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Rosemary Wallace

Indépendant pour Langley City Conseil
To live in a City that is vibrant and sustainable with future growth in the Downtown core while maintaining green spaces and environmental sensitive areas. Create and work with partner groups to address social issues, and affordable accessible housing for the diverse needs.

Enjeux divers


Accessibility is a challenge for those faced with challenges physically and emotionally. We must continue to work towards making services accessible and places within and around the community safe for those with mobility issues. Making it easier to access resources needed.

Affordable Housing

We need to work as a region in developing affordable housing for families, seniors and individuals. We must take into consideration those who live on a fixed and those working at a minimum wage. There is a shortage on affordable housing and people are being force out!

Arts and Culture

Arts and Culture add to the vibrancy and makeup of a City. They serve in economic growth when they are supported. The City of Langley is well overdue to have an Arts Center that celebrates the diversity of the many arts disciplines that exist in Langley.

Community Safety and Security

We must continue to work having downtown businesses stay open longer. There are more eyes on the street. Development of the Downtown core is needed for this to happen. We need to continue to have block watch and educate citizens on emergency resources.


Community building through celebrating diversity and inclusion. Celebrating arts and culture and affording opportunities for sharing in the many arts disciplines. Share in cultural performance, language and shared history. Develop outdoor spaces that attract people to stay.


Diversity in people and in infrastructure lead to a community of acceptance and inclusion. It adds to the vibrancy and welcoming of a City. It creates dialoge and cultural sharing. Without diversity life would be boring!

Drug Use

There is a war on drugs and I am concerned of those loosing their lives to addiction and also very concerned about the opoid crisis. We must educate and be informed for the youth and the most vulnerable.

Environment & Sustainability

To work on a waste strategy that addresses the business community to be more aware of environmental impacts on what they throw in the garbage Have the City use compostible utensils and plates at community events. Create a better system for recycling and redusing waste.

Farmland and the ALR

The City does has very little farmland but I would like to see Farmland stay in the ALR.

Good Governance

Good governance is understanding the roles and responsibilities of municipal politics and understand the the practices and procedures on working towards grant applications. Understanding budget and what generated funds are allocated for like taxes and Casino funds.

Green Space

It is important to keep our green spaces for the overdevelopment does not look attractive when green spaces are removed. Vegetation, trees, creeks add to the ecological makeup throughout the City. We must continue to protect green spaces for ecological systems.


Homelessness is a complex issue and everyone has a story. We have neglected as a society to address those struggling with mental health. There needs to be supportive housing in place so to support and heal those who have been broken. Also to care for the diverse needs.

Mental Wellness

Mental Wellness plays a large role in being able to work and learn. It is something that we aquire but often are overcome with the stresses of just making a living, taking care of ourselves and family. We need to find ways to engage in menal wellness practices daily.

Mental Wellness is something that we can practice through meditation, walking, art, nutrition and by finding therapies that help with past traumas. We as a society must make available resources and services that those that are struggling just to feel well emotionally. often times physical pain is linked to emotional pain and struggles. Accessibility of services is difficult to source out and we need to a better job at helping people.

Natural Disaster Measures

Know the emergency plan that is set up in the municipality and who is in charge of emergency preparedness. Have that person educate council on what the plan is and the procedure would be if a natural disaster happened.


Parks need to be safe and accessible for those to enjoy and recreate. The City has done a great job on fixes up parks and added new equipment. Now it important to keep them safe from needles specially Douglas Park.

Pedestrian Safety

Make sure that streets and sidewalks are well marked and that sidewalks are in place where students walk to school. Have ramps for those in wheelchairs and scooters. Roads and sidewalks must be cleared from snow fall.

Public Engagement

Public Engagement encourages those to voice their thoughts. It brings forth ideas in moving forward with change and development. It is important that citizens feel heard and included.

Public Transit

I would say that is something that the City of Langley is looking at in the future and I would like to see a plan for the Skytrain to come to Langley. In the meantime we should look at more rapid transit options.


Reconciliation is strong in the Langley School District and the City could better under the importance of regonizing the importance of understanding the true history of what happened in residentional schools and how it has affected the First Nations very survival!


Recreation is important for all ages and we must continue to work on getting outdoors to recreate because it contributes to wellness specially in a world where we are so consumed with technology.


Educate the public special business owners on what they should and could be recycling. Educate teachers in schools on how they can recycle in their classrooms.


Address the issues with affordable and accessible housing along with affording Seniors opportunities to engage in the community. Take care of the needs of those struggling with social isolation and poverty. Bridging the gaps of services to be able to help seniors engage.

Sewage and Water Infrastructure

I would like to see systems put in place to use less water in homes and community. I would like to see more rain gardens. Also for people to understand the importance of water and be cognisant on the overuse of water in daily consumption....showers, dishes, watering plants...ect

Small Business

We must work on ways to support small business for often small business is run by families and they work and make so many sacrifices to have their business succeed. We must continue to support local business by generating more people to the area of where small businesses are.


We need to address traffic calming and designing areas with little traffic. Design a more walkable city that leads citizens onto paths and greenways.


Work in partnership with the Langley School district and other partner groups to assure youth are protected and feel safe. Have resources available to address concerns for the most vulnerable. Have a wrap around service in proctecting youth.


soumis par le candidat ou son équipe
I am an artist and resident of Langley City an have been involved in the community for over 23 years as a Leader in the schools and out in the community. I have volunteered in a variety of areas in the arts, community service organizations and sports. I am a mother to 7 children.

I am for inclusion and celebrating the diverse make up of a community! Creating the best quality of life for all Langley City Citizens.