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Sylvia Gung

Indépendant pour Burnaby Maire
A society where people are healthy and happy regardless of material wealth and where technology is to help people, not to displace or traumatize them, by upgrading public education so that humanity will be inviggorated or reinvegorated. Open up the city, to clear corruption.

Enjeux divers



Affordable Housing

Do step by step and observe. Start with inward densification that allows the family decide the number of family members. An instance, the society has seen a family of seven turned homeless because they couldn't find minimum 3-bedroom accomodation. Do with 2- bedroom, even one!

Arts and Culture

See that we are too much with arts and culture. Work more on singing and dancing. Install much more time for music to use more ears and vocal cords, exercising and dancing in public schools. Fostering the use of languages is the best way to encourage diverse culture.

Cannabis Legalisation & Policy

It's a free country and humans should not be pressured to do or not to do, and this quality discernment should come from public education, in the current family situation of decades; yet, since we have not grown such quality or ability, fixing public education is in urgency.

City Police

Police, including the transit police (closer to ordinary), needs help to rehabilitate itself. Coming from desensitizing education that is arrested by business sector of the society, they are turning into mechanical existence. They need to see their own needs as human work groups

Community Safety and Security

Apply sensitivity self-training so to be able to perceive others’ sufferings and sensitive of surroundings


Do not manipulate people by the power of authority. Start from this principle. Let people do what is needed. A human is a spiritual being and have insights for the needs in the relationship with the surroundings, if not desensitized by wrong education that kills humanity.

Development and Overdevelopment

Stop digging and find out passive solutions that will benefit all, rich or poor. Perceive the fact that the nature or humanity cannot stand more development, by observing all the problems humans have to endure.


Understand the nature of what we look for diversity in and start from this understanding, if there is any problem to be solved. For instance, if gender spectrum is what we want to have diversity in, we must see the nature of the gender spectrum to get to the solution for the case

Drug Use

The same as Mental Wellness.

Environment & Sustainability

Fix public education to raise responsible, loving citizens, to clear pollution in the mind that pollutes the environment and to learn to live within limits. Start when children enter schools, in the current family situation.

Good Governance

Build balancing policy for the best sustainable policy. Reduce rich-poor gap. Provide the environment for every human, rich or poor, so that we all can live sound life style, healthy and happy.

Green Space

Do not sacrifice green spaces for profits, as the principle. If this principle is set firmly, then we can look for other ways to do the job whatever it is that wants the green space.


Find place(s) to go through this winter. Work with organizations and advocates in the field helping the homeless people, find ways to give them unconditional love so that they can recover from trauma.


Hand over the job training from the schools to the city where job shadowing is readily available for all who need the service and eventually, everyone who participated will have the understanding how the city works and will find out a dream job that would not make us bored.

Mental Wellness

Dig into oneself to the essence so that one is certain within; thus, can answer the first 3 of the 4 fundamental questions for humanity. Then 4th Question instantly brings the certainty for outside as well! Then this person is free of all mental maladies.Fix public education.

Natural Disaster Measures



Apply sensitivity self-training and enjoy and learn from letting enjoy.

Pedestrian Safety

Treat humans for what they are that is spiritual beings so that, with that treatment, people can wake up and grow the strong, healthy sense of responsibility and sensitivity about their actions related to the surroundings. We can help ourselves and others at the same time.

Public Engagement

Start from fixed public education, Volunteer Job Pool Program using all the city positions, and newspaper readings so that there is understanding about the surroundings and the inner-self, the relationship to connect

Public Transit

Upgrade BC that is mono-pod to tripod. Add public transit and post-secondary education to the single-payer program


Just as we try first to house the homeless people, before looking into other issues, we are to look into their upfront problem first, if the homelessness is upfront problem, then find the place to house them, when they come together. We are not to sacrifice present for the past.


Educate children so that their innate tendency can be preserved and flourish. Let children be children, singing and dancing away, enjoying themselves. Allow them time to think about themselves, their way of doings, in their surroundings, especially in their schools with friends.


Recycling is a moral issue, not material issue and the sense can come easily by adequate public education.

Road Maintenance

Apply sensitivity self-training, first, for everyone to feel appreciative of others.


Provide the environment to live together. Promote three generation home life style. Use the Volunteer Job Pool program and give them jobs.

Sewage and Water Infrastructure

Pour the first priority here before the Translink infrastructure; the Translink can find other ways to solve the congestion problems and needs time to clear itself of corrption. There is no other hand than human effort to do the cleaning the nature, and we must stop polluting.

Small Business

Protect the poor citizens, with or without an address so that the customer base can grow strong.

Sports and Leisure

Too much efforts and focus on sports and heroism and leisure when the world is turning upside down


Guard each pocket. Do not allow ungrateful businesses pick-pocketing through automated bill payments.


Use more express or shuttle buses and fare free zones (this is to bridge the transition to single-payer system for public transit). Inspect the traffic lights for corrections. Think about building more after all those are done.

Trans Mountain Pipeline

Don't expand it. Focus on fixing public education for humanity, for a good sense of responsible citizens, mentally fully capable of, to engage in with the duties. The fact is the social situation is in worse shape, and report a few years ago was, estimated 1/5 had mental issues.


Fix public education with the goal to raise responsible warmhearted human beings, then they will definitely know what to do. No opinion is needed about what and how


Give absolute freedom from political correctness but install Political Science as a moral education since humans are supremely political and spiritual beings. Allow them time to explore themselves and the surroundings they are in, observing, feeling the responsibility for each.

Use of the Lanuage

Choose the language we use very carefully; language is said to be double edged sword that can cut into both ways, spiritual and physical - the senses, and we become the language we use--personal and social(!). This is what it should mean when we say, "We become what we eat...."

Etiquette on Public Transit

Return to the good old days, and say, "May I sit here?" Acknowledge the person who's been sitting there or pay attention when someone tries to sit nearby. Develop some sensitivity, and it starts from our hands and feet: don't hurt plants; don't step on things we should not.

Talking Machines

Stop creating talking machine syndrome that doesn't understand what they talk about. Endless talks catch or convey shallow information for word for word and minimize understanding ability for the whole picture, as in "read between or behind the lines," lowering human intelligence

Wrong Use of Forces

Use the force, such as police, security, lawyers, as the last of the last resource. Don't use them. The case of government taking citizens to the court seems to me one of the most irresponsible, ridiculous, lazy idea

Human Dignity

Slow down and grow resiliency. Use popular Tai Ch (the practice that is slower the better move and the more powerful the results are) at public schools for growing resiliency while effectively slowing down.

Positive v.s. Negative

Be simple to see what's happening right under the nose. Indoctrinated to choose the positive side, the accumulated negativity of those follow quietly in the shade and eventually rears its traumatizing head. Then either the person or unfortunate someone else will have to take it.

Quality of Politicians

Test them with the 4 fundamental questions for humanity, which needs understanding what life is like. Higher education does not teach this. Have them differentiate humans from other animals in a way no one can dispute; their job is to solve relationship problems in human society


soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
My specialty is digging into the essence of things, and I get never be bored digging into my being. Then, out with solutions for the problems in education, politics, housing, homelessness, high taxes, Transit problems. mental heath, to keep people healthy and happy, rich or poor.