal system and justice. If they believe an oil sands project is polluting their waters, they could simply prove it in court and get an injunction and damages. Under the current regime the federal government owns the waterways and so they have to petition government, submit to the political cycle and endless public engagements and hope that the court of popular opinion grants them some modicum of justice.


Home ownership

Promesse de Jesse Regier

The owner of property has the full moral right to control, use, dispose of, or in any manner enjoy her/his property without interference, until and unless the exercise of her/his control infringes upon the rights of others.

The activity of land use planning is properly the responsibility and right of the owner(s) of the land. We therefore urge an end to all government interference in the planning process through such methods as expropriation, zoning laws or building codes, regional planning, or the acquisition of land or other real property with tax money. We call for the repeal of all laws regulating the use of private property.

I am not affiliated with the link below - I include it to inform constituents.

Housing supply

Promesses de Jesse Regier

Decriminalize owner-builders, reform the national firetrap code to allow and to encourage fireproof, moldproof, stormproof, earthquake proof, tornado proof alternative homes without the need for permits and fees, end land-use planning and other oppressions, reform the sanitation.

We hold that property rights are entitled to the same respect and protection as other individual rights, because the owner of property has the full moral right to control, use, dispose of, or in any manner enjoy her/his property without interference, until and unless the exercise of her/his control infringes upon the rights of others.

The activity of land use planning is properly the responsibility and right of the owner(s) of the land. We therefore urge an end to all government interference in the planning process through such methods as expropriation, zoning laws or building codes, regional planning, or the acquisition of land or other real property with tax money. We call for the repeal of all laws regulating the use of private property.

We maintain that no one has the right to violate the property rights of others by pollution. We believe that the laws of nuisance and negligence should be modified to cover damages done by air, water, and noise pollution. We support the development of an objective system of law defining individual property rights to air and water. We believe that ambiguities regarding these rights (e.g., the concept of "public property") are a primary cause of our deteriorating environment.

Polluting and wasting freshwater with every flush, burning unnecessary volumes of electricity, forcing individuals to be reliant on regulated grids, inflating the cost of home ownership through taxes, permits and garbage fees that do nothing to add to the value of the home, a job dependant middle class burns fuel each day to commute to work, trading time for counterfeit money that represents debt, building homes with cheap materials and waste materials held together with highly flammable materials that are often toxic when burned, forcing owner-builders to limit their enterprises for nonsensical reasons, limiting truly affordable housing, and forcing people to pay an insane sum of money for new home builders warranty that is entirely unnecessary to 99% of correctly engineered homes.

I am not affiliated with the link below - I include it to inform constituents.

Decriminalize owner-builders, reform the national firetrap code to allow and to encourage fireproof, moldproof, stormproof, earthquake proof, tornado proof alternative homes without the need for permits and fees, end land-use planning and other oppressions, reform the sanitation.

We hold that property rights are entitled to the same respect and protection as other individual rights, because the owner of property has the full moral right to control, use, dispose of, or in any manner enjoy her/his property without interference, until and unless the exercise of her/his control infringes upon the rights of others.

The activity of land use planning is properly the responsibility and right of the owner(s) of the land. We therefore urge an end to all government interference in the planning process through such methods as expropriation, zoning laws or building codes, regional planning, or the acquisition of land or other real property with tax money. We call for the repeal of all laws regulating the use of private property.

We maintain that no one has the right to violate the property rights of others by pollution. We believe that the laws of nuisance and negligence should be modified to cover damages done by air, water, and noise pollution. We support the development of an objective system of law defining individual property rights to air and water. We believe that ambiguities regarding these rights (e.g., the concept of "public property") are a primary cause of our deteriorating environment.

Polluting and wasting freshwater with every flush, burning unnecessary volumes of electricity, forcing individuals to be reliant on regulated grids, inflating the cost of home ownership through taxes, permits and garbage fees that do nothing to add to the value of the home, a job dependant middle class burns fuel each day to commute to work, trading time for counterfeit money that represents debt, building homes with cheap materials and waste materials held together with highly flammable materials that are often toxic when burned, forcing owner-builders to limit their enterprises for nonsensical reasons, limiting truly affordable housing, and forcing people to pay an insane sum of money for new home builders warranty that is entirely unnecessary to 99% of correctly engineered homes.

I am not affiliated with the link below - I include it to inform constituents.


Promesse de Jesse Regier

We believe that each person has the right to exchange goods and services with any person or group, free from coercion. All efforts by government to control or manage trade are improper.

