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75% of new households in Vancouver are renters. The overall percentage of renters is 53%. Yet 3 levels of government only focus on ownership as primary goal. City must stop that and focus on building rentals, co-ops and city-owned land for lease to create affordable housing.

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Affordable Housing

Promesse de Raza Mirza

My first priority is to increase rental vacancy rate from 0.6% to at least 3%. City must focus on building rentals, co-ops and city-owned land for lease to create affordable housing. For how ProVancouver will do it, visit: https://www.provancouver.ca/plan4day1

Arts and Culture

Promesse de Raza Mirza

Build arts, music, culture and locally-made focused public market (like San Pedro Square Market in San Jose) with small shop footprint, shared seating space and a performance stage. Require extra floor above retail in future mixed-use buildings to increase artist space.

Public Transit

Promesse de Raza Mirza

Our public transit is too expansive.Instead of making it more expansive for extra revenue, we should focus of more ridership to increase revenue. Decrease fares so people using cars have a good reason to switch to public transit. See blog at 'Read more' link below.


Promesse de Raza Mirza

We already do secondary sorting. Therefore, I favour merging similar categories, like glass and plastic, into one to make is easier for people, which will increase recovery rate.


Promesse de Raza Mirza

Implement system for realtime publishing of road closures and integrate it with EComm’s 911 system for mapping apps, car shares and other systems can integrate and automatically re-route around traffic jams. See blog at 'Read more' link below.


soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
Raza Mirza, an R&D manager (formerly with Microsoft, EA, Amazon & Change.org), helps governments to prevent fraud & corruption. 33y old father of two sits on the PW Secondary PAC. Raza is a housing activist and Director of Govt. Relations with Housing Action for Local Taxpayers.

Raza Mirza, 33, has worked as a Research and Development Manager at a Vancouver based tech company, which helps governments and Fortune 500 companies use technology for compliance with policies, and prevention of fraud and corruption.

He spent his early career working for companies like Microsoft, Electronic Arts and Amazon, and understand the importance of and challenges in growing the tech industries in Vancouver. It was when Raza joined Change.org, a company with a mission to “empower people everywhere to create the change they want to see”, that he realized the contribution he could make to impact the direction of housing policy.

Raza started his fight for a right to stable family housing with Generation Squeeze, raising awareness about challenges young people face, after his wife and he welcomed their first daughter.

”Being a parent changed my priorities. Stable housing and a safe park, a school where teachers are less worried about their own living situation and having a family doctor took place of personal goals.”

Volunteering for Dogwood, Raza worked to raise awareness about the importance of voting, and campaigned to ban big money in politics and the need for a corruption inquiry in British Columbia.

As a spokesperson, and Director of Government Relations, for Housing Action for Local Taxpayers (HALT) he also pushed the government to address speculation and foreign capital in the Vancouver housing market.

Raza has been the Secretary for the Standing Committee for Economy and Environment (SCOEE) for BC New Democratic Party (BC NDP) and a member of Non Partisan Association (NPA); he has volunteered for Vancouver Greens, and discussed policy resolution with Conservative Party of Canada local EDA.

Raza's ability to work across party lines makes him uniquely qualified to unite people to stand together for Vancouver.

“People often ask me if I’m politically left leaning or right leaning, and I tell them I only look forward, because you can only learn from past, work hard today, and that is how you change the future.”

After having lived in Yaletown, Coal Harbour and Kitsilano; Raza, a father of two, now rents a home in Marpole with his wife, a psychologist turned social support worker for people with special needs. His semi-retired parents also live with them to help offset the high cost of childcare that most young Vancouver families face today.

“On October 20th, my daughter would have lived in her fifth home before her fourth birthday. This lack of stable family housing has become a problem for too many young families to look the other way.”

On October 20, 2018, elect me and your ProVancouver team to work for your families.

provancouver.ca/raza_mirza www.provancouver.ca/raza_mirza