Economic rights are an extension of individual rights, specifically of the right to association and the right to own property. All government action which interferes with the free market violates these rights. The only proper role of government, in this context, is to protect property rights, enforce contracts, and adjudicate disputes, providing a legal framework for the protection of voluntary trade.

Government intervention in the economy threatens both the personal freedom and the material prosperity of every Canadian.

We therefore support the following specific and immediate reforms:

-reduction of both taxes and government spending;

-an end to deficit spending;

-the removal of all government impediments to free trade, including legislation dealing with industrial labour relations, government marketing boards, and government licensing and enforcement of monopolies (for example, the present communications, utilities and transportation agreements); and

-the repeal of all controls on wages, prices, rents, profits, production, and interest rates.

We are for a zero individual income tax. The other taxes should be as low as possible, just to provide enough revenue for a limited government to perform its functions well.

Illicit Drugs & Overdoses

Decriminalization of drugs

Promesse de Jesse Regier

ENDING THE WAR ON DRUGS - Since only actions which violate the rights of others may properly be termed crimes, we favour the repeal of all federal laws creating "crimes" without victims.

Since only actions which violate the rights of others may properly be termed crimes, we favour the repeal of all federal laws creating "crimes" without victims.

In particular, we advocate for example:

-the repeal of all legislation prohibiting the production, sale, possession, or use of any drug, and of all legislation requiring medical prescriptions for the purchase of any drug, vitamin, or other substance;

-the repeal of all legislation prohibiting the voluntary exchange of money for sexual services between consenting adults, as well as, all laws which would restrict this exchange;

-the repeal of all laws regulating or prohibiting gambling;

-unconditional amnesty for all those currently incarcerated for the commission of these "crimes"; and e.

-grant a pardon for anyone previously convicted of these "crimes".

The Libertarian Party of Canada recognizes that a healthy and stable society requires a healthy and stable family. Fatherless children are at far greater risk of suicide, unwanted pregnancy, drug addiction, gang membership, behavioural disorders, criminality, and dropping out of school. The break down of the family is correlated with a growing state that incentivizes fatherlessness through the welfare state, legislation and family law system.

While the Libertarian Party understands both the social and health-related concerns of substance abuse, our party has also stood firmly in opposition to the war of drugs. For starters, it is extremely costly to the Canadian taxpayer, considering the amount of resources put into enforcing these laws and punishing individuals who break them. Secondly, it is ineffective and often leads to even more dangerous unintended consequences, such as violent crime, high substance abuse rates, and more potent narcotics. Lastly, by liberalizing drug laws, governments and civil society can truly address both the social and health issues related to substance abuse, such as rehabilitation and harm reduction efforts. The Libertarian Party would decriminalize all substances, as was done in Portugal, while also opening a legal marketplace for cannabis and other low-risk substances.

Jobs & the Economy

Entrepreneurship & small business

Promesse de Jesse Regier

VI. As a consequence of all the above, every individual — as long as he or she respects the rights of others — has the right to live as he or she alone sees fit, as a free trader in a free market. - see below - We will decriminalize individual entrepreneurs in all industries!!!


We, the members of the Libertarian Party of Canada, support the following principles:

I. Each individual has the right to his or her own life, and this right is the source of all other rights.

II. Property rights are essential to the maintenance of those rights.

III. In order that these rights be respected, it is essential that no individual or group initiate the use of force or fraud against any other.

IV. In order to bar the use of force or fraud from social relationships and to place the use of retaliatory force under objective control, human society requires an institution charged with the task of protecting individual rights under an objective code of rules. This is the basic task, and the only moral justification for, government.

V. The only proper functions of government whose powers must be constitutionally limited, are:

settling, according to objective laws, disputes among individuals, where private , voluntary arbitration has failed;

providing protection from criminals;

providing protection from foreign invaders.

VI. As a consequence of all the above, every individual — as long as he or she respects the rights of others — has the right to live as he or she alone sees fit, as a free trader in a free market.

Financial advice

Promesse de Jesse Regier

Economic rights are an extension of individual rights, specifically of the right to association and the right to own property. All government action which interferes with the free market violates these rights.

The only proper role of government, in this context, is to protect property rights, enforce contracts, and adjudicate disputes, providing a legal framework for the protection of voluntary trade.

1. The Economy

Government intervention in the economy threatens both the personal freedom and the material prosperity of every Canadian.

We therefore support the following specific and immediate reforms:

reduction of both taxes and government spending;

an end to deficit spending;

the removal of all government impediments to free trade, including legislation dealing with industrial labour relations, government marketing boards, and government licensing and enforcement of monopolies (for example, the present communications, utilities and transportation agreements); and

the repeal of all controls on wages, prices, rents, profits, production, and interest rates.

2. Trade

We believe that each person has the right to exchange goods and services with any person or group, free from coercion. All efforts by government to control or manage trade are improper.

3. Money

We oppose any government involvement in the monetary and banking system. We propose elimination of the Bank of Canada and the termination of government power to issue or regulate currency or credit. We support the continued freedom of any individual or group to own gold or any other commodity of exchange, as well as the right to produce coinage and issue currency.

4. Taxation

We are for a zero individual income tax. The other taxes should be as low as possible, just to provide enough revenue for a limited government to perform its functions well.

5. Subsidies

In order to achieve a free economy, in which government victimizes no one for the benefit of anyone else, we oppose all federal government subsidies to business, labour, education, agriculture, science, the arts, sports, political parties, or any other special interest. We propose the elimination of all government "job creation" schemes.

6. Tariffs and Quotas

Like subsidies, tariffs and quotas serve only to give special treatment to favoured interests, and to diminish the welfare of all citizens. We therefore support the abolition of all tariffs and quotas as well as the abolition of the Canadian Tariff Board and such boards, commissions, or departments as act under the terms and authority of either the Customs Act and the Customs Tariff.

7. Foreign Investment

We call for the immediate repeal of all special restrictions and taxes imposed on foreign investment in Canadian property and business. All persons living and working in Canada, regardless of citizenship, have an equal right to freely exchange goods and services.

8. Government Agencies

We oppose the involvement of government agencies or Crown Corporations in business and industry (e.g., the Canadian National system, Canada Post, and all seaports and airports). We propose the immediate repeal of all legislation restricting free competition with any of these agencies, and the disposal of their assets to individuals or private groups.

9. Unions and Collective Bargaining

We support the right of individuals voluntarily to join or to establish labour unions. We believe that an employer should have the right to recognize, or to refuse to recognize, a union as the collective bargaining agent for some or all employees. We recognize the employer's moral right to employ substitute workers in case of strikes, and the union's moral right to organize secondary boycotts, unless there are contractual agreements to the contrary. We oppose all government interference in the bargaining process, such as certification of unions, compulsory arbitration, or imposition of an obligation to bargain. We recognize voluntary contracts between employers and labour unions as being legally and morally binding on both parties.

10. Employment

Standards Legislation specifying wages to be paid, hours to be worked, and other conditions of employment restricts the ability of individuals to find work, and limits individual freedom. We believe that the government's ability to set employment standards should be restricted in applicability to its own employees.

The Libertarian Party believes in a free market economy where entrepreneurs and employees can flourish, to create jobs and higher wages. Corporate welfare props up failing businesses that are well-connected to governing parties - a system that allows for businesses to thrive that do not meet the needs of the people, but rather meet the needs of the politicians. Human flourishing occurs when individuals are free to engage in trade, entrepreneurship, and labour in a non-coercive environment.

Unlike most political parties that subscribe to the Keynesian economic theory we subscribe to economists like Mises, Hayek and Rothbard. We view government intervention in the economy as the major contributor to the harmful business cycle of booms and busts. The governments role in the economy is not to engage in setting interest rates, inflating the money supply, bail out large corporations, or regulate in favour of lobbyists but rather to simply protect the rights of individuals to engage in peaceful economic activity.

Minimum wage & universal income

Promesse de Jesse Regier

Economic rights are an extension of individual rights, specifically of the right to association and the right to own property. All government action which interferes with the free market violates these rights.


We support the repeal of all laws which impede the ability of any person to find employment, including but not limited to: minimum wage laws, so-called "protective" labour legislation, government restrictions on the establishment of voluntary day-care centres, mandatory management labour relations, and licensing requirements.


Promesse de Jesse Regier

Economic rights are an extension of individual rights, specifically of the right to association and the right to own property. All government action which interferes with the free market violates these rights.

Poverty and Welfare

The welfare state, supposedly designed to aid the poor, is a growing and parasitic burden on all productive working people, and injures rather than benefits the poor themselves. We propose the elimination of all government involvement in welfare and relief programs. Any aid to the poor should be conducted on a voluntary basis.

Libertarian.ca Libertarian.ca